Pale Centaur

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Pale Centaur

A weirdo who likes to snowboard and yell at people online. Mostly post sunset pictures. Socialist of some sort. He/him

New band name: Silver Mountain Boys
In this case, it was the solo for Comfortably Numb by Pink Floyd. I've known for a while how to play it, but this was the first time that it felt completely natural and intuitive playing it, and having it just sound perfect is the best feeling.
I've been playing guitar for 16 years now, so I've generally got a good idea of what I'm doing at this point, but there's still nothing more satisfying than when you've been trying to play a section of a song for years and then suddenly it just...clicks. Effortlessly. Without looking at the guitar.
I've been playing guitar for 16 years now, so I've generally got a good idea of what I'm doing at this point, but there's still nothing more satisfying than when you've been trying to play a section of a song for years and then suddenly it just...clicks. Effortlessly. Without looking at the guitar.
Reposted byAvatar Pale Centaur
There's not much pop culture on Bluesky. Or sports. The only sport on my Bluesky feed is people trying to cancel each other.
This is a weird quirk of this place. There really isn’t that much conversation about pop culture. Nobody ever wants to talk to me about Housewives and how Jennifer Aydin has progressively developed an obviously fake thick NJ accent that she leans into really hard when she’s trying to sound tough.
Facebook debuted the "remember this day" feature on my ex's birthday. Really felt like the cruelest possible time to start getting reminders.
Reposted byAvatar Pale Centaur
"Democrats cynically decided they wanted votes from illegals more than they want to protect our children." — Ted Cruz with one of the grossest, most dishonest attacks I've heard in a long time
There's a possibility that Milwaukee has a good food scene. There's even a possibility that this restaurant makes some great pasta. This image is the worst possible way to prove either of those points.
This is fucking stupid.
Reposted byAvatar Pale Centaur
2024 Republican National Convention, summarized:
Reposted byAvatar Pale Centaur
People like Vance are why I don't see Trump simply as a cult of personality leading a movement that will die with him so much as an normalizer/enabler of the right's most base impulses. In fact I think they have many more viable people to pass the torch to than Dems, cuz they have a professed cause.
Reposted byAvatar Pale Centaur
Trump is picking Vance because he thinks he's going to romp; he doesn't need an electoral pick, he can pick a guy he thinks will be with him 100%. It may or may not be true, but it certainly reflects Trump and his team's state of mind. They feel confident enough to forge electoral considerations.
Reposted byAvatar Pale Centaur
What they're promising is the maximalist worst case form of what folks think it might be. Vance confirms it rather than enhancing it as such, but it's the same package If elected, their admin will be terrible, violent, and antithetical to the system of government US folks have had in living memory
And that's not to mention how streaming music instead of buying it has ruined the music industry—not so much in terms of quality of music, but just how the money of music is distributed and what that means for what ends up on the radio. Suddenly, I get how boomers are scared of change.
Reposted byAvatar Pale Centaur
Yes! They think they are doing an 80s thing but they are doing a Netflix’s interpretation of the suburbs 40 years ago thing. Don’t get me started on the the throw back rock group shirts. I want to inform them all that if you bought the band’s shirt at Target, you bought a corporate shirt.
The thing I maybe find funniest about it is that they're clearly borrowing style from the 80s (which I always thought sucked, but whatever, that's personal taste and fashion goes in waves) But none of them know anything ABOUT the 80s, aside from what they saw in Stranger Things.
We've had an all-80s playlist going at work for the past few months, and I've been asking all my employees their favorite 80s songs. One girl couldn't name a song from the 80s as Billie Jean was playing. And when I asked her to name a song by Michael Jackson, she said "Purple Rain."
I always laugh when Gen Z try to mock Millennials' fashion. Like, have you seen how you all dress?? I guess this is me missing Cait's point, but, look, millennial fashion is still good. I'm not even being a boomer about it, I just genuinely don't even see what's WRONG with Gen Y fashion.
"you dress like you grew up in the 90s and 2000s" thanks for noticing! that's because i grew up in the 90s and 00s
Reposted byAvatar Pale Centaur
I've waited years for someone to ask this. Rosetta Stoned by Tool (especially if performed with the Lost Keys (Blame Hoffman) intro). It's 15 minutes long, deals with aliens and tripping on DMT, has a rap section and's perfect.
What’s the worst song to do at Karaoke?
Tool - Lost Keys / Rosetta Stoned (Lyrics)
To be clear, I LOVE THIS SONG. It slaps, and is one of my favorite songs by my favorite band. I just can't stop giggling at the idea of someone choosing this insane piece to perform for karaoke.
I am once again reminded of the NPC in Red Dead Redemption 2 who's stuck in the bathroom for literally the entire game.
Don't you dare uproot my weed
Reposted byAvatar Pale Centaur
It's too hard to care about all of them, all the time. There are just too many. And so many that sooner or later it hits close to home. I like to think most of us care, we've just stopped expecting it to change.
Reposted byAvatar Pale Centaur
These are the other shootings that happen in America and all of them get one headline and then no one ever thinks about them again because it happens all the time and everyone has stopped caring
But...those aren't uses. They're just features of eating pomegranates? Like, their use is still food?