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Alright, I'm gonna give you a little feedback since you seem to be proceeding through life like a cat without whiskers perpetually caught behind the refrigerator.
“It’s not perfect, but it saved me a LOT of time.” 🏆 So many critiques of AI tools are that they fail sometimes, as if we’ve been thrust into a world without fault-tolerant problem. I get it; everything is being oversold. But sometimes you really do have a nail when someone is selling you a hammer.
Later today I'll be presenting at the #IRE24 conference about using LLMs to extract useful information from text, and here's a write-up. Come for the weird and outlandish gifts that foreign governments offer U.S. government officials, stay for the Godspell reference.
Derek Willis - All Foreign Gifts Around Academic and journalist
Do not enjoy this post. Liking anything with AI, no matter how fun, is illegal on this website.
The Elites may have Twilighted (h/t but this is a big Oh Fuck moment. Not because O’Brien is a kingmaker, but because he is deftly reacting to his 1.3 million members. This is more concerning than any “the youths are disillusioned” imo.
Teamsters' leader lands speaking slot at GOP Union President Sean O'Brien has been making overtures to both President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump this election year.
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i am begging like 10,000 of you to learn how to co-exist with people and things you dislike without constantly treating them like ontological and existential evils
the vibes on here are so rancid lately they make my tumblr inbox seem bright and hopeful
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I'm delighted to report that the Pizza Hut box from 2021 that lets you play an AR version of Pac-Man still works.
Cadence and Synopsys are two extremely under-hyped companies that could be massively revolutionized by future models and not-chatbot products built on top of them.
Testing Generative AI for Circuit Board An article studying the use of LLMs fror designing circuit boards
AI does cool things beyond chatbots.
Infrastructure Club operative has developed a text-searchable index of Southampton aerial imagery. We particularly like searching for cranes.
I know MDs who couldn’t tell you the difference between a Senator and a Governor.
this is not dumb, this is misinformed. maybe it's deliberately misinformed, or negligently misinformed, but without good accessible education, information, and news systems, it's not a democracy, because voters aren't deciding, they're being manipulated by those in control of those systems.
Quote skeet with one of your fav films that isn't a hit
Quote skeet with one of your fav films that isn't a hit
I have no patience for doomers who insist the world is worse now than it was in the 1980s; exhibit one hundred million.
Me whenever anyone under 30 talks about how they experience the internet
oh wow, that’s so crazy dude. quick question, who are literally any of the people you’re talking about
Reposted byAvatar barris
"Phoenix has lower per capita carbon emissions than Boston" (almost entirely due to heating in Boston) is one of those factoids people get really mad at you if you tell them.
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Contender for favorite chart of all time: Predictions vs. Reality for solar energy.
Voters never reward you for the crises you prevent.
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I can't emphasize enough how remarkable this is. You simply do not see a very occasional four-figure donor switch to giving eight figures.
Movement Voter PAC today reported $10 million in contributions from Jay Scheide, a Massachusetts donor: Scheide's previous largest donation was $5k in 2019 & he had given a total of 11 itemized donations.
It’s astound how much people jump on “those places will be incompatible with human life for half the year!” when they themselves live in places that are -10°F for months on end.
Yes, building U.S. cities in hot deserts w/o water wasn’t a great move - but too few know that HEATING homes uses more energy than COOLING does. Homes in Miami use less energy to control climate than homes in Minneapolis, but we don’t finger-wag about the foolishness of building in cold places.
Hey so is #ElectionTwitter on here? Where are the teens posting maps of the 1978 Lexington, KY comptroller race?
I’m more optimistic about the applications of today’s AI tools than the sentiment of this thread, but I firmly agree that the UX (chatbots, mostly) of these models is too much of a footgun. We need to build more friction and guidance into to tools to facilitate more reliable user success.
Also, I'm sick of all these companies saying that their "A.I." helpers should always be checked by humans. They have to know that's frequently NOT going to happen. This is being sold as a time-saver. Many employees under time pressure are just gonna send this crap out. And people will suffer.
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Absolutely losing it at Boris Johnson's publishers advertising his memoirs like he's a serial killer being released on parole
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I like campaign finance data. I like large language models. Mostly, I don't combine the two in my work. Yet.
Derek Willis - Why I Mostly Don’t Use AI for Campaign Finance … Academic and journalist
If I was orchestrating an election victory I’d take the 65+
This poll is *wild* Head to head Biden wins under 35s by less than three points. He is up 15 points with 65+. A bunch of the other cross-tabs look basically plausible.
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Saw this badass industrial safety poster in Still Wakes The Deep (which is set in 1975) and wondered if it was real. Turns out it is. Damn this thing goes hard
I am the child of a couple baby boomers and I do think the world has improved since the 70s and 80s. Yes. It’s better now than it was then.
Let’s go with, “Jobs That Would Not Exist In An Actual Recession” for 200, Alex
"These women are getting paid to drive around Pa. and eat ice cream: The American Dairy Association North East picked two friends who are content creators to be their first-ever chief ice cream officers."
These women are getting paid to drive around Pa. and eat ice The American Dairy Association North East picked two friends who are content creators to be their first-ever chief ice cream officers.
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If people on the Left are genuinely interested in long-term power building, then the correct move is to roll up our sleeves and start investing heavily in the places where US political and economic power is moving, and discard the “fuck those people in those places” keyboard outrage masturbating.
“The gap is so large that each of the Dallas, Houston, and Austin MSAs permitted more new units than the entirety of New York State last year, with Dallas alone beating NY by 80%.”
The New Geography of American How the Pandemic has Reshaped US Economic Growth—Leading to Booms in Florida, Texas, and throughout the American South and Mountain West
I don’t generally buy into the lazy critique of “the media created the narrative!” but for the 2024 election and the looming disaster of generative AI, the media created the narrative.
I don't expect there will be a lot of good news about this year's elections, but here's something: the much-feared deepfakes don't seem to be making much of an impact here or abroad
He looks, does he not, like a vague blur. This is because his scramble suit projects thousands of different human faces onto your retinas, thus turning him into a veritable Everyman. All things to all people translates into nothing to anyone, does it not? So let's hear it for our vague blur!
wouldn’t it be funny if someone you interact with a lot here was one of your friends irl but neither of you knew bc you both refuse to share personal info online
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