Modern Moloch

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Modern Moloch

Consumer of pedestrians and cyclists, worshipped and fed by reckless and vicious drivers.
I kinda wish people would stop saying the Bush Jr’s reputation has been revived or that he’s now mostly thought of as a kind man doing his paintings. I don’t really think there’s much truth to it. He’s basically a persona non grata even within the Republican Party.
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Somewhat tangential to this, SCOTUS is creaking under its own weight because they get their power from directing lower courts to rule a certain way, but they get their authority from those rulings making sense and they are in the middle of an authority crisis
the fascists believe that they can tear up american democracy at the roots and after we'll all have to fall in line "because it's the law." but the power of the law is a function of the legitimacy of the law. the state's monopoly on force is posterior to the people's adherence to the state!
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genuinely hopeful sign that every big name GOP garbage monster is frantically trying to distance themselves from Project Say The Quiet Part Loud In an Easily-Digestible Bullet Point Format About Which There Can Be No Confusion. this means we should all absolutely continue never shutting up about it
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the world in which the president is throwing his opponents in jail is not a world where you can just ask a judge to let you out
I want to make it clear the I am pro Harris. I defended her during the primaries when everyone was attacking her from being a “cop.” But I think we need to be a little more skeptical of a single poll of her doing better against Trump is a poll that hasn’t changed its top line in months.
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bringing this here because i've had it
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A lot of Americans do know what it's like to live under an authoritarian regime. My parents do. Many immigrants ended up in the US because they were fleeing authoritarianism (sometimes US backed). Offhand Haitians, Dominicans, Salvadorans, Nicaraguans, Koreans all know.
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Easy to lose sight of the significance here, but the sitting president just gave a speech condemning the Supreme Court for a ruling that expands presidential power. It’s also a president who stands to benefit from this ruling, given that his opponent is vowing to imprison him and his family.
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Ought to pound this every hour, every day right alongside Dobbs. Biden's age is nothing compared to the lawless Supreme Court trying to make criminals of pregnant women while offering a rapist free rein. Any Democratic commentator who thinks otherwise needs to hit the showers.
So, today's decision has even LESS support than Dobbs:
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there are no state crimes in the District of Columbia. there is nothing now, no law, no system of justice, that prevents a President from ordering the slaughter of judges or of federal legislators at their place of office and then pardoning his execution squad.
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anyway, is everyone good and mad now? fucking stay that way for the next five months, there will be more aggressions and indignities and insults to come. staying mad as hell about it is how we won in 2020 and it's how we'll win in 2024.
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Henry II: "Who will rid me of this troublesome priest?" General Counsel: "We interpret the King's query as an official act of his office, and therefore immune from persecution"
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a thing to remember, in all of this horror, is that these are not the actions of a political party that is confident it represents the will of the people, and who is currently out of power and enslaved to a deeply flawed avatar. the struggle is not over and they have not won
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Homeless people can be arrested for sleeping, Presidents cannot be arrested for rampant graft and corruption done while in office. There is no clearer a summary of "conservative 'law and order'" than this.
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SCOTUS is telling us that it has completely signed on to the project of a second Trump administration, which is establishing an elected autocracy.
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less than a single person's life has passed since we started making anything approaching a serious attempt at this and these mewling mediocrities will be quite content to end it all rather than simply come to grips with being no more or less valuable than any other citizen
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i have so much boundless contempt for these pathetic white men, who were blessed enough to be born in one of the few attempts at multiracial democracy in the world, and who panic at being no more valued than anyone else to the extent that they'd blow it all up and go back to divine right of kings
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haven’t had a chance to look yet, is conservative media full of people terrified that the scotus ruling gives carte blanche to crooked joe biden carte blanche to carry out his most vile revenge fantasies or are they just psyched cuz that trump’ll get to do that if he wins
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basically making a coup legal as long as you discuss it with your vice president. moreover, this way of argumentation that ignores obvious context and treats all reasoning like we're in a law school seminar is just straight-up gaslighting.
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in practice, presidents have been enjoying a lot of immunity. This codifies it in a way that's quite alarming in the abstract, but even more alarming in the case considered. The decision references Trump's discussions with Pence about trying to interfere with the EC vote counting as "official"
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the Supreme Court, not content to immunize only Donald Trump from prosecution, retroactively exonerates Richard Nixon for Watergate
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The ole Republican two step. Senators argue you shouldn't impeach but should use the courts, SCOTUS says you can't use the courts.
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Over the weekend, one of the major party presidential candidates promoted the idea of trying a former congresswoman for treason with televised military tribunals, and I’ll bet you haven’t seen a news article—much less a catastrophizing op-ed—about it.
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I know I'm jokerfying doing it, but I beg, plead, implore, entreat, earnestly request that people start engaging with the substance of that debate. One of the candidates talked about "black jobs" and throwing his enemies in prison
This fucking hobby-horse of Nichols’s is so asinine and arbitrary- it drive me nuts. It boils down to his refusal to accept some people can use words differently that he does while remaining completely valid and polite.
I thought his argument was more: “if you say ‘no problem’ it implies that if there were a problem, you’d be unwilling to help the person asking for assistance.” Which, to be clear, is still the dumbest line of thinking ever. It’s just yearning to be indignant about something.
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The thing that's telling and exasperating about the centrist "Biden must drop out" calls is that... this was their guy! They act like the left insisted on him! But Biden was the guy they were saying Democrats should instead rally around when it looked like we might pick Bernie!
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I think all Latin Americans were freaking shocked when he said that migrants were usurping black jobs. As if they were the only ones available for those jobs! That statement implied a hierarchy where some are 2nd-class citizens and others are even less.
it feels like the whiteness of big political media spaces right now is having a big effect on how people are thinking about the debate. eg I have seen relatively little discussion of trump's "black jobs" comment, which immediately exploded on black twitter
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I want to flag up this is the third Democratic primary in a row where Sanders' supporters have argued we should throw out the election in one form or another. This fits neatly with his rhetoric that the process is "rigged" and "corrupt". It's bad, and reflects badly on him
19th century: Congressional supremacy 20th century: Executive supremacy 21st century: Judicial supremacy