Its wild how AOC believing that elections are things you "organize to win" that involve more on running media management campaigns from DC, puts her out afield of so much of the establishment
i'm getting so, so tired of the doomerism on here, and the press loves covering shit like a horse race instead of explaining fundamentals and what's at play, a job that seems to fall to on here. so here's a thread about why i'd rather be biden — yes, biden — right now
After Justin Timberlake was handed a DWI multiple outlets ran a strange hit piece on the arresting officer. Does it mean this one cop is an asshole? Or does it mean that rich people out in The Hamptons hate having the law enforced — on them?
Justin Timberlake vs. The One Good Justin Timberlake was arrested in The Hamptons last week and charged with a DWI. His BMW was stopped a little after 12:15 a.m. for driving through a stop sign, then failing to stay on the right side o...
The "dudes rock" meme is a genuinely blessed addition to gender discourse. We've managed to make our positive model of masculinity something brand new. Overenthusiastic, enterprising, goofy, joyful, carefree, boisterous, camaraderie, all the qualities that we got scolded for in school.
“The gap is so large that each of the Dallas, Houston, and Austin MSAs permitted more new units than the entirety of New York State last year, with Dallas alone beating NY by 80%.”
The New Geography of American How the Pandemic has Reshaped US Economic Growth—Leading to Booms in Florida, Texas, and throughout the American South and Mountain West
The mercenary logic of the thin blue line fucks laid bare. Back the blue precisely as far as they back Trump and no further.
Twenty-four states tell Judge Cannon that they want to file an amicus brief opposing the special counsel's request to modify Trump's conditions of release to stop him from inciting threats against law enforcement.
Our current president was the first to march a picket line, signed transformative climate legislation that vastly expanded solar energy and will push it past coal and nat gas by the end of the decade, canceled student loans for millions of borrowers, and capped insulin prices. Stop doom posting.
10 years ago, gay Americans could not get married and have it count in all 50 states 20 years ago, you could be made uninsurable because you got sick once 30 years ago, HIV was a death sentence 40 years ago, acid rain was still a problem Dedicated public servants keep pushing good things forward
That was a very fun easter egg in the IRA though. Right after SCOTUS twisted standing into knots to get WV vs EPA in front of it. Congress actually did just turn around for once and say "actually, CO2 counts as a pollutant for that reg". A rare brief glimpse of a better world w/ a working Congress
Not delighted by the "continued into Biden's presidency" framing when the actual thing the Biden administration did, according to the article, was ordered it shut down immediately after finding out that it was happening
Reuters: The U.S. military launched a clandestine program amid the COVID crisis to discredit China’s Sinovac inoculation – payback for Beijing’s efforts to blame Washington for the pandemic. One target: the Filipino public.
Pentagon ran secret anti-vax campaign to incite fear of China The covert effort began under Trump and continued into Biden’s presidency, Reuters found. Health experts say it endangered lives for possible geopolitical gain.
What if A better economy makes for less crime
"The murder rate fell by 26.4%, reported rapes decreased by 25.7%, robberies fell by 17.8%, aggravated assault fell by 12.5%, and the overall violent crime rate went down by 15.2%, the statistics show." The Trump admin murder surge is over.
New FBI stats show 'historic' declines in violent crime rate, with murder showing sharpest While Philadelphia's police chief is "excited" about what he's seeing in the numbers, he "is also very cautious that we don’t overstate and overestimate the direction we’re going."
if there’s any issue on which “don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good” applies to Biden it’s climate - the IRA has been a tremendous success beyond all expectations and the news on the renewable energy front is excellent depressing to see it lumped in with issues on which he’s actually bad
Hochul’s decision to kill congestion pricing was horrible but seeing a story about Gen Z influencers abandoning Biden over climate policy makes me think pols have absorbed the lesson that lowering emissions just doesn't pay off politically - you make enemies and proponents won't be satisfied.
The Supreme Court shits all over the other two branches of government. And the other two branches of government don't have the nerve to say Boo to them. We have unelected Kings and Queens running America.
Remember, it's uncivil and un-American to protest at Supreme Court Justice's houses. Focus on defeating Clarence Thomas at the ballot box the next time he's up for reelection.
I see lots of commentary on "Why doesn't the Democratic Party do more to emphasize Donald Trump's felony conviction?" One response to that is "We all can do it."
Finally read this. The context for the slur makes it entirely believable. But the rest is just as awful. NBC knowingly resurrected a washed up, racist, misogynist, parasitic con man, and presented him to the country as a brilliant, cutting-edge businessman. It felt dirty just reading it.
For 20 Years, I Couldn’t Say What Donald Trump Did on the Set of The Apprentice. Now I The con we pulled on America just won’t die.
2026: a new louisiana law will make it illegal to use the zoom function on your camera to film police. also it is illegal to film police.
If I were worried about creeping fascism in America, I would honestly worry a bit more about this sort of thing.
If I were worried about creeping fascism in America, I would honestly worry a bit more about this sort of thing.
It sure would be comical if Samuel Alito had recently published an opinion in which he expressed strong feelings about flags and wrote that passersby viewing a flag flying over a building would naturally assume the flag conveys some message on the owner's behalf
I'm still not over that this happened last year and it's had absolutely zero bearing on our political landscape and no one ever mentions it anymore
End of feed.