
The media isn't interested in the biggest technology story of the 2020s, the rapid transition to clean energy, because 1) it will destroy a bunch of oil based wealth and is a boring, competirive low margin business 2) it makes Democrats look good for helping it and they want Republicans to win
THERE’S A QUIET NEW DEAL GOING ON The antidote to Project 2025 is happening now and will die if Trump seizes power. So let’s make some noise.
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The powers that be are desperate that American voters not find out about this because so many of them profit from the Saudi's bonesaw regime and it's alliance with Trump
There is a one-two punch the administration is pulling off here. Not only accelerating the transition to clean energy but breaking oil’s ability to manipulate the market to defend its position.
I suspect what will happen is that Saudi Arabia realizes they are in a "use it or lose it" situation with their oil reserves and turns on the taps at full volume and puts all the other oil producers in expensive-to-extract regions out of business rapidly. But who knows
I worry that we haven't really seen exactly what the death throes of the oil wealth look like yet. They're not going to be able to stop the energy replacement, its moving too fast and its too far along, but there's so much money in oil still that I wonder how they'll try to take the economy hostage
So far the thing Saudi Arabia is going to try to transition away from reliance on oil profits is like "give Karim Benzema $200M to play soccer in empty stadiums" so I don't really have a lot of faith in their rationality going forward
there's that giant city that's in a straight line too
You know those abandoned half-constructed cities in China? This is gonna be like one of those turned up to 11.
you can actually see evidence of them starting on google maps. it's... pretty much just a big trench in the sand right now, but it does appear that they're really going all in on it. i guess they just really wanted to one-up the UAE's world islands in the pointless megaproject money-sink department
They've already severely downgraded completion timelines. They are bleeding money, and they miscalculated about billionaires investing in a murderous surveillance state project.
They'll build something, but it's going to be laughably insignificant compared to the plan.
my impression of those things is it’s just graft by the construction companies plus mbs on a bender
Hmm I'm not an expert but I believe SA has 1) a lot of sun and 2) a lot of sand. Sand is mostly silicon oxide. Solar panels are 75% glass and 5% silicon. Glass and silicon both come from sand. What I'm saying is: they should build a big city in a straight line.
bet it all on Neom, that's the ticket
Aside from the oil under their feet, the thousands of princes of the KSA do not actually know how to do anything! You can just look at how horribly the haij is managed
Their political constraints seem pretty harsh - they've got a huge constituency of very good boys who only know how to receive largess. How do you turn a ship that big when the money is still flowing?
yup they've tried shifting the economy a couple times in the prior decades and they've never been able to pull significant reforms b/c of entrenched interests
The smart play would be to find the 1000 best solar engineers in China and offer them each $50M to come make solar cells in Saudi instead.
They do have an awful lot of sun.
we have absolutely no problem thinking of texas oil money as basically lottery winnings because someone's grandpa happened to farm the right stretch of dirt, but somehow we think the saudi royal family aren't basically the same?
No? Do run into a lot of KSA supporters who think this way?
They are transitioning to "give Mo Salah $150M to play soccer in empty stadiums" It's progress, but not quick enough
No way they get Salah that cheap
Yeah I guess that would just be the transfer fee. Then they'd actually have to pay the man
I hadn’t thought of it that way but maybe that’s actually strong evidence that oil producers think the market will be gone sooner rather than later - they’re pursuing short term high life over investment?