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Reposted byAvatar Werus
every time i watch Empire Strikes Back and see Luke in that bacta tank just floating around and healing I think "I wish that were me"
Reposted byAvatar Werus
On Saturday a wholesome afternoon of fantasizing about concentration camps and plotting to overturn the coming election was disrupted by violence
Reposted byAvatar Werus
If you’re keeping track of the United States, today is the day the boat cracks in half and half of it points up towards the sky.
Reposted byAvatar Werus
BREAKING: SCOTUS Rules 6-3 That We Can All Go Fuck Ourselves
Reposted byAvatar Werus
I don't want some egghead bureaucrat telling me whether there's poison in the water I drink. Ideally I'd want that decided by a 29yo judge who went to a "biblical law school" and does not believe dinosaurs existed, and then to have that decision reaffirmed six years later by the Supreme Court.
Reposted byAvatar Werus
Reposted byAvatar Werus
Happy 80th anniversary of when Americans, Canadians, and Britons charged the beaches at Normandy to have dialogue with the Nazis
Reposted byAvatar Werus
great, i guess crime is illegal now
Reposted byAvatar Werus
Herman Melville on moderates, all the way back in 1857:
Reposted byAvatar Werus
The San Diego corpse flower bloomed for the first time since 2018. I thought they were called corpse flowers because they stink but it's apparently because they eat ballerinas.
Reposted byAvatar Werus
Reposted byAvatar Werus
Is this what he meant
Exclusive: A group of billionaires and business titans working to shape U.S. public opinion of the war in Gaza privately pressed New York City’s mayor last month to send police to disperse pro-Palestinian protests at Columbia University, according to communications obtained by The Washington Post.
Business titans privately urged NYC mayor to use police on Columbia protesters, chats showwww.washingtonpost.com A WhatsApp chat started by some wealthy Americans after the Oct. 7 Hamas attack reveals their focus on New York Mayor Eric Adams and their work with Israeli officials to shape U.S. opinion of the Gaza...
Reposted byAvatar Werus
One recurring theme in studying the history of the French Revolution is that everyone's brains were completely cooked on pamphlet conspiracism from the highest to lowest levels of French political life
people think our current information environment is uniquely poisonous because of social media but idk I'm old enough to remember when the highest rated daytime talk show was telling people there were networks of satanists sacrificing thousands of children a year.
Reposted byAvatar Werus
Working on some new ad copy for contraception
Reposted byAvatar Werus
If you support the activists but think them learning from activists in experienced orgs trying to achieve the same goals is “outsider manipulation” I have a bridge to sell you. Basically you think the masses must work spontaneously and separately to be legitimate aka you want nothing achieved ever
Reposted byAvatar Werus
Reposted byAvatar Werus
the same court who ruled that forgiving student loans is a massive executive overreach now solemnly considers whether it is ok for the president to Kill A Guy
Reposted byAvatar Werus
The King Drinks, by Jacob Jordaens, 1640
Reposted byAvatar Werus
[werner herzog voice]
Reposted byAvatar Werus
attn national political reporters, it doesn’t matter what they *say*, this is what they *do*.
Reposted byAvatar Werus
A society ought to earn the right to an April Fools’ Day by generally being able to sort fact from fiction given a bit of time, and American society has not been meeting the requirements since 2015 or so.
Reposted byAvatar Werus
When a centrist dies, the correct response is sorry, we don’t have the money to care.
Reposted byAvatar Werus
Layleen Polanco died in solitary confinement on Rikers Island because she couldn't afford $500 bail
Breaking News: Donald Trump was handed a lifeline as a New York court lowered his bond to $175 million, while he appeals the $454 million judgment against him in his civil fraud case. Trump has 10 days to obtain the bond.
Trump Can Post Smaller Bond in Civil Fraud Case, Court Ruleswww.nytimes.com The former president must post a bond of $175 million within 10 days as he appeals the $454 million judgment against him.
Reposted byAvatar Werus
Happy Ides of March.
Reposted byAvatar Werus
I wish I was as tired when I am going to bed as I am when I wake up
Reposted byAvatar Werus
In light of the photoshop debacle, I’m required to post this classic by Patrick Freyne of The Irish Times:
Reposted byAvatar Werus
Cool how if you want to install an ADA-mandated elevator inside a subway station you have to do years of community input and environmental reviews justifying it, but if you want to fill the same subway station with guys holding M16s doing constitutionally-dubious searches its just "i've got a hunch"
Reposted byAvatar Werus
exciting news folks, my new cybertruck just got delivered