Mick O’Brien

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Mick O’Brien


actor, reluctant AdOps guy, usually (see: husband; dad). keeper of RadioMOB. self-medicating via ornitherapy. ex-Quartz. ex-MN. He/him. #BLM. #SlavaUkraini
So your Operating Engineers are definitely, definitely high right now, is what your union’s seal is telling me.
Reposted byAvatar Mick O’Brien
look to your left and find your trans friends and look to your right and find your winemoms and lock your fucking arms together and DO NOT LET THEM BREAK US, and we will fucking win, friends, there are more of us than them and do not let them forget it.
Reposted byAvatar Mick O’Brien
Controlling the information diet of journalists is incredibly powerful Like it or not, the people who write for the NYT and WaPo spend hours a day on there And then most other news is downstream of them
Reposted byAvatar Mick O’Brien
We all knew Musk bought Twitter specifically to influence the 2024 election He basically said as much We were hoping journalists and other influential people would have migrated off it by now They did not
Reposted byAvatar Mick O’Brien
The Founders anticipated all of this, and that is why they buried throughout the constitution various secret hints and rules that would, centuries later, make it illegal to notice or get mad when a powerful and extremely dumb guy repeatedly commits obvious oafish political crimes.
Reposted byAvatar Mick O’Brien
This is from the Facebook page of the bystander killed in the shooting on Saturday, for the "Lower the temperature" crowd to ponder.
Scott Norwood breathing the hugest sigh of relief.
Reposted byAvatar Mick O’Brien
Here is the Weird Bouie Reply list, I blocked and recommend you do as the spirit moves you!
bsky.app/profile/did:... yea honestly I couldn’t immediately find before or would have shared—it’s under moderation in settings not “lists”
Picked a stupid week to reengage with this app. Bouie is goated, and deserved precisely 0% of that horseshit.
Reposted byAvatar Mick O’Brien
Very unfun fact: Project 2025 specifically names Minnesota's Boundary Waters Canoe Area and wants to remove its protected status and open it up to mining. This is the future Donald John Trump wants.
Had to mute the “ackshually resistance to the AI bubble is highly lucrative” person. Now she’s claiming everyone who told her the thread was bad is part of a “coalition” out to get her.
Reposted byAvatar Mick O’Brien
Oh yeah, these are going on the stop signs in the neighborhood
Reposted byAvatar Mick O’Brien
i cannot wait to urinate on a cybertruck. i am going to simply blast it with peepee
I have now been mostly Bsky-exclusive for a week or so now, and the bird app is not pleased. Absolutely spamming me with notifications. Real bunny-boiling behavior. Sad.
Reposted byAvatar Mick O’Brien
Happy hundredth anniversary of this news headline from The Daily Times, New Philadelphia, Ohio. (July 9, 1924.)
@johndevore.bsky.social I did my indie-theatre-obligatory pre-release hype for your book over on The Everything App but I’ve since deleted that nasty thing from my phone so I’ll tag in over here to tell you I just loved the hell out it. I also loved the Tupperware play! I love you.
I haven’t been here much, for many months. Feel kinda shitty about that. Joined <50k, and then derped back to the bad place bc I missed The Discourse. But I realized the bad place is just The Discourse + Foregrounding Nazis, and what the fuck was I doing there. Deleted the app on 7/4, feels apt. Hi.
Reposted byAvatar Mick O’Brien
You had me at “exceedingly dry in-jokes for recherché subcultures”
Reposted byAvatar Mick O’Brien
a mistake ive seen many make on this site is to try to come up with a coy way to write a death wish/threat about someone else and then get mad when the literate mods ban them for saying the thing they were obviously saying. anyway I’m not gonna do that.
As a side note, this is John McEntee, Trump's Director of White House Personnel and the primary architect of Project 2025. On Tik Tok he said he gives counterfeit bills to homeless people so they will be arrested when they go to spend them.
Found this unopened Sahel Sounds cassette from 2015. I do not remember what it is, and I do not own a cassette player. Schrödinger’s jams.
We did the thing. Festive up in here, and due to weird extenuating circumstances (death) we’re already done with compulsory holiday travels. NYC come thru.
Found the sweetest spot in Central Park, in the Ramble, December only. Laminate yr dead fur angels and offer them to the tree.
Siblings are fun bc they remind you of stories like when my band was in the semifinals of a BotB in Toledo, OH and the promoter brought Creed by (they had played the hockey arena earlier) and we hung out awkwardly backstage at Frankie’s for 10 minutes. They liked our drummer. Totally forgot that.
In-laws just got an air fryer what should I get going in this bad boy I’m thinking potatoes?
Reposted byAvatar Mick O’Brien
Instant victory if Biden uses the DPA to force Frito-Lay to give us the good flavors
Really, my personal 9/11 is the day my dad died, which is today.
20 years ago today I came to NYC with 2 suitcases and $350, to give it a three month vibe check as a sublet while my cousin was on tour. Reader, I never left.