Rebecca Hicks (She/Her)

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Rebecca Hicks (She/Her)

San Diego Comic-Con Booth 5535
Writer, illustrator, voice actor, foolish mortal
🎯Our leaders lied to us to get us back to working and spending. Demand clean air at work & public spaces, wear N95 before they maim you for life. Long Covid has no cure or treatments. If you hate all this, an N95 is also a symbol of resistance, not just a life-saver ✊😷
“People are getting Covid again” I propose, instead, “People are getting Covid, still.” WHO et al may have “declared” the pandemic ended, but the virus never left, despite much of the world behaving as though it did.
The lesson that we Americans must learn from France is this: You GO OUT, VOTE IN LARGE NUMBERS, VOTE STRATEGICALLY, VOTE WITH BRAIN, YOU SUCCEED & WIN! Period. End of story. Is the French Left-wing coalition perfect? No, by a mile, but it’s a HELL OF LOT BETTER than the Neo-Nazis in suits & ties.
#France: The coalition of Left did very well. I predicted they’d become the 2nd largest group in the parliament, I was wrong. They are the 1st group now with between 172-192 seats. It’s a cohabitation scenario, & Macron will have to share power with NFP. Big question: will Mélenchon be the next PM?
Viva La France!
BREAKING NEWS: Voters turned out in numbers not seen in decades to stop the far-right National Rally from taking power in the French National Assembly. Polls predicted a first-place finish for National Rally, which instead came in third in initial results as polling stations closed.
Projections in France's election show voters rejecting the far Voters turned out in numbers not seen in decades to stop the far-right National Rally from taking power in the French National Assembly. Polls predicted a first-place finish for National Rally, which ...
San Diego Comic-Con starts July 24th! If you're going, please be COVID-cautious leading up to the event. Mask in indoor spaces. Get the latest booster vaccine if you can. If you're flying in, wear a mask in the airport and on the plane. Thank you!
To everyone pushing "AI", I wish you a very always having sand in your underwear everything tastes like rotten fish always feeling like you're chewing on aluminum foil day
Well this is grim
Going to SDCC? Do not be this person. And since we all know there will be at least one stupid arsewipe who will go while sick, mask up. That way you’ll never be that person.
seeing that book blogger post going around from the person who went to ALA after she tested positive for COVID bc fuck everyone else I guess? genuinely disgusting.
It's the last day of the Romancing the Vote auction! Time to snag some really cool swag and support important voting rights organizations!
I have two items up in! A necklace with lampwork and pearls and a custom curated book recs list (spec fic, queer fic, marginalized genders and sexualities. Will also rec you research materials if that's your thing.)
Between Ocean & Sea Auction item 'Between Ocean & Sea Necklace' hosted online at 32auctions.
I have two items up in! A necklace with lampwork and pearls and a custom curated book recs list (spec fic, queer fic, marginalized genders and sexualities. Will also rec you research materials if that's your thing.)
It barely took us two hours to hit $40,000! We are, as always, overwhelmed with joy and also anticipation for how many more amazing things we have to share with you! http://auction.roman...
Between Ocean & Sea Auction item 'Between Ocean & Sea Necklace' hosted online at 32auctions.
It's understandable that ppl don't know what to do, we've been shunted into this idea that a narrow version of electoral politics is the ONLY path to change. We DO have to vote, but there is SO MUCH MORE. Places you can start: mutual aid groups ( community action groups 1/?
This. Covid is not over. Covid is airborne. Masks matter. Vaccines matter. Mask up and get your booster. Don't be a host.
The world sucks and things are bad but hey, you know what you can do right now to make things easier on yourself and others? Wear a face mask. We have to be alive to fight back.
One day, this print I made in 2016 will stop being relevant to the news. I keep hoping.
Ah, the we-don’t-know-when-July-4th-is-but-we-know-how-to-be-inconsiderate-shitgibbons firework stupidity has begun. This year’s curse upon those participating: may llamas spit in your beer and stomp on your knees.
Happiest of birthdays to my favorite human, my husband James! He’s a righteous dude.
We can have better vaccines! Mask up now so you’ll be around long enough to benefit from new science.
"Scientists at UC Riverside have demonstrated a new, RNA-based vaccine strategy that is effective against any strain of a virus and can be used safely even by babies or the immunocompromised."
Vaccine breakthrough means no more chasing Scientists at UC Riverside have devised a vaccine that targets a part of the viral genome that is common to all strains of a given virus.
Don’t ever let ‘em tell ya the laser point precise, direct harassment of elected officials never accomplishes anything
Get a plush and support a great cause? GET A PLUSH AND SUPPORT A GREAT CAUSE!!
The axolotl has sold, so here's a fresh Plush for Charity Fren. A leaf winged Jackalope! One of a kind, hand made by my wife. Sale to benefit MS Society of Canada. Available here: along with many others.
Went to ask my neighbor's cat to encourage me to keep grinding on SDCC prep but she said I should spend my day worshipping her magnificent floofness.
No one believes that with regard to the generation of the art. A prompt is not creation. That's like saying speaking your order into the drive-in mic means you cooked your burger and fries.
Heeeey, are you going to Comic Con? If you haven’t had the ‘24-25 COVID booster, now might be a good time to take care of that. Get boostered and wear a mask on the con floor. Let’s have our nerdy fun AND take care of each other.
Hello! It's Juneteenth. It was made a federal holiday in 2021, and commemorates the end of slavery in the US. You can read about it here.
Juneteenth -
Thanks to everyone that braved the hail and windy squalls and supported independent artists at Books with Pictures Minicon this Saturday! We had a great time despite the exciting weather. Extra thanks to Katie and the BwP crew for hosting the event and providing warm towels.
Skin Deep is amazing get on this!!!
60% funded!!! WOW WOW WEE WA!
Yes to this! It hailed. Hailed! And gusty winds blew soaking rain all over Andrea’s great art stuffs. You can help here:
Hey everyone! Although the con yesterday was ✨fabulous✨ (amazing hosts/super volunteers/vendors/guests/attendees), the weather was extremely rude and soaked a lot of artists’ tables. ⛈️Unfortunately, most of Andrea’s inventory got damaged. Please show her a lot of love if you can. ♥️ #art #artistAlley
Featured Art Portfolio site of Andrea Rosales
We are at Books with Pictures Con! The weather is exciting and so is the art!
So excited about the Books with Pictures Con tomorrow!
This! One of the benefits of getting ollllld is that I have a much higher tolerance for failure now. My art has improved because of this. Failure is now my slightly annoying roommate that I can watch TV and cook with instead of that annoying roommate I always ran from.
This, but also, not everyone can tolerate being bad at something for long enough to develop skill. Tolerance for failure is an underappreciated requirement for getting good at something.