Musa Okwonga

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Musa Okwonga

Author and co-host of the Stadio football podcast.
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One of the more baffling aspects of centrist UK political discourse is the number of commentators and analysts who still struggle to get their heads around the possibility that racist worldviews may still shape voting behaviour among a swathe of voters on the Right.
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Maybe I just have an overly sensitive ear on this stuff, but feels to me that UK political commentatory is lousy with euphemisms about Sunak’s shortcomings as a “message-carrier” (not wrongly).
One of the more baffling aspects of centrist UK political discourse is the number of commentators and analysts who still struggle to get their heads around the possibility that racist worldviews may still shape voting behaviour among a swathe of voters on the Right.
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I remember flying to Beirut last Sept thinking that the days of Lebanon being an international story might be over. I was looking forward to dive into local human rights-based issues & struggles. I guess I was very wrong
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For some reason Kardashev never envisioned a civilization that could harness all of the sunlight that falls on their planet but uses most of it to create pictures of extremely busty ladies with three knees and fourteen fingers.
"can we harvest the sun faster than we can make computers squander all that energy" is a short summary of the 21st century
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Reminded this morning of Nate Silver's line about "They’re trying to cover [politics] like sports, but not in an intelligent way" in a lot of the "we need to trade Biden for Governor Guaranteed Winner (D-Somewhere?)" takes, including, it must be said, from Nate Silver.
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In a week’s time 14 yrs of Tory rule may have ended. There’s a view that Sunak could have done nothing to stop it, post Johnson/Truss. Wrong. Sunak is as responsible as they are. From No11 on, his strategic incompetence damned his party. Me for the i.
Rishi Sunak is as much to blame for Tory debacle as Boris Johnson and Liz His inheritance was dire, but he was key in creating that inheritance
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This is my reading as well. This escalation is happening in parallel with negotiations for a ceasefire in Gaza & along Lebanon's border. If those issues are not settled, we may see a devastating war for Lebanon & more damage than Israel is used to.
"A large-scale confrontation between Israel and Hezbollah is likely to break out in the next several weeks. The U.S. offers a slightly more conservative assessment than those coming from parts of Europe. Some European countries calculate that a war between Israel and Hezbollah could happen in days."
US intel indicates war between Israel and Hezbollah inching The State Department urged U.S. citizens Thursday to “strongly reconsider” travel to Lebanon.
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Rereading Vonnegut and damn he’s good. Random sentence: “His high school was named after a slave owner who was also one of the world’s greatest theoreticians on the subject of human liberty.”
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"You cannot bring people back from the dead and believe that they would stand for that,” Sheryl Crow protests. “I’m sure Drake thought, ‘Yeah, I shouldn't do it, but I'll say sorry later’. But it’s already done...and “It's hateful. It is antithetical to the life force that exists in all of us.”
Sheryl Crow: 'Resurrecting Tupac with AI is hateful' The singer on the threat of AI-generated music, and why she missed her chance to join Fleetwood Mac.
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Sunak’s most significant political legacy is that he has brought a form of climate denial politics firmly into the mainstream of British politics, to the point that “a bland statement about a ‘cost’ both parties are committed to” is being written up like this in the Times.
Sometimes does my head in that political ‘debate’ in UK is so brainless Net Zero cost hundreds of billions. But COMPARED TO WHAT???? New fired power stations are currently subsidised, for example, and gas price crisis has cost UK hundreds of billions
Labour say net zero by 2050 will cost ‘hundreds of billions’ Darren Jones, shadow chief ­secretary to the Treasury, described the original £28 billion pledge as a ‘tiny amount’
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If Israel decides to widen the war on Hezbollah in Lebanon, more actors in the so-called Axis of Resistance will escalate their attacks on Israeli & American interests. My latest for Al Jazeera English
Hezbollah’s ‘axis of resistance’ allies waiting in reserve to fight Analysts believe that an expanded conflict could encourage foreign fighters to support Hezbollah and fight Israel.
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What records they will have will have been pirated by people who wanted to have copies of their own and couldn't get them any other way. But even those will have storage issues. Not just long term storage issues. There are formats from a decade ago that are hard to access now.
One of the interesting things about the Internet is that we’re actually living through a dark age. Future historians are unlikely to have records of this period. Paper and ink last. Digital storage, less so.
Comedy Central’s Website Purges 25 Years of Video Clips and Other The vast repository of content on Comedy Central's website has been removed by Paramount Global, in a move to push fans to Paramount+.
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These people have an impoverished idea of what dignity means. For a start, if you’re incapable of work because of disability, are you leading an undignified life? We all rely on other human beings. We’re a social species. It’s just the bonds of reliance look different at different times of life.
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Still better than losing one with Liz Truss. 🤧
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Social media in a nutshell..
Germany really catches you off guard because it can go from idyllic to terrifying in the space of an afternoon. There aren’t many other places like that.
On a train through the beautiful German countryside, having a great time with passengers who were strangers till ten minutes ago, and thinking: this is the best company you could want, and how weird it is that this country also poses so much danger. This is a nation of such extremes, it’s wild.
On a train through the beautiful German countryside, having a great time with passengers who were strangers till ten minutes ago, and thinking: this is the best company you could want, and how weird it is that this country also poses so much danger. This is a nation of such extremes, it’s wild.
Yes. Don’t get me started. They have my vote - just because my first priority is getting the Conservatives out - but I fully understand why they don’t have the votes of others.
Oh. Just you wait. There are new depths.
What a legacy for the Tories if the Conservatives collapse and give way to an even more vicious alternative, which Reform absolutely will be. An AfD in English form.
Tories taking a huge hit from the cumulative scandals, particularly the betting thing I think. Labour levelling off as a result, Farage absolutely cleaning up. If the Sunak campaign isn’t careful this could really tip reform over the tipping point to getting a significant result.
This. And because many of us now have most of our interactions online, it means we are often - mostly? - dealing with each other at our worst. I constantly wonder and worry about the cumulative effect of all that scorn and hate on society.
It's interesting how people think they can just get online and become the worst version of themselves. This dickhead would never come up to me in a pub and say that, but he will come to my work and do it because it's online.
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As strange as this may seem, this now creates the only meaningful chance to stop the war.
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this also hits deeper as I read Ashis Nandy. I've heard many in Lebanon and the wider region say we need dictators to come in and sort us out. We've been conditioned to think Dubai and KSA are the future, that MBZ & MBS are what is needed and not a plague on our democratic development
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Found this sick burn on Mastodon:
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