
A big unspoken subplot is how many of the alternative options to Biden look dicey because of bad faith conservative legal shenanigans and in-progress attempts to steal the 2024 election. Challenges to putting a replacement on ballots or leaving VP office vacant could result in stolen election
The fact that no electeds last time were punished for trying to steal the election predictably lead to out-in-the-open maneuvering to do the same thing in 2024. It's bad
Back in late 2020 I advocated for expelling all the members of Congress who voted against certifying, then using the rump majorities you'd gain after to pass court reform (who'd ratify the legality of this maneuver). Radical proposal! but the alternatives of doing nothing were more radical
Last night Maddow spoke of the weak response of the German state to stolen elections in the 20s, directly led to complete stealing of power.
I think a lot of blame lies with Obama’s decision not to prosecute people for the torture program too.
And Italy of the 1970s, too.
the AG’s delay in prosecuting trump & his ppl until they were on the verge of capturing the nom predictably forced establishment gop into the posture of defending him in a way they wouldn’t have in 2021-22. SC wouldn’t have issued their insane immunity decree if he wasn’t their party’s nominee.
And the most maddening thing is we have the privilege of hindsight on this but those in charge still chose to do far too little despite this.
Really, they had to arrest people in 2021, charge some of them with treason, and let things work themselves from there.
instead we talked about unity and pledged to work together in bipartisan fashion and I'm assuming that fixed things
I think this could have been argued and well accepted. It would have made a difference. Not sure though the votes were there for expelling all traitors.
Doesn’t expelling a member require two thirds of the chamber
That's not what 14th amendment section 3 says about eligibility for insurrection participants
Ah I see. Ok yes that’s a different kettle of fish. Sadly an administration that won’t even consider Court expansion would never go for that, and the Democrats in Congress would very much need the executive branch’s backing to make that stick
Well the alternative wasn't "and everything is chill and normal" the alternative is "the supreme court unwrites the constitution" and that turns out to be much more radical and unpleasant
The constitution says two-thirds, but doesn't clarify whether that's of all members or just of those voting.
I’d say that just moves it to the realm of very unlikely rather than definitely impossible
Default rule when it doesn't specify otherwise is it's among those voting.
At the very least people should have to accept the results of the election *in their own goddamn election*
Though I'd be willing to use it as leverage though. e.g. you can get your name off the to-be-expelled list if you explicitly endorse and vote for impeachment and conviction.
The urge of most Dems to hit the brakes rather than get confrontational has been Trump & the GOP's biggest asset.
My alternative is founded upon presidential droite de seigneur where the insurrectionist are rounded up for a ten year kink Olympics in a secure facility down a mineshaft
Treason was traditionally punished by death, but we're more advanced now. We just lie about it.
I agree. But I think there's a significant subtext of trying to avoid armed rebellion. Even though Heritage openly stated that we're in a rebellion, anyway.
The Dem strategy has been to be like "oh, these silly guys aren't really serious" and hope and pray the problem can be taken care of at the polls.
Last night Maddow spoke of the weak response of the German state to stolen elections in the 20s, directly led to complete stealing of power.
i really did not want to live through a repeat of wwii but with nukes and america as the fucking nazis, dammit.
Yup. Biden had one job: lock up the traitors and he did basically jack shit. Rolling up some drunk car dealers isn't cutting it.
Is it okay now to question Garland’s worship of institutionalism over “catch the crooks?” Cuz I got chewed out by fans of him, Mueller and Smith who brook no murmurs about their sainthood.
It's been ok since day 1!!
I sometimes think of the local media in Stefanik's district post-1/6. They were *hounding* her about missing votes to go fundraise at Mar-A-Lago and then suddenly everything went back to normal.
I would feel better if I had any indication at all that anyone high up in the Democratic party was saying, "let's game out what the worst case scenario is on election day and beyond, since we've been constantly getting caught flat-footed for 4+ years"
seems like now would be a great time for Jack Smith to go ahead and start naming those un-named co-conspirators and drop some indictments. Trump may have a legal fig leaf - but these people don't.
That was just a trial run. They’ve worked out the kinks for 2024
They had two months to plan Jan. 6, and lots of internal pushback. It failed because not all of Team Trump was in on it. They've had four years to plan the next coup and eliminated all internal dissent; Team Trump is all-in; they even have SCOTUS on board this time.
“It’s hard to convince people something is a real threat if you continually behave like it’s not” -I dunno, probably several people on here at various points.
I have to imagine that inside the party none of these would be new questions or so you’d hope. Biden dying or being incapacitated at any point wouldn’t exactly be black swan event.
Dem leadership's inability to overcome their incredibly strong instincts to be as chickenshit as possible – both in 2020 and today – is really imperiling The Republic
Can't we just call Republicans the "Royalists" they are and be done with it?
Do I have to stop calling them traitorous thieving pedophiles?
Nope. Feel free. In fact, "traitorous thieving pedophiles" are common among Royalists.
Heritage and FedSoc are already working on challenges to the election if Biden is replaced.
Yes. I was thinking a possible scenario would be for Biden to resign and let Harris run as the president, but the House GOP would almost certainly not confirm any VP so that MAGA could assassinate her and make Mike Johnson president.
I don’t think there’s any way to switch without handing the election to Trump because of stuff like this
At this point I'd be okay with a general if not explicitly spoken understanding that we're voting for a Biden-HARRIS ticket.
Interesting take. However, this sort of subtlety is not American politics as it exists.
Bullshit story. All conjectures. Guaranteed those that have his ear aren’t tell him to quit and aren’t talking.
Stop this shit talking of replacing Biden. One bad debate. Jesus. Nothing he has done in the last four years counts? This isn’t fantasy football. It would create chaos, just what Maga wants us to do. Put your boohoo into energy to defeat the felon & liar & quit with the hysteria. Pissing me off