Ren "Free Palestine" Jender

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Ren "Free Palestine" Jender

Queer writer-performer/producer making a film, writing at NY Times, NPR, Village Voice and Slate. 2021 National Critics Institute Fellow. *Deeply* petty. Gmail: njender Insta: renjender.
My parents’ friends are on a world cruise with Princess (read: $$, old people) and in 77 days, 10 people have died
If you want some hope and a dose of excellent queer history, I recommend the newest season of the podcast Slow Burn, Gays Against Briggs. It tells the story of how queer activists successfully fought an initiative to ban gay teachers in California, and it has lots of great interviews
Actually this is more like turning in only the first paragraph of a term paper four years after it was due, and three years after the private equity group that had taken over the college shut it down forever.
me turning in my essay at 11:59 PM on the due date
Making fun of Trump: not funny Making fun of Biden: too worrying Making fun of Harris: racist Making fun of JD Vance: incredibly satisfying
I am always on the lookout for effective resistance work that is the daily equivalent of, say, walking the dog or brushing your teeth, bc I feel like folks think it’s exhausting obsessive involvement or nothing.
Saw someone’s take is “Bouie not being here won’t make or break” this site. I am happy to say some things about how platform migration works. It’s true, one user never makes or breaks anything, but for U.S. users the presence of young Black folks has driven the popularity of new tech for decades 1/?
multiple protesters and a journalist were shot
Nationwide protests and general strike called in Kenya today.
A white queer wouldn't have been harassed like that, I'm barely seeing the sides of this but it's unreal how many white trans women I've never interacted with are popping up to accuse you of transmisogyny for no reason. "Fuck the NYT" does not mean "harass a marginalized employee at the NYT"
And to my trans sisters and brothers and others 😉: You are loved, you are cherished, you are amazing, you deserve the world. Our job is to make it safe for you as we make it safe for each other. That’s a lot of work along many different vectors, but it’s easier to do it together.
This whole thing has been kind of darkly bemusing because at no point am I leaving my main point, which is that anti-Black behavior runs rampant on this platform regardless of the background of the non-Black person perpetrating it and that nothing supersedes whiteness when racism is involved.
And I say “white” here and not other descriptors because Tressie was not pushed out by a specific marginalized cohort. Not to mention, Black people have had to have this conversation with every white marginalized group ever. White gay men. White women (whew). White disabled people. This isn’t new.
Also I think we can dispense with the “he’s on vacation” because he’s posting pretty consistently on Threads now. Good work white posters, driving off two progressive Black columnists with national reach. You did it!
Work requirements don't work: GA is the only state w a Medicaid work requirement. Just 4,300 people has overcome the administrative burdens involved, compared to 500,000 who would receive coverage if the state simply expanded Medicaid.
Can a Medicaid plan that requires work succeed? First year of Georgia experiment is not By now, Georgia officials expected their new Medicaid plan to provide health insurance to 25,000 low income residents.
J.D. Vance: it's one thing to make your entire career be just lying your ass off. It's quite another when you don't even both to lie *convincingly*.
JD Vance is particularly odious to me because we’re roughly the same age and from the same part of Ohio and I grew up with a hundred pasty, squishy faced white dudes like him & they’re all convinced they’re marginalized because you can’t smoke at Waffle House or say the n-word anymore
Manufactured famine
I dunno, considering the fuckery of pre-Trump GOP picks like Thomas, Roberts and Alito, it feels like Bush v Gore was the canary’s last song, and we’ve just been breathing in carbon monoxide for the last two decades, wondering why our vision is getting fuzzy at the edges
Institutions work until they don’t. It’s banal but true. Courts as institutions worked when Trump tried to steal the election, but FedSoc has been chipping away at them for decades, and I think it is very rational to doubt they will work any more to restrain an executive.
You know who would have great real time insight on the current news cycle? Jamele Bouie. Too bad those knucklefucks ran him off this site.
The community is the reason. It's always the reason.
also it’s bullshit the cops are saying they’re the reason there’s less murder in boston this year. they don’t actually prevent crime
BPD might be able to reduce this if they stop showing up to events that don’t want them. BPD actively makes less safe and the city still sends them. I have asked them for several years not to.
Never forget - these 9 current Dem senators voted to confirm Aileen Cannon. Murphy (CT) Carper (DE) Coons (DE) Hassan (NH) Masto (NV) Rosen (NV) Kaine (VA) Warner (VA) Manchin (WV) Also voted yes: Jones (AL) Leahy (VT) Feinstein (CA)
Our judiciary is a corrupt fucking joke thanks to these incompetent White Christian Nationalist Trump appointees.
Breaking news: The federal judge overseeing the classified documents charges against former president Donald Trump has dismissed the indictment, on the grounds that special counsel Jack Smith was improperly appointed, according to a new court filing Monday.
Judge dismisses classified documents indictment against Judge dismisses classified documents indictment against Donald Trump.
Trump has made clear he prefers to run against Biden. That should be a red flag, right there.
She really said, “Retire, bitch.” (The “bitch” isn’t stated but is strongly implied.”
A senior House Democrat says efforts to replace Biden at the top of the ticket have stopped because, “We've all resigned ourselves to a second Trump presidency."
Trump rally shooting upends congressional Democrats' crisis over Biden's Rep. Dean Phillips said it would be "unpatriotic and unprincipled" to focus on anything besides the shooting.
a Catturd reply guy caught a stray at the Trump rally. Life comes at you fast sometimes
I didn't really share this to make a broader political point. I just thought it was funny. But I do think it's worth realizing that this did not happen to a wildly beloved figure but, rather, a person whom people already had lots of complicated feelings about. The world does not exist in a vacuum.