Sinister Sabine

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Sinister Sabine

Likes story games, ttrpgs, hiking slowly, and taking pictures.

Genderqueerr ace. Any/They.
'Sometimes things don't go, after all, from bad to worse' Thinking a lot about this poem today.
I know the latest NZ election outcome was less than good, but jesus.
I will bang this drum forever: in THEY THOUGHT THEY WERE FREE: THE GERMANS, 1933-45 Milton Mayer interviewed 10 ordinary Germans after WW2 to learn how fascism took hold. There was never a moment when everyone woke up:
if you’re waiting for everyone around you to wake up, you’ll wait forever. this is how the people grinding our bones to make their bread WANT you to be. paralyzed, alienated & purposeless
Well this is grim
Ich frag jetzt mal ganz doof, mit sehr wenig Hoffnung: Gibts hier wen, der von #Alfeld/ Leine nach #Hildesheim und zurück fahren würde, um mir aus der dortigen Bereitschaftsklinik im KH mit meiner KK Karte Paxlovid zu besorgen? Finde sonst niemanden. Gerne teilen. Danke 💐 #Corona
Less than 48 hours left! If you haven't backed yet, you're running out of time! Bump in the Dark is a Forged in the Dark game about supernatural investigation, protecting your community, fighting monsters, and getting in over your head. Check it out on Backerkit:
Bump in the Dark: Revised Revised edition of Bump in the Dark, the Forged in the Dark game of hunting monster and building community with your chosen family -- with new art, streamlined rules, and more than 30 pages of new con...
For the people who don’t have time, here’s your Readers Digest version. You’re welcome.
Im Abgeordnetenhaus von Berlin haben und die einen Antrag für die Prüfung eines #AFD-Verbot auf Bundesebene eingebracht. Danke an und alle anderen die daran beteiligt waren.
Okay, hier hat jemand sein Huhn mitgebracht zum Public Viewing. Warum auch nicht. #em2024
I saw this was trending and had to google it "The post alleges that Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee for this year's presidential election, "forced" young girls to "perform lesbian sex acts."
Donald Trump, Katie Johnson allegations: Everything we Allegations from a lawsuit that was dismissed in 2016 are circulating on social media.
Ich muss etwas tun und deshalb starte ich, zusammen mit der Affenfaust Galerie, die „Strichmenschen-Demo gegen Nazis“! Für jede gespendeten 5 € gesellt sich eine weitere Figur zur Demo dazu und das Geld geht an „Kein Bock auf Nazis“. Hier könnt ihr mitmachen:
We’ve had the rule for how ever many years but I still click and watch the video every single time. Some days it can end up in my feed half a dozen times and I will still watch every time. It never gets old. I love it every single time I watch it
Tom Holland's "Umbrella" | Lip Sync Tom Holland, the stars of ""Spider-man: Homecoming" performing his dance and lip-sync with Rihanna's "Umbrella". Check out his jaw-dropping performance now!S...
All US citizens should interrogate the way we are propaganzied to support militarism abroad.
Hello! I have a flash fiction out in Issue 14 of James Gunn’s Ad Astra that riffs on the superhero genre: “How to Survive Walking Home from School.” I hope you enjoy this neutral instructional guide that’s most definitely not based on someone's personal experience!
How to Survive Walking Home from Photo by Jackson Simmer How to Survive Walking Home from School by Julia LaFond Did a UFO crash into the interstate? Is a nanite swarm consuming and assimilating all electronics, including batteries,...
"Viel Geld für viel Autofahren: Die Pendlerpauschale ist unsozial und schadet der Umwelt. Aber: nur eine Minderheit hält die Pendlerpauschale für unsozial und umweltschädlich." Da hier wieder das auftaucht, was die Studie zeigt, lege ich euch die Studie mal hin.
Ich stelle in Frage: - Dienstwagenprivileg - Dieselprivileg - Pendlerpauschale - Parteispenden der Autofamilien - Christian Lindner
Pendlerpauschale: Viel Geld für viel Die Pendlerpauschale ist unsozial und schadet der Umwelt – doch das wissen nur wenige. Eine Studie zeigt, wie schnell Aufklärung die Debatte drehen könnte.
Wenn rechtsextreme Parteien stark werden, gibt es allerlei sprachliche Verrenkungen, um das nicht zu sagen. Es scheint: Umso mehr an Wählergunst sie bekommen, umso netter werden sie bezeichnet. Das ist aber grundfalsch, analysiert
Verharmlost rechtsextreme Parteien nicht als "populistisch"! Eine rechtsextreme Partei ist stärkste Kraft bei einer Wahl in Frankreich. Sagen wir, wie es ist, meint Natascha Strobl.
I remember reading this thread on Twitter and being utterly, wheezingly incapacitated by laughter. Happy to say it's just as good a second time around. Do yourself a favor and read the whole thing.
When an article says "some scientists think" then remember this: I, a scientist, once thought I could fit a whole orange in my mouth. I could, it turns out, get it in there, but I hadn't given sufficient thought to the reverse operation.
So in light of all of the discussion about unhoused ppl and homelessness in the U.S. because of the recent Supreme Court decision, remember that the line "So I'm sure you took in homeless people into your own house, right?" is a deflection used by conservatives. 🧵+
Über den völlig aufgebauschten Pseudo-Skandal um Habeck durch #Cicero haben alle Medien berichtet. Dass #Volksverpetzer juristisch gewonnen hat und sagen darf, dass "Cicero einfach Dinge dazugedichtet hat, um einen Skandal zu erfinden”, darüber schweigen bis heute ALLE Medien.
One of my favorite memes is the “woman yelling at cat” one, so when I saw this I almost choked on my drink
Worüber Dorfsheriff Reul nicht reden wird. Eine der Kölner Omas gegen Rechts schildert ihre Sicht auf die Ereignisse in #Essen. #e2906 #noAfDn
Ich bin übrigens bei Protesten und Blockaden gegen Nazis für absolute Gewaltlosigkeit: Wenn der Staat es nicht schafft, Demonstrant/innen inhaltlich zu überzeugen, Nazis gewähren zu lassen, dann sollte er niemals zu Gewalt greifen. Damit schadet er seinem Anliegen nachhaltig und ändert nichts.
Write stuff you'd enjoy reading. Be a fan of yourself.
if u see this, quote-post with your tips for writers that no one gives anymore because they seem obvious (even though they're not)
❓Now that this winter of our discontent, is made glorious summer by this house of York... 🆗We were mad, but now we're happy (we're from York, like, Old York).
❌ It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness ✅ shit was mid
I'mma say this for all the people in the back. Don't vote for a person. Vote for your rights, for the rights of others. On page 5 of Project 2025's 180-day plan they openly call for outlawing porn, recommending imprisoning anyone who creates it. Are you an NSFW artist, or like the art? THIS IS YOU.