Lisa M

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Lisa M

Just walking the path…

“Be curious, not judgmental.”—attributed to Walt Whitman

“Some men see things as they are, and ask why. I dream of things that never were, and ask why not.”—Robert F. Kennedy
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The populist, working man ticket will be led by a Manhattan real estate mogul who owns a bunch of exclusive country clubs, and a Yale grad, ex-venture capitalist whose rise was funded by Bay Area billionaires.
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This includes garden clubs, volunteer groups, immigrant rights orgs, prisoner rights orgs, climate justice orgs, abortion rights orgs... the list is endless.
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Because whatever happens in November, we're going to need people in the coming years. Find a group of folks and plant some roots for a few years. See what happens.
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This is a really good time if you're not already connected to local groups and organizations organizing around particular issues to find ones in your communities that could use your talents and skills.
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In all seriousness: the very idea that someone can take highly classified documents, store them in a public place, defy any number of requests, subpoenas, etc., and then face NO CONSEQUENCES AT ALL is genuinely shocking, and should terrify anyone who cares about national security.
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Declaring people to be vermin, enemies of the state, or un-human is the sort of language people adopt before they pursue a genocide.
“We will hold investigations to identify the neo-cultural Marxists in seats of power all across Washington,” Posobiec said. ​“We don’t negotiate with un-humans. Because that’s the stakes of this battle: humanity versus un-humanity.”
Onward, Christian Soldiers—To War! At this year’s National Conservatism Conference, a right-wing army prepares to rise.
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the editor of the New York Times reacting to a potential Trump second term with “fasten your seatbelts” is so deeply vile i can’t wrap my mind around it. these people have detached themselves so completely from the things they cover that the rise of fascism becomes just something exciting to watch
I'm no ivy league fail upward brunchlord news professional, but I feel it's generous to call conspiratorial fascism (managed by a sociopathic manbaby with a fourth grade reading level) "disruptive" that's kind of like saying nuclear annihilation is "modifying"
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If you don't like food prices now, wait until Trump starts deporting farm workers
“… at least one million farm workers, more than 205,000 food production workers and 1.6 million workers in the construction industry and an estimated 142,000 undocumented immigrants who work as childcare workers, personal care, and home health workers. All targets for the GOP’s mass deportation.”
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'Sometimes things don't go, after all, from bad to worse' Thinking a lot about this poem today.
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Again, this. Among the president’s biggest jobs is to communicate, rally the people, and persuade voters to back his agenda. The team around him spent significant political capital and time putting together this debate instead of doing myriad other things. And this was the result.
It also shows that they were confidant that it would be good. The White House thought he could deliver. Why?
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"They're just fearmongering about Project 2025," brought to you by the people behind "They're just fearmongering about a coup" and "they're just fearmongering about abortion bans"
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It’s demoralizing & demobilizing to speculate about extreme scenarios, even if they are plausible in a long enough timeline. Focus instead on what you can do to prevent them: building coalitions (including with those who you disagree with on other issues) & acting in solidarity
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a thing to remember, in all of this horror, is that these are not the actions of a political party that is confident it represents the will of the people, and who is currently out of power and enslaved to a deeply flawed avatar. the struggle is not over and they have not won
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God Bless Paul Davies and the @PhillyInquirer: "The only person who should withdraw from the race is Trump...There was only one person at the debate who does not deserve to be running for president. The sooner Trump exits the stage, the better off the country will be."
To serve his country, Donald Trump should leave the race | Editorial Biden had a horrible night Thursday. But the debate about the debate is misplaced. The only person who should withdraw from the race is Trump.
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It says everything about the US attitude towards public health that they want to ban masks and abortions before they ban guns.
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As with the 2020 election, the problem is not that the trial was rigged but that it wasn’t. Trump’s demand is for trials and elections that are rigged in his favor.
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it rules that a jury of rando New Yorkers is braver than several federal judges and basically every single senator
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My contribution to the discourse
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Are you worried about falling birthrates? Here's 5 simple tips! 1. Quick racism check, are you actually just worried about *white* birthrates? Maybe stop that 2. More parental leave 3. Make public spaces and services safer for parents 4. Rent: too damn high 5. No seriously do the racism check again
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Destroying your hope is how they win. They *want* you to think they are inevitable. They *need* you to become cynical so you stop fighting back. Hope is literal power, something that keeps you energized and focused. That's exactly why they want to take it away from you.
End of feed.