
Go with what you know, the malign effects of Roy Cohn continue long after his death.
once again, the polestar of human evil
I hear Jeremy Strong is quite good in it.
My late friend Irene Hahn grew up in Nazi Germany, and I asked her abt it, bc being Jewish, I always wondered how the Jews who did get out in time knew when to leave. This is particularly terrifying bc it's exactly what she said happened when we spoke over a decade ago.
She spoke abt how the Nazis took over the civil service and the judiciary and so when they enacted policies that affected people's civil liberties there was nowhere to challenge them.
So the republicans are promising if trump is elected they're going to: - round up 20 million people of a certain ethnicity into concentration camps - make lists of "undesirables" to be investigated and tried in court all right let's check with the msm: "Biden not fixing things fast enough!!!"
You’d think that their utter certainty that Roe would never fall would have put a dent in their utter certainty that this could never happen here, but nope.
It hits close to home as I represent a lot of GS-13 employees, and some GS-14s, and none of them would meet a reasonable definition of policy making. The Heritage and Project 2025 people are just terrorists
And there are probably 400,000 GS-13 and 14 employees. The goal is to terrorize all of them.
Heck, we even have some GS-15s and other special scale people. There’s no good reason why any of them should lose their due process rights, or be subject to political loyalty tests.
do you have any sense of what the landscape of legal challenges might look like if a future trump admin tries to push sched f through? I've been trying to dig into this a bit
Do they stand in the way of the STRONG man? If so, Schedule F them.
Isn’t this a variant of labor law under NLRA and Railway Labor Act, where mgmt can’t unionize, and the statute attempts to line-draw?
Similar, yes. The Federal Service Labor-Management Relations Statute draws the lines for types of employees who can or can’t be in a bargaining unit. That is why certain HR employees or employees who do a lot of national security work can’t be in a unit.
What Trump tried with Schedule F wasn’t to pull people out of bargaining units, though. He tried to take away their due process rights so that if they got fired they couldn’t appeal those terminations
So when my union petitioned OPM for a regulation to protect federal workers, the scope went beyond bargaining unit classifications, because a lot of management and non bargaining unit employees would have lost their due process rights under Schedule F
OPM Establishes Safeguards Against Schedule Any future administration determined to politicize the federal workforce will not be able to randomly fire career civil servants without cause under new regulations proposed by NTEU and scheduled to b...
Good to see that you’re wide awake; I’ve seen, well, otherwise.
There are a lot of GS15 folks that aren't policy makers either, mostly line attorneys.
100%. There are a lot of people who fit that bill
This is exactly how the Nazis started
And Kremlin continued. And Giftzwerg started exporting it around.
I wonder how well Tom Jones and his team at the "American Accountability Foundation" would take to their own lives being put under a public microscope.
I have an unfortunate feeling that they've posted about shooting people via the 2A or Biden being a fraudulent president or whatever, and we'd collectively go, "Ok, that's the viewpoint." As opposed to something actually scandalous like posting about social justice or whatever they're looking for.
Terrorists. They're terrorists.
Just pretend they're Israelis doing it to Palestinians and watch your dudgeon and fears melt away.
Labeled by Bluesky Moderation Service
"In a move that alarms some, they’re preparing to publish the findings online." Jesus Christ. I bet it alarms some and those some are right! Because it's fucking Goebbels shit!!
AKA Employees of the Month.
One wonders what high rank is: GS15, SES?
“Their focus is on the highest ranks of the civil servants — so-called GS-13, GS-14, and GS-15 employees and those in senior executive positions” That’s going to be approaching half a million people, thanks for the lack of context, reporters
Welp, that's great. I hope they do the list alphabetically or make is searchable so I can ego-check myself.
GS-13, like the person who rubs a small team of contract officers in an office in Kansas. Those people? My God.
I don’t know about rubbing but yeah
Yeah, the rubbing is more of an HR than a Hatch Act concern.
Damn you autocorrect
These cowardly weasels hide in the shadows pretending to be tough guys. Unbelievable, their leader worked for Senators. Thanks for exposing them.
What the Stasi lacked was this kind of entrepreneurial get-up-and-go.
Fascist leaders creating lists of those of us who oppose fascism apparently unaware WE also know who THEY are
Based on their previous attempts, I’m guessing this is going to result in a lot of far-right conservatives being fired for having similar names to liberals that are 20 years younger and not in government, or for having suspiciously ethnic-sounding names.
I'm sure they'd rather see those posts opening up
It's fear based rape, pillage and burn approach as a form of Malthusian philosophy. Be loyal or die. Kill enough people to save the planet for the wealthy. They'll ask Chat-GPT4,5,6 how many need to die? All the states can become New Guantanamo like Floriduh... I'm in a cynical mood...
Making lists. Not at all reminiscent of Viet Cong, AQ, Taliban, S American death squads… Even if we win in November, we are quickly moving toward a place where Fed employees have to hide their identity and school board members have to hire bodyguards.
As a 60 something white man, I’m mortified and tbh a bit scared right now
60 something ww here. As a retired low-level city worker, yeah 😐
It's not just that. They work in firing them.
Wait. Is that the same Tom Jones who worked for Ross Perot's campaign back in '92? He was like 6'8" IIRC. Major contrast next to Ross who was only like 5 1/2' tall.
Please will someone tell billionaires they will not be able to bend the ear of TFG because he will only hire sadistic, fanatical loyalists as those are the only ones willing to do ANYTHING TFG says and those guys won’t listen to a word from billionaires, only shake them down or defenestrate.