We Are Standing Still

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We Are Standing Still


From the digital fountains to the analog mountains
Let the mirror express the room

i don't believe in god. i think he exists, i just don't think he has any gumption
Knowing that such a thing as “Linux” even exists is probably a sub 50% thing.
A full Vintage Magic the Gathering deck. Play Black Lotus in an actual competitive game against the weird Europeans that play that in that little format.
I've been warning people about Gamepass for a long time. It's been in that Early Netflix era. Corporations are willing to burn money getting people subscribed and used to it. But it's not sustainable. Prices will go up, there will be more limitations, there will be less titles.
If you don’t love old tax loopholes enough to die for them, do you really love them?
disappointed to learn that "brat summer" does not refer to the subaru brat
Trump was all-in on vaccines while in office. “Operation Warp Speed” was the dumbass name he gave it, but it worked. Republican opposition to vaccines started after Biden’s inauguration, it was an expression of polarization.
He said that shit so y’all would credulously give him positive coverage.
Do not obey in advance.
There’s a very specific type of being pissed off I get when people complain about how much money professional athletes are making but not the owners who do nothing and almost invariably have tax payers spend money to assist them in doing nothing
“this cracker ivy league mercenary politics pervert used to say X… but now he says Y??? whats up with that?” idk man its a mystery youve really stumbled onto some new ground here
Frankly I think the fact that our journalists and politicians still uncritically marinate in Twitter all day is having a meaningful impact on the trajectory of US politics. It’s really bad beyond belief. I keep waiting for people to wake up and notice but they’re just totally boiled frogs now
What’s upsetting is that Vance does not, I think, bring on any constituency of voters. That is a pick by a campaign that is very confident it will win.
Disability pride: I have bipolar disorder and a degenerative eye condition that prevents me from driving. I don’t usually go in for attention economy stuff that pertains to me, but I think it’s probably good to say anyway because able & neurotypical people need to see how many of us there are.
Sure, that’s what we’re both doing.
People are allowed to speak their minds. If they’re not, democracy is already lost. It is very very easy to overestimate the importance of the people who cross our feeds and underestimate the importance of the vast majority of the public who never speak about politics online.
Frustrated people venting in highly political circles on an obscure social media site are not going to impact this election one iota. Everyone on here is locked into their voting patterns. The persuadable people are elsewhere, and this is a safe space for blowing off steam.
Here’s the thing about the Vance pick: it’s probably unhelpful in electoral terms. But, in terms of governance, it’s further evidence that they’re Going For It. Trump 1 was hobbled in his authoritarian attempt by the admin and GOP. Trump 2 will be aided by both. They’re gonna go for it.
I’ve heard a good number of Trump ads on Atlanta radio that seem to be marketing to African Americans. I think the R’s get that it’s worthwhile to take 95% voting block for your opponents and turn it into a 90% voting block. I don’t see that kind of fight for every last vote mentality on our side.
It’s cool how Soma and Big Brother turned out to be the same thing.
It was crossed when we failed to prosecute violations of the Geneva Convention under Bush & many times before that. The domestic politics bubble that middle class people live in might get pierced, and that’s a big deal, but let’s not act like the courts have been stellar on rule of law for elites.
COOL HAND LUKE: Tonin' down the rhetoric here Boss BOSS: Tone it down there Luke
As crazy as leftist governments that declare a “year zero” seem, let’s never forget than when the liberals thought they’d achieved their global revolution, they started to say it was the “end of history.”
Why’s that, Francis? Did something happen?
Markets inevitably lead to liberal democracy, so the collapse of the world’s non-market economic base means a thousand years of liberal democracy, right? It’s not like the most infamous anti-democratic movement / government of the 20th century was a market economy…
Now is no time to politicize the presidential election.
People with professional class income start to believe we deserve it, and that it’s justifiable to make moral compromises to keep it, and that somehow this doesn’t contradict our virtuous beliefs. People without these jobs sometimes don’t see things like that. They see amoral people serving mammon.
Pretending everything is fine pushes far more people into the pit than admitting that this shit is fucked actually. I find far more possibility for hope in the second statement than the first.
Every time a human character showed up in old funny animals cartoons they looked like John Mulaney carrying a giant jug labeled "XXX"