
Exactly, these ghouls spent years defending racists and transphobes by saying that it had nothing to do with the content of their speech, they simply had a content-neutral dedication to free expression. They were lying! They agreed with the far-right views and were too chickenshit to say so.
I know I’ve said this a million times but everyone has the exact same view on this: some speech should be suppressed and some shouldn’t. But that’s based on the content of the speech! If you want racists on campus, defend them. If you think genocide is fine, say so.
I see and would defend to the death the rights of these anti-jewish racists who hate jews like me, to express themselves. I don't think their speech should be suppressed, but this whole thing feels worse and more dire than the tiki torch crowd.
The unite the right rally was in favor of injustice and this one is against it, hope that helps!
I'm horrified at the destruction and suffering in Gaza.I think Natanyahu should have been in jail years before this. These protests feel more about hating Israel qua Israel,supporting/glorifying the Intifadah,itself a separate call for genocide. My senator posted this. Guess the response in comments
Nope I’m pretty sure the protests against the genocide are protests against the genocide regardless of what random people do on Twitter.
Wow, people are nasty in a comment section on social media?!??!?! Holyfuckingdogshit stop the presses. I hope Joe Biden addresses this immediately
I know that's the stated purpose. But there's certainly mission-creep and bad dynamics arising from it. I know character limited posts aren't a great space for nuance or real communication, but framing it as "if you find the execution of these protests problematic,you are FOR GENOCIDE" is..un-good.
i feel like this is less about the protests and more about how people who've posted "the J-E-W-S are using space chemtrail lasers to turn the frogs trans" garbage for years now have eagerly tried to hijack Netanyahu's genocide boner to support their own bullshit
They “feel” that way to you, okay. Your feelings are paramount.
I mean, the tiki torch crowd murdered a person. That, to me, seems worse and more dire than peaceful protests against genocide, but to each their own, I guess.
I expect neo-nazis to hate jews and foment hatred for us. When progressives do it, it feels more dire, yes. Dog bites man, not a story, man bites dog is, etc.
“Random people saying things is worse than literal murder” is certainly a take
I’m genuinely sorry your feelings don’t match reality. How can I help?
By being a condescending douchebag for the lulz?
You feel that students protesting the ongoing genocide in Gaza hate you. I’m sorry, that must really suck!
I remember when Charlottesville happened. It took me months to recover. To feel that students protesting a genocide is worse than Charlottesville sounds like you need to speak with someone with some perspective
No, I "feel" the net result of these protests is a lot of heat and no light. Like so many things, that people are redoubling their efforts while losing sight of their goals, and instantly "friend/foe" viewing every interaction that isn't full agreement as "MORTAL FOE."
Conflating Israel with Jewish people as a whole is antisemitic.
ugh. That's the friggin' point I'm making. There's a lot of generic anti-jewishness that's arising from this and I don't see how ignoring that reality or gaslighting those pointing that out helps the cause of stopping the bombing and suffering.
Hey Josh a drum circle isn’t the same as driving a car into a crowd no matter how uncomfortable it makes you.
I don’t think defining the entire protest by it, and not mentioning anyone except the antisemites, is helping. It’s exactly why that person thought you weren’t making the distinction between antisemitism and criticizing the Israeli govt: Your words weren’t, when it came to describing other people
100% on this, but what is it when Jewish people believe Isreal= all Jewish people, and there are many of them. I think those that do are the ones who feel as though these protests are an attack on them. What a convoluted mess
They’ve unfortunately been propagandized and there isn’t much to be done. Their feelings aren’t valid and it’s still antisemitic when Jewish people do it just as when Ben Shapiro calls liberal Jews “Jews In Name Only” is antisemitic.
Nah, I don’t agree with that assessment (except on the Shapiro point).
Oof. That's so...oof One big problem I have with this take is that you seem to be collecting a whole lot of unrelated things and putting them on the kids and their very valid protests. You're literally including the tiki torch people and others in the general online bigot pile to create this Idea.
The nazis in Charlottesville killed a woman with a car, FOH with your “this whole thing feels worse and more dire”
I expect neo-nazis to hate jews and foment hatred for us. When progressives do it, it feels more dire, yes. Dog bites man, not a story, man bites dog is, etc.
"lmao ok" . Ugh. I called this on Oct 7, as the attacks happened:
oh shit. This is going to be the biggest, most awful continuous bloodbath in Israel with the worst, most reductive and least productive discussions and politics emerging from it. All heat, no light.
This is a great comparison to make because it immediately erases all doubt about whether you’re approaching it as a serious person who’s making a good faith attempt to engage with the reality of the protests. Like you aren’t even grappling with how many of them ARE Jews.
Yeah and maybe just maybe this person's fear of the peaceful, interfaith coalition of student protesters at NYU & Columbia is motivated by a heavy dash of Islamophobia (which is ofc still totally permissible and rewarded in mainstream US culture).
Aren’t there Jewish student in the encampment? I swear I saw pics of them having a Passover Seder in there. You saying those Jewish students hate themselves?
Maybe he just thinks they're "not real Jews" or "the wrong type of Jews."
I’m also Jewish and live close to Columbia and with all due respect, get the fuck over it. It’s perfectly safe, and even if it wasn’t, they’re digging up mass grave after mass grave in Gaza. Israel is kidnapping thousands in the West Bank. You and I are not the priority right now.
even if you exclude the fact that the tiki torch crowd rammed a car into a crowd, killing Heather Heyer and critically injuring others; they also beat and assaulted dozens of other people. Let me know when anything like this happens at Columbia:
Police finally arrest white supremacist for firing a gun in Charlottesville 2 weeks Many people are wondering why police in Virginia did nothing when a white supremacist fired his gun towards another man during the Unite the Right rally in C...
Okay, since you apparently need this spelled out to you: people aren't mad at you for your views on free speech. They're mad at you for saying the protesters are anti Semitic. Dumbass.
Sexually Suggestive
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wherever could that far-fetched notion have arisen?
Oh, I'm sorry. I did not realize that a single person represented all of them. Furthermore: Please cite your sources.
Sexually Suggestive
Labeled by Bluesky Moderation Service
so you're willing to say this one person IS pretty bad, though, right? Do I think everyone there is this zealotous? Of course not. But are there lots and are they emboldened & tacitly co-signed? C'mon. Of course. Btw, I don't want to suppress this woman's speech, either, as vile as I find it.
What’s happening at Columbia is hate speech, bullying of Jewish students,& creating an unsafe environment for those students. They chant pro Hamas (not pro Palestinian) war cries. It is bullshit to defend their right to terrorize Jews into leaving campus as some sort of important expression