
I will take the L here. I absolutely did not think the Court was going to do this. You may mock me now
Genuinely curious what the hell john roberts was thinking
For my part, less out of thinking the Court wasn't grossly political--I think that's been clear for a long while--but more just "they just don't need to" and I thought they would play at least some small amount of lipservice to it not just being a straight power-grab.
what I don't understand is that Roberts is not a full MAGA guy; he is, as everyone likes to say, an ~institutionalist.~ does he think this preserves the institution somehow (or does this fit with in the imperial roberts court per lemley, as kbj suggests in dissent)?
Everyone likes to say a lot of things, but is it correct? Like, Roberts hasn't really given a great reason to think that he's not also fully committed to the Republican project as it has been revealed to be, just more frog-boiling about it?
I don't know that Roberts knows what he is anymore. He clearly understood the political and philosophical ramifications which is why it was held to the last possible moment. My guess is that Roberts is as he's always been: a weathervane on a rightward tilting pole.
I think it’s helpful to adopt the approach that Roberts is an institutionalist only insofar as it increases the judiciary and specifically the Supreme Court’s power.
Which would make him entirely non-originalist and anti-institutionalist.
Is this something where he knew there were 5 votes for something even worse but he agreed to write the majority opinion in a way that would at least *seem* to leave room for presidential prosecutions? Like there were 5 votes to dismiss the prosecution outright and this was his compromise?
But that's the thing, it will *seem*, to plenty of people, that this leaves room for prosecutions, which will mean that Trump skating by will *seem* to those people to be a just result. Roberts' words are there to make fascism look like a reasonable goal to the "centrists." They HELP the other 5.
Yes, that’s what he’s there for. It isn’t that he’s MAGA or anti-MAGA, he’s just conscious (ish) of how the rulings look to non-ideologues. He’s willing to let crazy things happen, but he’d rather it not be blatant. Mostly because he finds blatant partisanship gauche.
That is unlikely because Barrett concurred and indicated that she was troubled by some of the more extreme aspects.
True. A narrow split, though, and again, maybe Thomas or Alito was willing to write something more extreme and Roberts felt the need to write the argument his way. It’s the only argument I can see, but who knows why they do anything. Certainly not love of the law!
I don't think so, because ACB actually had a much narrower concurrence vs the majority, similar to 14th amendment case. In that case ACB agreed with the outcome (dismissing the case) but disagreed with the remaining 5 conservatives on the scope of the 14th amendment.
I haven’t read her concurrence, but the section of the main decision she didn’t join was quite narrow.
In light of this as well as all of his voting rights decisions, perhaps time for those who assumed Roberts was an institutionalist and not a nakedly partisan Republican to re-examine that premise.
Yeah all I can figure is maybe there was an unreleased draft Alito or Thomas opinion that was a contender for the controlling opinion and this somehow is a less extreme 6-vote compromise from that? But even then, it’s an extreme opinion, and the hectoring about the tone of the dissent… I don’t know.
Roberts is a power guy. When he has the ability to take it, he does and when he does not, he votes in a way to preserve that option for later.
Oh Roberts is an institutionalist. He just never said for *which* institutions.
How much more evidence do you need that Robert’s is indeed a MAGA guy, a lifetime leading up to dismantling Chevron, et al.?
He got out ahead of MAGA with Shelby County.
It doesn't really matter if he is full MAGA or not. He's allowed partisan gerrymandering. He's neutered the Jan 6th trials. He's legalized bribery. He's overturned Chevron, Dobbs, VRA, etc.. People forget too easily he was part of the legal team that won Bush v Gore. The SC was his reward.
I think Roberts thought he could spin this as a moderate, narrow opinion. It looks like the big news outlets are correctly not reading it that way.
If he thought that's how this opinion would spin, jeez
Makes me wonder if Roberts, too, exists only in Fox News and similar information spaces. Like Alito and Thomas.
He always struck me as more of a newspaper guy than a TV news guy, but who knows anymore
It’s not simply information bubbles - it’s that anyone is corruptible given enough money on the table and promises of great power. I think the question for these judges should be “what do you think your role will be in a post democratic society?”
I assume there was a 5-4 draft somewhere that didn't bother.
He’s gotten away with it until now. Which is why things are stable until suddenly they aren’t.
that note about the dissents dooming reads as hilarious out of touch, yes, but also sincere
yeah Roberts' whole thing has been "I'm going to do horrible things with some consideration for optics" this is, uh, not that!
Almost makes one wonder what horrors were contained in previous drafts if THIS is the version he signed onto. I say “almost”, because—and I say this the decorum required when speaking of the Chief Justice—fuck that guy.
That they didn't need to is really important - if the goal was to delay the trial past the election, they could have achieved that with an opinion that stopped far short of where this goes. This is an explicit expression of their view on how a president may use executive authority and it's ugly.
Yep. It's a signal to Trump that his second term will have no limits
Right, I assumed they wouldn't be able to get Roberts and at least one of the other "non-crazies" (heavy quotation marks on that now) to do more than just delay the trial under the pretense of applying a new, fact-specific test. Instead he *writes the opinion* saying Watergate was legal!
it's honestly really shocking that they're not even trying to present the illusion of "we're not trying to give Trump total immunity to consequences for convenience" that saying no to this would have done.
it's so bizarre to get this and NetChoice ruling on the same day
You would think that these people who pretend to be so dignified and above it all would PREFER to get their way without having Donald Trump around to make it all as crass as possible. I will never again believe anyone who says that the conservative establishment hates him.
If it makes you feel better, having expected it doesn’t make it suck any less.
Turns out John Roberts did in fact want to grab the country by its pussy and see if Trump was right. What an insane but clarifying week.
I assumed it was going to be something like 7-2 or 8-1 against. I would have bet a lot that they wouldn't go this route. It turns out that my extreme cynicism may not have been extreme enough to be right.
For real? Even after last week's decisions?
I thought it would be a "Trump has no immunity (wink wink, we gave him immunity and you idiots didn't notice)" decision, but they decided to do a "haha fuck you Presidents are Kings now, suck it up libs" decision instead
"He isn't immune but we'll delay it long enough that if he's President he can make it go away" is what I expected. What we got is "He's immune and can never be prosecuted because 'Unofficial Acts' will be a category so small as to be meaningless."
Me neither. I thought they would rule against Trump (while giving him what he wanted with pretrial delay)
Not here to mock, but please start amplifying a different set of voices on this issue—people who've assessed this judicial coup with clear eyes from the start & called for executive intervention.
Both POTUS and Congress have relevant powers to draw on in cases of extreme official corruption, sedition, or terrorism (which Jan. 6 was). Rather than write a policy paper for moderates to nitpick, I'll say keep protest demands broad & maximal: "Trump judges must go." "Clean up the courts now."
I don’t think you deserve mockery. You just underestimated how utterly lawless these court conservatives are. It’s beyond anything I’ve ever seen