
Donald Trump has his good days and his bad days but increasingly only bad days. He's losing his mind, brains leaking out his ears. Compare his recent appearances to 2015, the contrast is shocking.
If you actually sit and watch the electric boats vs. sharks speech, he sounds like an actual toddler.
It seems like a “conversation” people might have while shooting the shit and drinking, but it’s so bizarre in the context of a campaign, which is essentially an extended job interview.
If someone talked like that in an interview you would think the couldn’t focus, lacked judgment, or weren’t taking it seriously.
if somebody were having that conversation with me, I would be getting them nothing but water
He's blatantly way more demented than he was even in just November 2022 I keep banging the drum that there's a LOT of people who completely tune of of politics between elections who are going to check back in after Labor Day and be shocked at how far gone he is.
I think the right is aware of this because of how many people are trying to push the same narrative about Biden. That's their usual playbook for this type of thing.
I really wonder if this finally will breakthrough in the debate?
He will never attend the debate
Would be wise for Biden and his comms team to start making “We fully expect mentally fading Trump to find a bullshit reason to back out of the debate” style comments right now. Either they look prescient, or Trump gets so mad he insists on debating no matter what.
He will not. If he does, he will be juiced to the gills. But he'll find some grievance reason to back out.
I would bet my house, my honor, and the lives of my closet kin that Donald Trump weasels out of the debates when he actually realizes the terms. Then he'll blame it on Biden and the biased media.
I'm pretty confident that he won't participate in the second debate. I'm not sure about the first one. He apparently came out and said he might "lose" the debate "on purpose"... which is a pretty funny concept.
He’s incontinent. There’s no way he attends the debate.
I have money that says there won't be a debate. Trump's handlers know he has oatmeal for brains, which is why he only campaigns at his MAGA Jesus rallies - they can carefully control the audience and the messaging. Letting him on stage with nobody to control him would be a disaster.
Trump will debate right after he testifies under oath in one of his many criminal trials.
There’s a debate in two weeks. It’s either that or a Biden town hall
Trump gonna be the first president who has a legal guardian appointed because his mind’s gone, in which the actual president is… who?
I've always figured the real president from at least '84 on was GHWB.
Steve Miller, Steve Bannon
Oooh President Melania would be… something
We all need to start asking ... If elected WHO will actually be Trump's handler at every division point?