Modern Moloch

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Modern Moloch

Consumer of pedestrians and cyclists, worshipped and fed by reckless and vicious drivers.
Reposted byAvatar Modern Moloch
Vance's word choices--"cultural elitism," "infected," "rooted out"--sure seem fine and not worrisome in the least.
J.D. Vance’s memo and intensive scrutiny of President Biden’s ambassador nominees reflects his view that cultural elitism has infected America’s diplomatic corps and needs to be rooted out through extraordinary vetting efforts, said U.S. officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity.
Leaked memo shows J.D. Vance’s anti-woke ideology on foreign J.D. Vance, Trump’s VP pick, froze dozens of ambassador nominations over LGBTQ issues and diversity hiring, offering a glimpse of his antiestablishment views.
Yes I’m sure Black Americans are rushing to the GOP in droves when one of its biggest and most vocal supporters is tweeting shit like this out
I am truly baffled by the leftists itching for a broken convention. They seem to think they’ll get a president to the left of Biden and not Michael Bloomberg.
lol brokered, but broken is just as apt
I’m in a discord with some of them and it genuinely seems to be bitterness over the 2016 and 2020 primaries.
I am learning now that the movie definitely discusses that extreme weather has been and will be getting worse, it just didn’t literally say the words “climate change.” I am begging people to stop turning everything into a series of shibboleths.
Lee Isaac Chung’s dumb comment aside, I’m not sure I understand the desire to have Twisters mention climate change. Needing a movie to confirm what you already know to be true is sophomoric.
Reposted byAvatar Modern Moloch
still kinda disturbed that JD Vance thinks one of the better ways to measure a country’s success is in “generations buried in the same cemetery”
lol the speech is so boring and content free people are barely posting about it. I honestly can’t even tell if it’s over or not
Reposted byAvatar Modern Moloch
I wonder how much of the Biden dropping out shit boils down to the idea that people are looking at goofball Trump and wondering why they aren’t winning by ten points, we SHOULD be winning by ten points, how can we not be????and brother that’s a bigger question than Joe Biden
I will block anyone who comes at me with “we didn’t have primaries”
Most of the elected representatives are soft pedaling this, but there have been several stories of megadonors promising to shut off the spigots. And I can’t imagine those promises aren’t weighing heavily on the electeds’ minds.
I’m not arguing it’s a coup (I know the quoted post is), but I am disagreeing with your word choice.
A bunch of mega donors loudly proclaiming they’re going to destroy the Democratic Party if Biden doesn’t step down isn’t really a choice but an ultimatum.
“Choosing” is doing some real heavy lifting here
Reposted byAvatar Modern Moloch
The kind of mass deportation Trump/Vance promise ALWAYS involves mass death, kidnapping & de-nationalization of citizens, turning sweet kids into traumatized orphans & wrecking communities. ALWAYS. It’s a crime against humanity and they’re running on it. Unfathomable cruelty: that’s their promise.
It absolutely has not been explicit, which is exactly why I don’t particularly trust those pushing the hardest for this.
If Biden thinks he should step down, then I think that’s for the best. But at the moment, he doesn’t. And nothing over the past 3 weeks has convinced me that the people most loudly calling for Biden to step aside would simply get behind Harris.
We don’t choose candidates by polls, we choose them by elections - which Joe Biden won
Speaking of which, where’s Warren on all of this?
I stumbled onto the debate a vegan subreddit where they were trapped in a trolley problem of their own creation over whether killing invasive lanternflies is Vegan.
Yeah, Operation Wetback only happened with Mexico’s cooperation
It’d also be the largest forced migration in human history. The sheer amount of horrors it would produce is inconceivable.
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I don’t understand how any progressive or leftist can think setting the precedent that donors can overrule primary voters is a good idea. Even grading on the American politics curve, myopic in the extreme.
They’d do all that stuff, except every time he gets on television he reminds Americans exactly why someone would want to take a shot at him.