
Domestic violence is a kind of small-scale terrorism. What OJ Simpson did to Nicole Brown Simpson was not the event of one night—it was a years long campaign that thousands of women suffer at other men’s hands. Read Andrea Dworkin’s memorial to Nicole:
In Memory of Nicole Brown Evergreen Review
Nicole Brown knew that her husband was going to murder her. She told people. She was failed not because domestic violence is “complicated,” or because “we can never know what goes on in a marriage from outside.” She begged for her life and was abandoned to her killer.
Every day this man walked free, we betrayed Nicole again. We are all, collectively, complicit in her murder, and in the murders of the thousands of other women who have been killed by their batterers since. Truly rest in piss to this guy.
After the LAPD ruined the prosecution, was there anything else that could have been done to him because of the murders? I ask because you're more knowledgeable about the case than I but I think double jeopardy governed.
He had to pay a bunch of money to her family after being found liable for her death in a civil trial
He should have been sent to prison. To blame his acquittal on proceduralism and police malice is a bloodless way to distract from the misogyny that granted him impunity for Nicole’s abuse and murder. Every day that he was free we failed Nicole, and we failed every other victim of femicide.
It’s intersectionality flipped in entirely the wrong direction
there is also something- poetic?- that after societal misogyny let OJ terrorize Nicole for years, after the acquittal societal misogyny made the cultural memory be that he got off bc Marcia Clark got a haircut and so actually no need to reform policing at all
The biggest mistake that Lance Ito made was allowing the trial to be televised. That immediately poisoned the well.
The answer is NO. There was not anything else they could do. Marcia Clark and the LAPD were wholly incompetent and while the decision was morally reprehensible, it was the correct legal decision. I understand it’s an emotional situation but pretending otherwise does nothing to prevent another OJ.
We could abolish the corrupt wife-beating racist police and replace them with better social services and a much smaller number of detectives who aren't total bastards. 🤷
Honestly? Makes me feel like celebrating! Setting aside the incredible miscarriage of justice for Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman, OJ was a despicable person, who had to really try hard to pay for any of his misdeads.
The 911 call where the operator was too distracted to help her because the husband who was stalking her and her children was OJ Simpson. It’s one of the bleakest things I’ve ever heard.
I always think of Ron Goldman who was just there by happenstance. Simpson was acquitted but who else could have done it? They never found out.
My mom and aunt felt that it was his son, both because of the knife that was used and because of his reaction when O.J. was found not guilty.
The only reason I’m alive is that my abuser tucked his thumb in as he tried to punch me to death. He broke his hand and shattered his wrist. On my face. He was convicted and walked free. People not only didn’t believe me, I ended up deported from a country I called home. We are NEVER credible enough
Sorry for that! It was a long time ago and I’m not looking for sympathy! Just like, the point is that no matter how clear cut, how much evidence, a guy CAUGHT IN THE ACT, women are still not believed. I lived and many women do not and that is on all of us, as you say.
My mom's abusive ex husband likely killed his ex before he was with my mom. We didnt know that until she left him and the abuse shelter we went to shared her story. There "wasnt enough evidence", even though just days before she died she said he was going to kill her. Too many get away with it.
And it’s hard to pick up on because they tend not to lose friends or jobs or social standing because of it. Nothing to make you suspicious. They can be absolutely blunt about their intentions and people still go “ah, he must be kidding.”
“His friends won’t stop him. Neither will yours.” Damn truth. May another dead abuser rest in agony.
Three women a day are victims of femicide in the US, over 200 worldwide. And this rate is increasing, even as the overall homicide rate drops.
I had to turn off CNN today because they were praising his “amazing career before and after football.”, as if it offset his history as a soulless murderer who benefited from our broken judicial system..
To be fair, he was an accomplished writer, and there was no way for CNN to remember the murders when reviewing "If I Did It."
There is a direct link between terrorism and misogyny.
Worse for my sanity: I recently learned there's an ingrained switch in people to be attracted to killers (rogues, nomads, autocrats, Conan the Barbarian cosplayers) While the linked examples only list women as having this urge, I don't quite think that's fully representing this mental switch
Hybristophilia -
He never paid for what he did to Nicole.
I'll be blunt, the entire reason that O. J. Simpson walked free and was acquitted was because the prosecution handled the case terribly, not because he didn't abuse or murder Nicole Brown Simpson. He did it, but very critically the prosecution handled the case terribly.
It can be both. The prosecution bungled it horribly, though.
Very sad. Terrible treatment. Horrific murders. Prosecutions botched by stupid unnecessary planting of gloves by Fuhrmann. Her head was almost totally severed. 🤦‍♂️
I clearly knew something was very wrong back in '89 when her call to 911 was played on television, but we ofc all know how that turned out. He will always be a scumbag abuser.
a kind of small-scale🧐