Kit Winn-Rose

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Kit Winn-Rose

Millennial☀️ Zoomer🌙 Gen X⬆️
Professional Party Pooper
I block rude people
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Reposted byAvatar Kit Winn-Rose
Enjoyed writing this, hope you enjoy reading it. Happy 4th everyone.
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Reposted byAvatar Kit Winn-Rose
Just a jaw-dropper from the state whose attorney general is currently trying to execute an innocent man.
Reposted byAvatar Kit Winn-Rose
No one can say they didn’t know exactly what this was. Everyone knows this is genocide and everyone knows that everyone knows. It’s all dangerously out in the open. The only way to accept this is to see Palestinians as less than human. No peace or rest for such people ever again.
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BREAKING -- New York Public Library for the win! After a massive public backlash, NYC's libraries are getting their funding back -- and will be open on Sundays again. Take a bow, folks -- WE did this.
Karma's a dear 🩷
Matagi No Momiji, from Hokkaido, is a pink deer with a shotgun for hunting hunters.
Reposted byAvatar Kit Winn-Rose
Waka-P, whose head is an orange, is mascot of the Wakayama Women's Prison.
Reposted byAvatar Kit Winn-Rose
Reposted byAvatar Kit Winn-Rose
These protesting students are somehow both spoiled rich kids that can’t afford bike locks and $20 tents, joining movements for sex yet not getting laid, fully fledged adults that should suffer lifelong career consequences while being immature children without fully formed brains
All those people who were, "I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to death your right to say it" become "I may not agree with what you say, and I will have the cops beat the shit out of you if you say it" as soon as you say something they don't agree with.
Reposted byAvatar Kit Winn-Rose
I will never "put things in perspective." Every bad thing that happens to me is the worst thing in the world. Go to hell
Reposted byAvatar Kit Winn-Rose
/3 In fact, American discussions of protests are commonly characterized by (1) exaggerating violence, (2) attributing the violence of very few to a much larger whole, and (3) disproportionate responses to the amount of violence actually at hand directed mostly at the non-violent.
Reposted byAvatar Kit Winn-Rose
The climate crisis is here. We had an unusually low snowpack this winter. 2022 saw a 4-month drought. 2021 saw the extreme heat wave. 2024 could be worse. Probably a bad idea to let billionaires and the GOP repeal WA's climate action plan!
Why this summer may be especially hot in the Pacific This forecast sets the stage for bouts of record-challenging high temperatures throughout the nation and the possibility of the hottest summer ever observed.
Reposted byAvatar Kit Winn-Rose
"It's not a thing-knowing machine, it's a thing-saying machine" is an essential starting point for any discussion of AI/LLMs.
I can’t believe how few conversations about the uses of LLMs seem to incorporate this fact. It is not a knowledge or understanding machine! It is a thing-saying machine!
Reposted byAvatar Kit Winn-Rose
I mentioned the murder of little Hind Rajab last month. WAPO just confirmed Israel lied about her rescue not being “coordinated” with the IDF. It was. She was trapped in her car with her dead family when they killed her and the humanitarian aid staff going to rescue her. I’m not going to “move on.”
Got to the part of FFXV where shit gets real, and it's got me pretty fucked up
Reposted byAvatar Kit Winn-Rose
I don't need to touch grass, I need to rot in a derelict field, to feed grass and finally become it
Reposted byAvatar Kit Winn-Rose
the Democratic Party right now
Reposted byAvatar Kit Winn-Rose
Watching Tokyo Vice and Shogun lately; I'm mostly excited that both shows have 1 degree of separation from YUKIちゃん
Reposted byAvatar Kit Winn-Rose
Loved One: Expresses concern and love over something I'm struggling with Me: "Shit, I need to mask my feelings better"
I try not to wish violence on people, but some stories just fill me with such pain and anger that I don't know what to do. Trans and nonbinary children are so vulnerable, and to hear of violence perpetrated against them fills me completely with such negative emotions and despair.
Reposted byAvatar Kit Winn-Rose
Reposted byAvatar Kit Winn-Rose
Two deputies unloaded their guns into their own car while trying to shoot a suspect handcuffed in the back seat. They thought they heard gunfire. It was an acorn falling onto the car. Somehow, the man in the backseat was uninjured.
Man Shot at by Cops Who Got Scared by an Acorn ‘Damaged for Life’ Marquis Jackson was handcuffed in the back of a police car when officers began firing into the car after being startled by an acorn.
Anything in the sky is a UFO if you're willing to be ignorant enough. Like, someone can tell you that's a bird, but you can just pretend that you don't know what that word means. Clouds? You've never heard of them; it's gotta be a Soviet bomber.