the only mikewilson in australia

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the only mikewilson in australia

I research/write about medically assisted dying and mental health service delivery. PhD (nursing).
Politics=correct (but apparently, I forgot to 'mind the gap')
ex-yank and a brand new Aussie since 17 June 2024.
Not news that NYTimes does everything it can to undermine Biden, and today's reporting on his interview on ABC was vintage Grey Lady.
One day after AI is abandoned they’re absolutely going to tout cutting their emissions by half/a third without acknowledging they were pumping out more than ever chasing a pump and dump plagiarism scheme
Google’s emissions are up 48% in 5 years. Microsoft’s are up 30% since 2020. Those soaring figures are being driven by mass investments in data centers to power AI tools. Generative AI is a climate disaster and data center expansion must be stopped.
Generative AI is a climate Tech companies are abandoning emissions pledges to chase AI market share
JFK: Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country. RFK: Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly. RFK Jr.:
“We’re gonna install a dictator. If you don’t let us, we’ll kill you.”
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court presidential immunity ruling: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be"
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court immunity decision: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution"
Jeepers. Sounds like what Australians do to whistleblowers they do to whistleblowers in Mississippi, the poorest state in the USA. Thanks Dreyfus.
“The rabbits got the gun now” coming from a lawyer for a crooked Governor going after a newspaper writer is such a telling comment about how much we’ve let powerful people cast themselves as victims and it goes from this to Elon to Trump and everywhere else
Apparently Brian Tamaki was on The Platform calling for homosexuality to be re-criminalised in New Zealand. What do you lesbian TERF cheerleaders think about that? Still think it’s good and cool to support him and his events? You’ll let leopards eat your face just to be mean to trans women.
Folks: a reminder -> Google frequently cite this "research" that claims a 5-10% global (global!!!!) decrease in emissions thanks to "AI" I clicked through all the references and what lies at the bottom is *very bad* -->>
It's Franz Kafka's birthdate. Given the news this week I'd guess he's shown up in person for his party.
Starting to think that the military has a more robust ethical spine than congress critters. Wouldn't it be weird if the military saved US democracy, the very thing the 2A has been pumped up to prevent?
It's hard to even imagine the limits of the power that SCOTUS has just handed the president. If you can keep 34 senators and the military on your side, you can do anything.
Roberts: And so this court decides that we, rather than scientific or policy experts, will hold all regulatory power. In unrelated news, it is legal to bribe us now. Kavanaugh: [Reaches under the bench, sets out little wicker tray] Kagan: Where ... where did you even get that. Kavanaugh: Church.
on the very day the Supreme Court's conservatives said 'we know best' and put themselves in charge of complicated agency decisions one of the geniuses confused nitrous oxide and nitrogen oxide. So they had to have a do over. Not exactly an auspicious start.
Supreme Court Corrects EPA Opinion After Gorsuch Confuses Laughing Gas With Air The error came in an opinion blocking an EPA policy meant to improve air pollution.
Tired of the casual abelism in "Joe Biden has dementia." Are you a physician? Are you even a mental health professional? You have NO expertise. Plus, dementia is real and devastating, not the butt of a shitty joke that's already been made. Shut your damn mouth and fix your heart.
at first, I thought it was a bit rich for the NYTimes to call for Biden to step down "for the good of the country", but not to call for Trump to do that. But then of course Trump only does things that are good for him and him alone, so no point calling him to step aside.
Did the NY Times opinion section suggest Trump should drop out given that he couldn't get through half a sentence that was (1) actually in response to the question asked or (2) truthful?
Oh come the-fuck on.
excellent clarification
This is a misleading headline. The Federal Court has really ordered Kerry Stokes to pay out for the case he brought using Lehrmann as a tool to oppose the #MeToo movement. Stokes milks enough out of his aged care holdings to piss this money against the wall and not miss it. Bastard. #AusPol
Federal Court orders Bruce Lehrmann to pay $2 million to Network Ten over failed defamation The Federal Court orders Bruce Lehrmann to pay $2 million to Network Ten over his failed defamation case.
UBI saves boatloads of public money. That should motivate certain types of people. But it’s also kind. Which fills those same people with a straight up berserker rage.
Individuals who received the $1,000/mo or $500/mo payments were more likely to find a stable, full-time job than before they received the basic income. Results showed 45% of participants secured housing, while $589,214 was saved in public service costs. "It's freedom. It's freedom from poverty..."
Denver gave people experiencing homelessness $1,000 a month. A year later, nearly half of participants had Participants in Denver's basic income program received up to $1,000 a month. They became more housing secure and landed full-time jobs.
I am once again asking you to consider that an entire information ecosystem established as the primary form of communication over a hundred years and allegedly regulated by the federal government was destroyed by scammers virtually overnight and we just don’t, like, ever talk about it
The first rule of avoiding scam calls is to never answer unknown numbers, and even some known ones. Curious? Bored? Worried it’s an emergency? Wait the extra minute it takes for the call to go to voice mail, then decide if it’s legitimate.
Sick of scams? Stop answering your Phone scams are still hugely popular — and they depend entirely on people curious enough to answer.
Biden can’t change his age but he can change his unconditional support for war crimes. If he refuses to do that, a loss in November is his fucking fault.
Having renounced by US citizenship, hanging by a thread to my NZ citizenship . . . Today I became an Australian. Just like I planned to do as a teenager living in Kansas more than just a few decades ago.
They might argue that negotiating from a position of strength is more effective. I hope they can now see that negotiations in good faith work without threats. I reckon cancelling AUKUS should be a citizens campaign over the next year, demand our money be used more fairly.
This literally takes less than a minute. Take a break from doom scrolling.
the CDC is again trying to limit the 2024-25 booster availability to provably immunocompromised and elderly people. they’re taking written comments through the 17th. please take a minute to let them know boosters should be available to all who want them:
There's a feature of the evolution of puppies into dogs that does not get enough attention: The intervening stage of velociraptor
you see this, post a picture from your phone but don’t explain it
If you see this, post a picture from your phone but don’t explain it.
“The ANU would rather punish students for repeating what they have learnt in its international law courses, that armed resistance is a legal human right for oppressed nationalities, than divest from over $1m invested in eight arms companies with links to Israel,”
My hot take is that Bluesky is actually an incredible, roaring success, most of the criticisms levied at it are histrionic exaggerations, and that the moderation model in particular is a unique example in recent times of having recaptured the efficiency (and fairness!) of an early 2000s forum.