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aka Morgana aka PROBABE

twitter escapee

hopefully here for a good time and a long time
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Remember when people are talking about sitting out the election or voting third part out of spite, or etc, -- remember who you are harming. It's never the people who are safest in this country. It's never the people who are safest in this country.
Agenda47 would basically outlaw gender affirming care for everyone (all ages). Any hospital or healthcare provider that offers gender affirming care would be terminated from Medicare and Medicaid. We'd lose access to HRT, surgeries, etc. Please vote!
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people who believe that the media won’t immediately switch to ripping on a new candidate are just unfathomably gullible
Dumbest idea I keep hearing is that if the Dems oust Biden, the press will stop criticizing them because it satisfies the "old/mental acuity" criticism. They'll just pick whatever is wrong with the next Democrat and make THAT the Most Important Issue In The Campaign like with EMAILS.
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Listening to a multimillionaire Yale lawyer venture capitalist rant about “elites” is surreal. It’s like water denouncing wetness.
J.D. Vance’s memo and intensive scrutiny of President Biden’s ambassador nominees reflects his view that cultural elitism has infected America’s diplomatic corps and needs to be rooted out through extraordinary vetting efforts, said U.S. officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity.
Leaked memo shows J.D. Vance’s anti-woke ideology on foreign J.D. Vance, Trump’s VP pick, froze dozens of ambassador nominations over LGBTQ issues and diversity hiring, offering a glimpse of his antiestablishment views.
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Good article with important context. See also Elizabeth Catte's book, WHAT YOU ARE GETTING WRONG ABOUT APPALACHIA.
"Vance is not a hillbilly, but a grifter of the hillbilly trope." A great piece by my historian friend and former colleague Dr. Tina Irvine on the long history of throwing Appalachia under the bus for political gain.
J.D. Vance's Distorted Vision of Appalachia Is Nothing Vance comes on the heels of a long 19th and 20th century tradition.
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"If this vendor went down it would be a massive single point of failure, but surely they themselves are not creating any single points of failure so it will be fine."
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My sister does calligraphy so is big into fountain pens, and she sent me this. Looks like this company used an agency that lazily automated quotes from British authors — one of whom happened to be a Holocaust denier.
I never bought a Conway Stewart fountain pen and don't plan to ever do so now.
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Fidelity Investments, Charles Schwab, and Vanguard run charitable investment accounts funding Project 2025, and are protecting the identities of donors funding our country’s push towards fascism. Wall St empowers fascism because fascism protects Wall St.
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"JD Vance ... is not a consistent man, but he has embraced a virulent, creepy and inventive sexism that appears too irrepressible to be insincere. Vance is a prolific demeaner of women."
Is there anything that JD Vance actually believes? | Moira The only thing we can say for sure that JD Vance believes is that he, personally, should have as much power as possible
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Meanwhile, the saga of "Republicans suck and Biden is the best president in our lifetime", any other likely president would have given up on this but here's Biden's Dept. of Education continuing to fight tooth and nail in the face of corrupt courts.
Appeals court blocks Biden’s student loan repayment The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 8th Circuit has temporarily blocked the Save repayment plan in its entirety, leaving 8 million borrowers in the lurch.
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Alt-text, when done both accurately and with style, is a work of art.
You got it, sister
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the orange man is bad and should not be president again can everyone just get their shit together please so it doesn’t happen thank you in advance
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"Close view of a pet cat named Goldie, July 1972. Photograph by Bruce Dale, National Geographic."
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also, I think I have somehow managed to unfollow people in my absence?? I don't understand online lol.
(I will not see DMs here with any real immediacy, unfortunately! I promise I'm not ignoring you! I just made my password something I won't remember, then hid it in a place I will not look. I am, however, easily reached by email.)
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Do you think the lesson businesspeople and politicians will learn from the CrowdStrike outage is to stop consolidating so much tech power with single companies? Lol never.
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My therapist is so annoying sometimes I go in and say can you tell me it’s going to be ok and he says no the rising tide of fascism is coming for us 😁
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Okay this is pretty good tbh
this is a real tweet
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These people really don’t get what happens if Trump takes power again.
NYT's immigration beat reporter examined Trump's plan for mass deporation thru the lens that policies and rules and courts matter The people she interviewed are in that same bubble They don't Trump and Miller aren't going to follow laws. They intend to wreak havoc and expect no one to stop them
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the airport is cool because you can have cheez its for breakfast and sometimes you get to see a dog but the dog has a very serious job so you can’t give him one of your breakfast cheez its
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Someone in San Antonio, TX reached out to me today because she has a sweet, magical boy with FIV who desperately needs a home ASAP. In fact, he's so sweet that his name is Sweet Boy. Look at that face - he obviously just wants love! 💔 (continued with more info)
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are you even a nerd if you don't have a box of random wires to devices that don't exist anymore?
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It's almost "Prime Day". If you look on your favorite shelter's website or instagram you might find that they have an amazon wishlist and that many of their items might be on sale. I hate amazon, I definitely encourage people to shop local whenever possible, but I'm just putting the info out there.
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i'm putting together a newsletter with corresponding infographics featuring parts of project 2025 that will resonate with specific types of people. so far I have: teachers, porn viewers, parents, union members, environmentalists. who else should I add?
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Don’t watch the convention this week. Every time you feel compelled to watch any of it, watch Star Trek instead. If more people did this, we could save humanity. Maybe we could, you don’t know.