post malone ergo propter malone

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post malone ergo propter malone

mostly politics. some Seahawks. emoliberal.

oh and one more thing
you aren’t going to like
what comes after America
fair nuff, i'm not trying to make anybody feel bad about their bodies, just bullshitting some social science-y stuff
not really because those are not immediately ordinally comparable to the body I live in. like i could probably tell you with high accuracy and minimum thought which of my friends are taller than I am and which are shorter but i definitely could not tell you who's hairier or higher-pitched
honestly not sure but hypothesizing that you could see a bulge in anti-trans sentiment among men who are 1) taller than most women but 2) not taller than most trans women
i'm a gentleman's 5'11" which means I'm pretty close to median male height but taller than >99% of cis women. my hypothesis here, i guess, is that if you are accustomed to being taller than women it is more disconcerting to encounter women who are taller than you
so maybe you have ~3 buckets of men: 1) short kings who are used to a significant number of women being taller 2) midheight who are taller than most women but shorter than a good chunk of trans women 3) tall men who are still taller than most trans women
this obviously isn't destiny, just kinda curious if there's an observable effect
i guess i'm also assuming that trans women heights are ~normally distributed cis male heights and that might be wrong for lots of reasons
also wonder at what height (if any-- might be null) most of the women taller than that height are trans, and what that value has done over time.
maybe, we can do some controlling for that
i wonder if you plot male height against male attitude towards trans women you get anything interesting
anyway the last time the UK had a prime minister who was over 5'8" was Cameron (2016).
the thing about this is that as soon as a prominent politician says it, it's true, even if it wasn't before
NEWS --> Mark Robinson, the MAGA extremist GOP nominee for governor in North Carolina, appeared to endorse political violence against unnamed foes in a recent speech. "Some folks need killing!" he shouted. "It's a matter of necessity!" Video and story here:
MAGA Gov Candidate’s Ugly, Hateful Rant: “Some Folks Need Killing!” Mark Robinson, the GOP nominee for governor in North Carolina, has a long history of incendiary comments. But he may have topped himself this time.
there's an entire category of things that head of state does and head of government doesn't. functionally we do devolve a good chunk of that to other proxies, but our system is somewhat rare in that head of state and head of government are the same person.
you obviously can manage to get by with them being the same person-- we have-- but there are good reasons (not always the same good reasons) why most other systems don't.
Scholz is notably not head of state in Germany
combo head of state/head of government is a bitch
i don't think you need off-the-cuff skill to do that, though; nor do I think Biden is failing to do that or has failed to do that.
and a scheduled event that starts after 8 with a plane ride after is not very much like a scheduled event that starts at 8 and then you go home.
Trump’s public schedule showed that on most days, he worked (“worked”), like three hours a day. And this isn’t even a “Biden can’t work late at night” issue. It’s a Biden is pulling back on SCHEDULED EVENTS that start after 8pm, which is actually a good idea for most people.
this seems a hell of a lot less valuable in a campaign outside of a debate setting than it is in one
as a result of this tweet, which i enjoyed, i have discovered that the current Stones tour is literally no joke sponsored by AARP, which feels a little on-the-nose
i think the base case if we switch to Kamala has to be that she doesn't get a debate unless she's ahead by quite a bit
if you scroll up about five tweets you will find treasured mutual arguing it
he is absolutely much worse at this overall than he used to be, no question about that. the level of digression is pretty similar though
the article compares Google’s emissions to Portugal’s but also Google’s annual revenue is higher than Portugal’s GDP
Google’s emissions are up 48% in 5 years. Microsoft’s are up 30% since 2020. Those soaring figures are being driven by mass investments in data centers to power AI tools. Generative AI is a climate disaster and data center expansion must be stopped.
Generative AI is a climate Tech companies are abandoning emissions pledges to chase AI market share
also, managing mounds of fact cards is pretty hard
but I do think it’s a fair hit to say that if you do pre-writes in the alternative in anticipation of several outcomes of a future event, you are not then reacting with specificity to the details of that future event.