
Somebody said JK Rowling is literally beefing with people she knew when they were 9 years old because they think people are entitled to to rights and dignity and for me that really made it clear for me that she does not live a single day of unfettered joy and you know what, good.
Unfathomably Rich People Being Miserable In Mansions is a satisfying flavor of schadenfreude (see also Notch in his Willy Wonka ass ant trap home ranting about the same shit)
tommy tallarico's mansion just came up on Zillow iirc
ehhh, he's having too much fun being a fraud to really belong in this category.
His mother is very proud of him
I’m never seeing my founders edition Intelivision, so good.
The one that was on Cribs?
Castles. Literal castles, not “mere” mansions. 😂
no lords no masters I will dismantle that hovel brick by brick
Please make sure there will be video. We all want to see it and there will be popcorn.
The Notch one is especially funny to me because nobody even really remembers him. And that's for the better because he's barely done anything for minecraft himself
TERFs are some of the most singlemindedly miserable people on earth. Living in a state of aggrieved persecution 24/7. An ex-acquaintance went down that rabbit hole years ago and her entire online presence now is screeching about "biological reality" and trying to get retweeted by Graham Linehan.
Just going to throw this out there: you think it's weird the woman who hates it when people present as the opposite gender writes under a man's name? Cause I sure do.
I haven't read anything more recent than The Half-Blood Prince but has she ever even written from an explicitly non-male POV?
yes, literally her terrible Corman Strike mystery novels. Male POV and a male pseudonym until she revealed they were her books cause they werent selling
they're all the size of a fucking phone book and she should pay an extra fee for bookstores and libraries to carry them
one of them is like the size of a god damn dictionary because it's full of fake mean tweets written to the victim
Sadly it's worse than she revealed it because it wasn't selling. She actually sued the guy who leaked (and won). Then it sold like hot cakes, got a TV deal, and she wrote 6 more, all of them bestsellers. Because she just wants to be anonymous and do it for the art, you see.
Avatar looks like she always writes as a man as her main protagonist.
Normally, I wouldn't read anything particular into that. But if you're going to insist that men and women are virtually different species separated by an uncrossable gulf, it does seem a bit odd.
I wouldn't think anything of it either except she is so "protect women" yet won't write from a woman's perspective?
It’s wild. I’ve seen this too. It literally eats people’s personalities from the inside out until there’s nothing left but bitterness.
Apart from the obvious, she also appears to enjoy being horrible to her neighbours. Our local press, in Edinburgh, as made mention of her disputes, hedges, NIMBYism, the whole lot. A completely joyless person.
worse neighbor than dracula
No coincidence that parts of Dracula were, apparently, written in Edinburgh. Rowling's a complete ghoul.
She legit thinks her books about a community of people who hide from mainstream society out of fear that they’ll be persecuted for who they are absolutely does not speak to trans people and that’s just some god tier fucking ignorance.
Now that I think about it, did they actually say that’s why wizards keep secret in the books? It’s a reasonable inference but I can’t remember them actually being afraid of that. I remember them saying that actual witches were never caught by witch hunters cause they just teleported away
I’m starting to wonder if they didn’t just keep themselves secret because they think they’re superior to everyone else, which would track with JKR’s outlook
Also the Wizarding World is regressive as fuck. They still have slavery, demons run their prison system, and their schools are death traps.
Yeah, like the difference between the bad guys and good guys is that the bad guys are mean to their slaves but the good guys are nice to their slaves (and the only person saying they shouldn’t do slavery at all is treated as a joke and a hypocrite)? It’s really fucked
Filch literally mentions once how torture in the dungeons was a typical punishment for students at Hogwarts and how he “missed the screaming.” Meaning that it had been happening as recently as the 20th century. Cool.
That was my read of it. The "muggles" couldn't hang, so the "Wizarding World" left them to all of their illness and resource distribution issues and such. What would a wizard or witch in that world fear that wasn't magical?
Grindlewald literally knew the Nazis were coming and did fuck all.
No. In the first book Hagrid makes a comment about "everybody asking for magical solutions to their problems" and then it never really comes up again. Implying they COULD help people, they just can't be bothered. So wizards are more analogous to rich ghouls than vulnerable minorities (what the fuck)
Fact-checked myself just to make sure and yup. One throw-away line. No follow-up questions.
I can't help thinking of all the Harry Potter wizards in Weimar Germany or Khmer Rouge Cambodia or famine-stricken Ireland exasperatedly declaring "Blimey, everyone be wantin' magical solutions to their problems! Piss off." These are protagonists for sociopaths.
Even as a kid I remember constantly thinking "Harry, mate, any comment? Follow-up questions? No? Alright then." You could swap him out for a cabbage and have a more active protagonist.
Yep! lmao. Early in the series (Prisoner I think) Joanne actually said that witches burned at the stake would use freezing-flame charms and their screams were just from being tickled. Fantastic Beasts movies roll this back entirely and the American wizards are now traumatized by the witch hunts.
Don't get me wrong, I'm VERY glad people remember a message of inclusion and resistance and community from those books, that's great and valuable and I genuinely like that that's what in people's hearts, but it's not exactly supported by the text. The text is Blairite lib shit all the way down.
It's worse than that. In her mind Death Eaters represent trans people and are resentful for having been forced to live in secrecy.
i am just happy that she announced she would not accept their apologies, which are not happening anyway
What do they even have to apologise for? They followed her lead to stand up against bullies and injustice. It's not their fault, they grew up to watch her become the villain, she was warning us all about.
A trash study that doesn't even come to the conclusion she thinks it does.
tbc she was like this before and HP was plagiarized. hardly a shock if her true ideology and thinking come out in the later books after running out of The Worst Witch to rehash. her story of desperate poverty is also typical bunk
...and I want Rosamund Pike to know that if she asks me out to dinner I'm going to decline. It's a lie, of course, but maybe if I say it...
There's a big "you ungrateful brats - I made you!" vibe to her attitude.