Morgan Clark

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Morgan Clark

Sociologist of digital things. Northwestern and Spelman alumnae. All thoughts are my own, even the unfunny ones.
McConnell is getting the Ernst Rohm Special. You love to see it.
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Frankly I think the fact that our journalists and politicians still uncritically marinate in Twitter all day is having a meaningful impact on the trajectory of US politics. It’s really bad beyond belief. I keep waiting for people to wake up and notice but they’re just totally boiled frogs now
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Reposted byAvatar Morgan Clark
NYT tomorrow morning: Biden is old
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Reposted byAvatar Morgan Clark
Reposted byAvatar Morgan Clark
Hillary headlines in 2015. Don't let the media fool you again. Image Courtesy of angry_staffer.
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Official act. Immune.
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You know how sometimes in war there’s the one side who has rules and thinks they know how war is fought but then they’re shocked, SHOCKED, when the other side runs out of the bushes and like, stabs their horses and shit? And that side wins? Yeah I think about that phenomenon a lot these days.
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“Plans are already in motion to use this new, historic court decision as a legal shield to help a potential second Trump administration implement his extreme policy agenda with less concern for rules and laws, sources with knowledge of the matter say.”
So there’s the decision as a legal document, and the legal consequences that come from it. Then there’s the message that MAGA supporters take from it. I bet some of them already see the message as “the law is ours now.” What will they do now? Will they allow black people in swing states to vote?
"John Roberts has made his decision; now let him enforce it!" -if Biden/Democrats weren't wimps this is all they'd have to say. We'll take Trumps happy ass in handcuffs if he pulls something stupid.
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I keep coming back to the fact that these people make such a big deal about calling themselves originalists and the framers could not possibly have been more clear on this specific issue I know the hypocrisy is the point, but still
Reposted byAvatar Morgan Clark
Apparently the only thing a President is not allowed to kill is student loans
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Maybe I'm super fucked up but having the supreme court declare that J6 was fine and good actually feels worse than J6
Reposted byAvatar Morgan Clark
Where the fuck was this guy last night?
Biden in NC today: "I know I'm not a young man. I don't walk as easy as I used to. I don't speak as smoothly as I used to ... [but] I know how to tell the truth. I know right from wrong. I know how to do this job ... I know like millions of Americans know, when you get knocked down you get back up!"
"When you get knocked down you get back up!" YouTube video by C-SPAN
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Supreme Court says the poors can get fucked and die for all they care
WASHINGTON (AP) — Supreme Court allows cities to enforce bans on homeless people sleeping outside, even if shelter space is lacking.
I cant accept being compared to an Eagles fan...
someone else did this joke first but I can’t track it down now
Reposted byAvatar Morgan Clark
*looks around* WELP. I better hurry up and finish this book while it’s still legal for black people in the US to read.
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Reposted byAvatar Morgan Clark
Report: Uh Oh, They’re About To Talk About Black People
I almost WISH we had pumped Biden with drugs-mostly cough medicine
Reposted byAvatar Morgan Clark
i'm tired of hearing about "Ancient Grains" if people in 4000 BC were so smart why didn't they have a computer that lies to them
Reposted byAvatar Morgan Clark
"The Boy Christ Disputing with the Temple Elders,” by Heinrich Hofmann, 1881
What I wouldn't give to live in Star Trek, what I wouldn't pay to have some captain chew the scenery yelling at me for not properly scanning some dirt for unknown lifeforms.
Reposted byAvatar Morgan Clark
Reposted byAvatar Morgan Clark
The WHINING on Truth Social by Trump is truly something to be admired. I wish I had this much crybaby energy in my body.
I can't believe you guys are laughing, an elderly oompa loompa is gonna go to jail and you guys are laughing.