Jeremy Morong

Jeremy Morong

Former wannabe writer.
Reposted by Jeremy Morong
"They're just fearmongering about Project 2025," brought to you by the people behind "They're just fearmongering about a coup" and "they're just fearmongering about abortion bans"
Reposted by Jeremy Morong
I really don’t think most people realize just how hard the boot will come down if Trump and the Republicans win the election. Most people have never experienced the totalitarian surveillance state with the power to reach into their homes and minds at will they are telling us is their plan.
Reposted by Jeremy Morong
My guess is that Trump knows very little about P25 *and* it will be the blueprint for his administration. He’s famously bored by policy. He’ll appoint these people because they’re loyal. They’ll then go to work on the plan while he grifts, golfs, and gives two-hour speeches at rallies.
Trump: I don't know anything about Project 2025 Here is a list of all the Trump officials who authored the Project 2025 blueprint, Mandate for Leadership. 25 of 36 were part of the Trump administration.
Reposted by Jeremy Morong
Classic Trump playing dumb to accomplish two goals at once. His base simultaneously know Trump’s onboard with 2025, while they call the libs silly for caring about it because Trump totes has no idea about the group staffed by all his allies.
The ramped-up hits on Project 2025 must be landing — Trump just shoved it right in front of the bus
Reposted by Jeremy Morong
Reposted by Jeremy Morong
"Don't worry, if the president imprisons his political enemies, you can still get a writ of habeas corpus." "But to prove that's why you've been imprisoned requires proof of..." "Presidential motive!" "And under Trump v US, presidential motive is..." "Inadmissible!"
Reposted by Jeremy Morong
Reposted by Jeremy Morong
If anyone wants to understand why Mexico has such problems with corruption, it's LITERALLY because their Constitution actually PROHIBITS prosecuting presidents, sitting or retired. That has meant Mexican presidents can and thus generally do whatever they want, legal or not.
Reposted by Jeremy Morong
Just at the most basic level it is really unhealthy to have to thought about Donald Trump as much as everyone in America has over the last nine or so years. Spending a decade of my life thinking about a super boring, super shitty crook and all the bad stuff he's doing or might do. It's embarrassing.
Reposted by Jeremy Morong
I can’t think of a clever caption for this. It just breaks my fucking heart.
Reposted by Jeremy Morong
Dems talked up subsidies for rural broadband for years, actually passed it when they had a trifecta, then watched the voters who benefited from it vote overwhelmingly for Republicans in 2022, who then cancelled the program. Then voters blame Dems/Biden for losing their cheap internet.
Reposted by Jeremy Morong
Yeah, this is incredibly infuriating. He's a former president and a presumptive nominee six months out from the election. It should actually be a major scandal that he doesn't have basic policy issues ironed out. Jesus Christ, stop giving the guy mulligans. He already cheats at golf!
Not having a "comprehensive policy" on reproductive health care six months before a presidential election would, for any other candidate, be a disqualifying characteristic that would make them an absolute laughingstock but once again, the beltway press is all ~ That's Just Donnie, Lol! ~
Reposted by Jeremy Morong
So, uh 1. It's still up 2. It's very prominent. 3. You're a presidential campaign. Why are you posting unvetted videos? 4. Why is anyone making pro-Reich videos of your candidate? Hmm? 4. Why are your staffers stumbling on those? Again? Hm? Like ... this isn't an accident; it's a campaign culture.
Trump is so sure he won't suffer any consequences that he found time during lunch at his trial to post a fascist video. He thought no one would notice the "Reich" reference, but they did, so he blamed it on a staffer.
Reposted by Jeremy Morong
Worth noting that a 160-year-old ban is exactly how MAGA plans to ban abortion in all 50 states.
JUST IN: The Arizona Supreme Court has ruled that an old law from the 1860s can stand in the state – outlawing nearly all abortions. The changes are due to take effect in 45 days.
The Arizona Supreme Court allows a near-total abortion ban to take effect The Arizona Supreme Court has ruled that an old law from the 1860s can stand in the state, outlawing nearly all abortions. The changes are due to take effect in 45 days.
Reposted by Jeremy Morong
It was only a matter of time.
Reposted by Jeremy Morong
The Trump-Miller deportation plan: "Operation Wetback" is the model. Send tactical-clad cops, troops into cities. Mass arrests. Military planes. House immigrants in camps. NG troops from red states would carry out plan in recalcitrant blue states. Do it all quickly, before courts intervene.
Trump and allies plotting militarized mass deportations, detention As president, Trump sought to use military planes and bases for deportation. Now, he and his allies are talking about a new effort that current and former officials warn could be impractical and dange...
Reposted by Jeremy Morong
If Tony Dungy thinks Taylor Swift is why NFL fans are disenchanted just wait until he hears about the league put a playoff game on Peacock.
Trump is trying to claim he had total immunity as President and for some reason this is being given weight as a serious claim. What the hell is wrong with our system? Nobody should be above the law.
Reposted by Jeremy Morong
I admire the optimism of everyone who is like “hey maybe Trump is being held accountable for once” and not “oh wow I am 100% sure the United States Supreme Court is about to say insurrection is legal”
Reposted by Jeremy Morong
"Trump makes a lot of threats, but he doesn't mean them. Also, I like Trump because he's a plain speaker who just tells the truth." Doublethink ++good!
Reposted by Jeremy Morong
Remember these pre-January 6 statements every time someone says the risks of a second Trump administration are being exaggerated
Reposted by Jeremy Morong
Reposted by Jeremy Morong
When Hillary Clinton called MAGA supporters “deplorables,” it was in the news forever. We still talk about it today. But when Trump called his political enemies “vermin”—actually invoking the words of Adolf Hitler—the press just moves on like it’s nothing. They are failing us.
Reposted by Jeremy Morong
You know you did a lot of war crimes when people have to write articles saying you have continents worth of war crimes that are overlooked deep cuts
Reposted by Jeremy Morong
If Trump becomes president again and acts on his plans to jail journalists who say anything negative about him—which includes factual reporting that makes him look bad—we can take solace in knowing that newspaper headlines will describe it with something like “President Pushes Back Against Critics.”
I am running for President and my agenda is that the following phrases will be banned: living rent-free in your head, nothing burger, and thank you for coming to my TED talk.
Reposted by Jeremy Morong
TOM PETTY: I won't back down TOM OPEN-MINDED: I'd consider backing down
Snoop Dogg is giving up weed, his favorite thing, so maybe Donald Trump can give up crime.