Michael Hill

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Michael Hill


Children’s Defense Team Appellate Attorney
Missouri State Public Defender
Previously @aclumo
A.B. @WashU | J.D. @slu_official
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Judge Glanville issues an order to show cause to *every person* who attended the ex parte meeting in the Young Thug case, asking them why he shouldn't find them all in contempt for snitching
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TFW you know your sentence is gonna get reversed
Reposted byAvatar Michael Hill
Here is Judge Glanville's order finding contempt. It will not survive appeal.
Reposted byAvatar Michael Hill
Judge Glanville has now ordered a show cause hearing to determine why the witness and his attorney should be held in contempt for, presumably, violating Judge/Prosecutor Confidentiality
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Reposted byAvatar Michael Hill
The essence of modern American politics is that memes made to promote people are indistinguishable from memes made to ridicule people
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The murders of students at Kent State and Jackson State in May 1970 were preceded by exactly this kind of incitement.
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Texas DPS not stopping a gunman in Uvalde vs Texas DPS stopping unarmed protestors at UT
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He's doing it almost daily so it's easy to get inured, but (taps sign) dehumanization is a classic hallmark of pre-genocidal rhetoric. Every alarm bell should go off every time Trump or anyone else says this.
Reposted byAvatar Michael Hill
Since 2009, we and others have been building a complete database of case law. Today we mark the next milestone in that project. We have added every case from the Harvard Law Library to CourtListener. This is a big post about their project, the work we did, and what's next: free.law/2024/03/26/a...
All the Case Law.free.law The data in the Harvard Caselaw Access Project is now available. We have spent years incorporating all of it into CourtListener.
Reposted byAvatar Michael Hill
Just to really drive this home, the Republican vice chairman talk show host who got a fine voted NINE TIMES and the lady who got five years was like hey can I vote and an election worker was like idk here’s a provisional ballot, it’ll get counted if you’re ok
Reposted byAvatar Michael Hill
No one anywhere should be prosecuted for honestly casting a provisional ballot. The main point of a provisional ballot is that you haven’t proven that you’re eligible to cast a regular ballot, and election officials will only count your vote if they can verify you are legally entitled to cast it.
Finally, some sanity: The five year prison sentence that a black Texas woman received for trying to vote on parole - after officials told her she could - has been reversed. (On the same day a white Republican got a fine for intentionally voting nine (9) times.)
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Reposted byAvatar Michael Hill
Hey friends, if you’re planning to watch the solar eclipse there are apparently a lot of fakes out there and it’s not worth the risk (ie don’t buy something random on Amazon). Here are verified/approved source of solar eclipse viewing glasses/filters. Order early! eclipse.aas.org/eye-safety/v...
Suppliers of Safe Solar Viewers & Filterseclipse.aas.org
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Reposted byAvatar Michael Hill
they came for abortion they're coming for IVF they're coming for birth control it's never going to stop
The 5th Circuit grants a Texas father the right to deny his daughter access to birth control, holding that Title X does not override parents' "right to consent to their teenagers’ obtaining contraceptives" under state law. (via @mjsdc.bsky.social) s3.documentcloud.org/documents/24...
Reposted byAvatar Michael Hill
Bluesky needs more public defenders. There were a bunch of us over at the Bad Place, but not enough have come over. Maybe they’re on Threads, Mastodon, or Post.
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Hey PD fam—you there? ⚖️ #appellatesky
Bluesky needs more public defenders. There were a bunch of us over at the Bad Place, but not enough have come over. Maybe they’re on Threads, Mastodon, or Post.
Reposted byAvatar Michael Hill
For users of Kagi search, you can now include bangs in your query to search CourtListener: - !cl-law to search case law - !cl-recap or simply !recap to search RECAP - !cl-audio to search oral arguments Give it a try, it's handy!
Reposted byAvatar Michael Hill
This from the Guardian is, I think, a good example of what Christiane Amanpour means by "truthful not neutral." www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024...
Reposted byAvatar Michael Hill
Guys i don't know what to tell you when a prosecutor swears to something in a really huffy tone they're probably lying.
Reposted byAvatar Michael Hill
Court isn’t CSI. Many, many issues are resolved by weighing one person’s word against another.
Reposted byAvatar Michael Hill
This has been said before, but it is striking how much Trump resembles the "classical" demagogue--a figure who would have been intelligible to both the founders and the greeks/romans they drew on for inspiration.
i alluded to this last night but it is genuinely wild to see these antifederalist dudes basically ask supporters of the constitution, "what if there is a trump?" here's patrick henry at the virginia ratifying convention.
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—Nice act. What do you call it? —The Originalists!
I am officially a member of the Supreme Court Bar. The open-court admission was almost surreal, particularly when the Chief Justice said “Mr. Hill will be admitted.” I am incredibly grateful to everyone that helped me get here and cannot wait to see what the future holds.
End of feed.