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new yorker | feminist | lawyer | photography dilettante
What I definitely needed was to learn about another great sounding history podcast with a backlog of…466 episodes.
Listening to The Rest is History’s new series on the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and it’s as good as I hoped. Humanizes the guy, reveals the shitbirdery of his family and Hapsburg colleagues, and also explains why his assassination saved millions of birds.
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This thread from Matthew Chapman at the Bad Place is a good analysis of why the DC press corps are turning on Biden.
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Listen to the Biden interview. Its 15ish minutes of Biden talking extemporaneously perfectly well. But like several other public events over the last several days, this is getting brushed aside because the narrative that political news media wants to go with is set.
EXCLUSIVE: Interview w/ President Joe Biden (Hour 1) <p>Earl debuts his exclusive interview with President Joe Biden on a special Independence Day broadcast. He asks the President about the importance of the black community, the economic accomplishments...
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I keep being polarized into doubling down on Biden through the low character of his enemies
It is actually not great when wealthy elites try to have this much influence on the nominee, whether or not you think Biden is fit to serve.
Fun(?) fact: one of my best friends from law school co-starred in her high school production of the pajama game with David harbour. She is now a law firm partner. He is…this.
Sometimes you just blink to make sure a sentence you just read is a sentence that actually now exists in the world.
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Over at the Bad Place, I made a tradition of posting Douglass' "What, To The Slave, Is The Fourth of July," and I intend to carry on that tradition here. Since most versions you read in classes or in textbooks have parts omitted, the link below has the full text of the speech.
(1852) Frederick Douglass, "What, To The Slave, Is The Fourth Of July" • On July 5, 1852, Frederick Douglass was invited to address the citizens of his hometown, Rochester, New York. Whatever the expectations of his audience on that 76th anniversary of the signing of the D...
The times pretty famously refuses to fact check “opinion” pieces even when those opinions are premised on easily checkable facts that are complete bullshit.
CNN fact checked whether I in fact caught walleye while wearing a specific hat more thoroughly than the NYT checked whether the “I dont vote” guy actually voted.
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yes how unimaginable
IMO this is a straight-up ageist and ableist image, no?
Celebrating this July fourth by rewatching the best 14-hour documentary about the most American city in the country.
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Not to be corny but I do think the ongoing aspiration to make America a pluralist democracy of equals is righteous, beautiful, and worth honoring, even if it has more often been the struggle of minorities & dissenters than the policy of the government. 🇺🇸
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This was a much better thing to do today than what I spent my morning doing - regrouting my kitchen tile.
just watched 74 people speaking at least a dozen different languages become american citizens in a ceremony at monticello, where the speakers were themselves children of immigrants. inspiring stuff and a vivid illustration of what reactionaries want to snuff out
day off productivity done! recaulked/regrouted some gaps in my kitchen counter/tiles where I think some bugs have been getting in (the back wall of my kitchen is the "wet wall" for the entire building, so I can't stop everything, but I can slow it down).
Also is it a “15 minute interview” or are they planning on airing 15-20 minutes of it (aka a full 1/4-1/3 of the show) after editing? Most news organizations don’t air raw unedited tape?
Good news everyone, news media is already moving the goalposts in order to tell us why the Stephanopoulos interview won’t count in terms of “answering their concerns.”
I don’t know *how* she knows but somehow my cat can sleep through the night on any normal night, but if I’ve got a day off, she’s jumping on my fucking face at 3am.
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This is really helpful context, and I'd frankly completely forgotten about the whole fabricated "Hillary health scandal" before the fabricated emails scandal.
Well I guess that’s my unfollow of the day. I really liked how generous he was on here and reading about the (alleged) abuse of a fan in particular now I’m just skeeved out by it.
This is why we shouldn’t put men on a pedalstool. I’m shocked to see so many people ignoring this. He is an active user on bluesky we have to be consistent. Believe all victims
Neil Gaiman denies sexual assault of two young The alleged victims claim the best-selling author engaged them in sadomasochistic acts and told them to call him ‘master’
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Notice how everyone is somehow talking about Biden Too Old right now, and NOT about how the Supreme Court just legalized Trump being a dictator for life and gutted the administrative state, and how the Heritage Foundation is now issuing terrorist threats? Think that might not be an accident?
That part isn't the disinfo part. It's the chaos and rumormongering that is going to be used to get Mike fucking Johnson etc. into power once they push Kamala Harris out of the line of succession. It's also being used to distract everyone from mounting a coordinated response to the Supreme Court
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At this point just let me know who is running for president: if it’s Biden, I’ll vote for him, if it’s Kamala, then I’m coconut-pilled. Hell, a cabbage outlasted Liz Truss. I’ll vote for the cabbage. But please, I can’t handle people who discovered politics yesterday arguing over this any longer
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Get in, losers. We’re getting behind the old guy and stopping fascism.
Celebrating this Fourth of July holiday half day today by going to a doctors appointment. There’s a guy in this waiting room who has basically set up his entire office, and is on a call.
this might be the dumbest conspiracy theory ever. I assume my gift cards were lost in the mail?
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Anyone who floated this idea seriously should not be allowed to operate a motor vehicle in public.
Galaxy brain moves afoot “In recent days, some company leaders and Democratic political operatives have called the chief executive of JPMorgan Chase, Jamie Dimon, according to someone with knowledge of the calls, to gauge his interest in replacing Mr. Biden”
Big Donors Turn on Biden. Some of the president’s past supporters want a new candidate, but they are leery of going public.
One of my annoying hobby-horses is that Clinton didn't even commit perjury. There's an extremely in-the-weeds legal explanation for this, and he definitely misled the american public, but that's not perjury.
Remember when Republicans were apoplectic that Bill Clinton reached a nolle-pros agreement with the independent counsel on Jan. 19, 2001, thus avoiding Robert Ray charging him with perjury for his Paula Jones deposition and grand jury testimony
Clinton Reaches Deal to Avoid Indictment, to Give Up Law License (Published 2001) WASHINGTON, Jan. 19 - On his final full day in office, President Clinton has reportedly reached an arrangement with a special prosecutor to avoid being prosecuted after he leaves office in connection ...
yes - it's better to think of the Biden-Harris ticket as a vote for both of them, and (god forbid) if something does happen to Biden, the VP is there to step up.
I believe that this is one of the reasons Biden’s not stepping aside, the fact that the GOP will keep Harris (or anyone else) off the ballot in various states.
as a proud graduate of the SUNY system, I am also particularly offended by the notion that only a tiny group of "elite" universities are worth attending at all.
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this entire crusade against diversity in hiring and admissions is based on the supposition that all white men are necessarily more qualified than any nonwhite person or woman who might be considered for the job. like, this lawsuit more or less states that outright.
Lawsuit: Northwestern’s law school is biased against White men in The lawsuit, filed by a prominent attorney, alleges the university’s law school gives hiring preference to women and people of color.
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Negative reviews come in two varieties - useful (I got food poisoning) or “this reviewer doesn’t know how to tie their shoes” (“I went to this Chinese restaurant and ordered a hamburger”). Also works for products.
i love seeing a chinese restaurant that has 3 stars and all the positive reviews are like “the chicken is $5 and it FUCKS” and the negative reviews are like “they’re rude as fuck and the philly cheesesteak was awful” and i know im about to have the best lo mein known to man
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Hey so…we are in the middle of a far right coup and the far right is telling you they are going to continue and if we try to stop them they will resort to open violence.This is cartoonish and people need to push these fascist now. Not tomorrow not next week we need massive protests and direct action