
Not that anyone particularly cares about original meaning, but think folks should still say it out loud: For all of the things that are unclear in the founding documents and unknowabilities of what the Founders intended, "the President can kill anyone or commit a coup" was *never* legally arguable
Like there's a lot they were not especially clear about, and all sorts of reasons where we shouldn't tie our own future to their past. But "Kings are bad; the President is not a King; he must be constrained by law" is one of the few things they were, to their credit, very clear about
As a British person I kind of thought that was the whole point of the affair from 1776 onwards. You all made a whole big thing about it.
IKR. "What did the founders think about being ruled by kings" is one of those things you can answer really easily by reading a history book, lol.
I want back every fucking moment of my life that I was made to listen to them lecture on and on and on and on and on about Obama and his executive orders and “presidents aren’t kings”
Schoolhouse Rock has a song about it.
Well, we can judge their grasp of history by second amendment jurisprudence in Bruen et seq. ...
Did you ruin all that tea for nothing?
No, we ruined all that tea because it wasn't being taxed.
I think my key point is that you shouldn’t ruin tea.
They didn’t ruin it, they just tried to make a big batch of cold brew but it didn’t work out.
Salted and seaweed-infused!
Too much water, too much salt. If you’d have kept a couple of friendly* Brits around, they’d have let you know. *not an era we were renowned for friendliness, I know. A bit like all the other eras.
That was mostly over the EIC having a near monopoly and flooding the market with cheep priced products from enslaved India
To be fair a large number of them were Slave Owners so they did know what absolute power felt like
ISTR seeing some commentary that we almost crowned our own George anyway. The version I saw was that, interestingly, despite his ambition to lead the Revolutionary Army, he really didn't want the title, and seriously they weren't going to pick anyone else to be the head of state instead.
Those are all history books printed in the old times. The new history books will be printed soon enough.