
Jack Dorsey is throwing a days-long shitfit on the other site where he's talking about who controls the media, standard dipshit brainworms executive stuff, and I'm wondering if it's because this site's leadership team is pushing back on his soup-brained Founder Thoughts. That would be cool.
Personal attacks don’t make things better. Say what’s on your mind but do generalities advance the conversation on any topic ?
Mark, I love you bud, but these guys are over on the other website literally posting Nazi memes, amplifying anti-LGBTQ hate campaigns and running for the shadow presidency. They are disinterested in having a regular conversations about this stuff. Trust me, I spent the last ~8 years asking for one.
Great. Let them do their thing over there. But wouldn’t it be so much better if the people with the intellect to have amazing discussions on this platform did so ? There aren’t a lot of in depth discussions on this platform that I have seen. IMO, sky needs them to survive
The thing is Mark, those "in depth conversations" largely just lead to normalising really abhorrent positions and study after study has born this out. You can't change the minds of bigots through debate and this is a settled fact. Ignoring that is a bit silly at least and dangerous at worst.
my experience is that people with a fetish for "in depth discussions" are usually people entirely insulated from the consequences of those discussions
If in depth conversations worked to change peoples minds we wouldn't have to keep having this one over and over because people would actually take on board and acknowledge the academics who have studied this. Ironic, really.
“I’m just asking questions (and ignoring the answers when I don’t like them).”
Isn't the definition of "in-depth discussion", essentially, the one that at least acknowledges the experience of professionals, working in this field? ;) For most academic fields, an "in-depth discussion" is just "good academic outreach" :) Otherwise it's not in-depth!
(and I mean, one can of course come up with counterexamples, when academia was mistaken, and "normies" were right for a while - the recent turnover of psychology is a good source of stories - but in most cases, in-depth = based on expertise, by definition, no?)
That's rarely what people like Mark Cuban mean when they talk about "in depth discussion". Usually what they mean is not discounting ideas that feel right simply for being absolutely disproven.
This is so true. It’s painfully true.
Also, Bluesky absolutely doesn't need that kind of stuff to survive. Twitter has not become more stable or profitable by empowering Nazis and other bigots and bullies.
Sorry, I have zero desire to have in depth discussions with people arguing against my right to exist. The fact that you're trying to argue in favor of letting bigots have free reign is disgusting. We left that site because of them and their bullshit.
Ok yes if people are racist or arguing someone should die sure, but what about genuine political discourse?
How many more decades are we supposed to discuss things long since settled? How long must we put our energy into ideas that have already been trashed into the ground? It's not a reasonable ask that people simply debate Nazis for the rest of time
I mean & others & I had one the other day about the nature of the 1st & the 14th amendments (which reminds me, I owe her a response). I'm seeing a variety of amazing discussions on my feed, amidst the also valuable goofiness. Maybe you're just following the wrong folks?
I will say, long threads like that SO get unwieldy in a weird way here. I hope bsky fixes soon
I do miss your Litigation Disaster Tourism gif game.
But they aren’t interested in having a conversation or debating the facts. They want to troll, to destabilize. They want to sew distrust in our public health institutions so they can sell horse pills, and they deserve to be mocked.
So if Twitter is to some a right wing echo chamber (and I have seen a bit of it but not to the degree of Truth), is BlueSky that for the left with no room for discussions? Let’s hope not
That’s not what I’m saying. I’m saying that the right wing influencer world does not operate in good faith and is not interested in discussion.
I think any “influencer” on either side is super toxic. They know their audience (and revenue) depend on playing to their base.
Debate is bullshit and once again, you need to explain what "discussions" you want to have because whenever I've encountered this it's always meant "discussions about whether minority groups get to exist" which sucks shit.
You clearly had a special billionaire twitter the rest of us couldn't see. We regular folks just had weirdos screaming about how they live in opposite world and sycophants telling rich men they can do no wrong even when they are literally murdering people. I do not want that here.
I was just thinking how blissful it is to interact with people I like and NOT have to stumble over crap from people I blocked for a reason.
No one needs to constantly debate morons who want to leverage that attention into selling various shades of snake oil. Most of the people here are too smart to want the sort of empty performative bullshit that charlatans feed on. Are you the smart people or are you the charlatans?
a 300-character platform isn’t the place for “in-depth” anything but we shouldn’t be dignifying the far right with “debate” anyway, we should be forcing them out of public spaces and making them live in fear in private ones.
One cannot have amazing, or in depth, discussions with bigots.
Hey Mark, don't you think people from marginalized groups are sick and tired of "debating" their right to exist just because some bigot/TERF/racist has some dumb shit rattling around in their head?
Also, in America, politically, YOU have more affect on political outcomes than every single academic studying any topic in the world simply by dint of your economic success. YOU are more responsible with that power than Musk or Kochs, but there is no changing America w/ "debate" while that's true.
PragerU makes $65,000,000 per year to put out YouTube videos that literally lie about basic facts, and there is ZERO left-wing equivalent. And that's just ONE out of thousands of tax-write-off billionaire pet projects polluting "debate". Every topic from climate to masks the "debate" is poisoned.
And it's poisoned in a very particular way all while the politicians who are bought and sold like stock options can point to the very existence of "the debate" to push policies that in some cases will literally end civilization.
Academics have proven that "debate" doesn't work in a as-clean-as-you-can-get environment, and what we have in American is so filthy it makes the Brits look crystal clear. So on social media, maybe allow those who've "debated" their right to exist their entire lives a little break from that.
These people are grifters, man. This has nothing to do with discourse and discussion. There's no nuance to 'buy this dewormer because it's the REAL CURE' You've built shit. They're just taking advantage of dummies.
1. “In-depth discussion” only works if all parties are arguing in good faith which fascists and terfs do not. 2. We don’t debate human rights
why do you need additional discussion to tell if nazis are bad? because that only helps one group of people: nazis so could you please stop helping nazis? thanks. no-one has told me my kind should be put in a wood chipper since i got here and that’s good. stop trying to bring them back
it is actually a very good thing that people who think i shouldn’t have rights and would kill me in cold blood given half a chance are not here perhaps you should stay on twitter if you love it so much
No, we’re having fun here. If you want Nazis to spew their thoughts freely, go back to twitter.
Mark, some things do not have two sides. And pretending they do causes harm. Settled science doesn’t not require debate with grifters. Firefighters do not debate arsonists.
Honestly, if people want in depth discussions, they should start a blog. People here are trying to enjoy themselves without having to debate a bunch of randos
I want to debate about the need for blogs. DISCOURSE ME, YOU COWARD (Full disclosure: I miss the comics Blogosphere)
I like to think I'm doing my part, altho' with less essaying than I used to.
The manga blogosphere is alive and well, you should hop over
There's not as many as there used to be, but there are at least a handful holding on.
I've thought about blogging again. Sure, nobody reads your blog but nobody is reading theirs either.
The Beat retains many bloglike characteristics. But yeah it would be great if the blogosphere still existed.
I've got mine still going strong. It's a great way to help build out the worlds for the books I write, and also explore thoughts and ideas I can't cram into short attention span social media posts.