
"Police don’t solve serious or violent crimes w/any regularity, & spend very little time on crime control." They spend more "time conducting racially biased stops & searches of minority drivers, often wo reasonable suspicion, rather than 'fighting crime.'"
Police are not primarily crime fighters, according to the A new report adds to a growing line of research showing that police departments don’t solve serious or violent crimes with any regularity, and in fact, spend very little time on crime control, in contrast to popular narratives.
As a side-point, police are not required to enforce the law. They are not legally required to do *anything.*
including the old "protect and serve"
The Onion has it right
That’s always been more marketing slogan than job description, especially after Lozito basically cemented it into law
This will trigger exciting reforms, such as the Fraternal Order of Police recommending officers stop filling out reports to starve researchers of data.
I've said it before, and I'll say it till my end of days: All FOPs and PBAs need to be on the terrorist watch list.
Armed Fraternal Orders should not be in charge of enforcing laws.
lmao this paragraph should be taught in schools as the proper way to be objective while still being absolutely scathing
Actually, we're really good at our jobs. Source: trust us bro.
They also don't prevent crime, but they often create it.
A friend of mine called the police when there was someone lurking in her back garden late at night while she was home with her only baby. THREE WEEKS LATER an office knocked on her door, and the first thing they said was, "Glad to see you're not dead." She was not amused.
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The last three words should be “shoot your dog”, but they got close.
Do yourself a favor and don't look up the closure rates on rape cases. Absolutely infuriating.
The few times I was a crime victim, sort of, cops did absolutely nothing. (Stolen bike - twice - and stray dogs busted into my porch and wounded my poor cat Lulu)
I shouldn’t complain. These were bad things to happen. But they turned out okay in the end. Lulu doesn’t remember any of what happened, no sign of distress after the wounds healed. We made a big deal out of it in the neighborhood and it didn’t happen again.
Same. My only interactions with police ever have been as the victim of a crime, with the exception of one stop of mistaken identity once.
The cop who stopped me thinking I was the suspect they were looking for, was actually the most polite of the lot. One of the times I was a victim, the cop was outright verbally abusive to me!
How dare you make him fill out reports?!
I've had cops kick me out of parks, cops draw down on me because of a mistaken alarm, cops take police reports that led to nothing. But I've also had a cop save my daughter's life. So, I get and accept the statistics. It's he'd coming down on the profession knowing what they are at their best.
They are only useful for a report to send to insurance
I called the cops on my abusive ex while we were still married. The female cop took ME downstairs and had me sit in the marked police car to make a report. Meanwhile, in front of my daughter, the male cop told my husband to just divorce me instead of hitting me. Stellar.
Now let’s compare likelihood that the cops solve a crime committed against a person vs. the likelihood when they’re called that that they kill the victim, a family member of the victim, or the victim’s dog.
Or someone at a completely different address, since they went to the wrong place and surprised an off-duty serviceman.
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There's a question that's nagged at me for a while. What did ppl do for that VAST majority of human history before policing? Were they constantly murdering each other in the streets? No. They had other ways of doing justice. They weren't universally great, they did it without cops.
This ~200-year experiment with policing--a LOT of which starts with suppressing lower classes and/or colonized peoples--has yielded a result: it's a way to do violence to POC, the poor, and other "undesirables."
It nags at you because you're whitewashing prior history to a mind boggling extent. Actually, yes, we just murdered people as we saw fit and yes it was way worse! This generic example isn't even pre-policing, just pre-policing monopoly of force...
Hatfield–McCoy feud -
Prior to "modern" policing, private thugs and tyrant guards enforced order in commercially common spaces for 1000 years, committing violent instant retribution on the spot as they saw fit, and even given said barbaric, quasi-LE, historians wrote of times when it broke down in tones of horror
Peoplemurdering each other in the streets is in fact what would happen a great deal of the time. Look up rates of violent death in the premodern era compared to now.
Thats kind of a misapplied question because police aren't really doing much in the way of what we would consider investigatory law enforcement with an aim towards charging offenders. Thats the entire point of this story. Police are only incidentally involved in "doing justice."
I once saw it said that a police department designed to solve and prevent the most serious crimes would look nothing like any actual police force in America today.
It would look like the FBI and it would have basically zero uniformed officers. It's ridiculous that we consider "solving homicides" to be a promotion we give to the guy with an associates degree who writes the most parking tickets.
Just look at that hat They’ve been telling you who they are the whole fucking time everybody
I recently watched a doc on Hulu about a triple murder in 2011 that the marathon bombers might have done, and this journalist spends the whole time going "what are they hiding??". Girl, they just didn't want to investigate those murders so they didn't.
Anyone else notice a general lack of songs about how wonderful the police are? You barely have to look for songs on the other end of that spectrum.
remember when people used to roll their eyes at the “don’t you have anything better to do?” argument made toward cops
The police are the most organized criminals.
Just this nationwide gang that harasses the population, kills an average of three people every day, and siphons billions of dollars away from programs that would reduce crime and do dozens of other beneficial things. A phenomenal racket. The mafia *wishes* they had it this good.
Solve, no; commit, on the other hand...
more at 10: humans require oxygen to live, forests have trees, and rain brings water!
They're thugs with a badge, enforcing White Supremacy. Slave-Catchers
To be honest i think it's just that police have rebranded instigating a disturbance of the peace as fighting crime.
Police have shown time and time again that all they really are is a protection racket that is recognized on the national scale. They openly retaliate against any attempts to reign in their power or hold them accountable for their actions.