Scott Mullin

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Scott Mullin

Materials boy in a materials world

Doctor of chemicals (humans are too complicated)

Booooo Klippenstein had some good work in the past
Ken Klip going full Glenn “the far right are my friends” Greenwald
I know some of you would buy this
Just saw a guy whip out an OBVIOUSLY fake drivers license (Ohio)
Many people are saying this
men are easy, women are perfect and intimidating
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It looks like it was kichel!!
Anything "ai" has absorbed all the VC funding so anything that's tangible is going out of business right now
To everyone pushing "AI", I wish you a very always having sand in your underwear everything tastes like rotten fish always feeling like you're chewing on aluminum foil day
I'm gonna need to find out more
SPEAKING OF I have a very distant memory of my great grandmother having these dry crunchy cookies in her house with large sugar crystals on top but it was not mandel bread and the shape was kind of like an elephant ear but also wasn’t rugelah and I’ve never seen it in a Jewish deli so … ????
Reminds me of my new startup idea: A graveyard where we bury you upright to save space Phase 2? We liquefy you and pump you deep underground using directional drilling. We'll have budget options and spooky options (pump you under your enemy's house)
it’s so hot out, please let me die
I'm in Maui and a Trump-bedecked boat like this pulled up within 100 yards of a rocky beach and blared shitty music, obviously to draw attention. Life guards went out on seadoos to tell them to move back. When your whole political identity is being an asshole
We're all trying to find the guy who did this
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never forget the usa today “heatwave” infographic
If Tom was cool he'd give the other one too
Fucking fox took one of my water shoes.
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The nephew is currently devastated and his life is over he will never experience joy again because his father sent a text saying he was trying to buy him a piranha for his birthday and then sent a correction 3 min later that it was actually pinata
I've shed a lot of my Okie accent etc but I still say howdy and nod at people in a friendly way. I grew up saying it like you would "hi" or "hello", but a lot of folks I meet nowadays interpret it literally as "how do you do?" and they just say "good". That causes my brain to stutter every time
My kid wanted to do this at her birthday party. We released lady bugs instead
If any of my friends are reading this, I’m sorry and I’m ready to be trusted to hang out again 🥺
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No, sometimes we get down in the dumps and then we have to pick it up, pick it up, pick it up
We watched safety videos about this that showed, in glorious 90s budget graphics, massive explosions
He was…. less than pleased that they didn’t call first. The students had been carrying —among other things— hundred year old bottles of ether and cans of picric acid with corroded lids.
This is true. The Offspring is one of the best 90s bands
The Offspring was better than Blink 182. Don't believe the propaganda and revisionist history.
Hit a seemingly intractable problem at work where one of our devs spent an inordinate amount of time reverse engineering a previous employee's code, only to find that an arbitrary limit was too low
Also (don't tell anyone) a lot of times devs are just completely guessing at limits. "What should we set this to? Eh, seven is a good number, I like seven"
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To focus a bit less on despair, happy #FossilFriday! It's my last day visiting the Field Museum collections, so of course I had to visit the museum's new Archaeopteryx! Archaeopteryx is considered the first bird, and is an important transitional fossils showing that birds are derived dinosaurs! 🧪⚒️
Whichever it is it fucking sucks. Pulling my kids into the bathroom, actual poop leaking out, then finding there's only a narrow patch of pee-slicked urinal space to even theoretically change a diaper.... transitioning to sheepishly telling my wife she'll have to do it because of ~*the way it is*~
Is it misandry or misogyny when men’s public bathrooms don’t have diaper changing stations.
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Also reminds me of March 2020 when MSNBC had an epidemiologist on and asked him "how bad could this pandemic get" and the guy (who plainly and blessedly had no media training) said "well the Black Death wiped out one third of humanity so idk pretty bad"
Very typical Oklahoma politics, sadly :(
The OK state superintendent who just mandated a bible in every classroom hired Chaya Raichik shortly after she sicced her mob on a Tulsa school librarian to expunge "woke ideology" from OK school libraries.
Jocelyn Bell Burnell is awesome and you should read about her if you're unfamiliar
Not often folks get to say this … but today I met one of my heroes and gave a talk on my PhD research at the pulsar timing conference, in front of her. This absolute legend is a wonderfully warm human, and changed our understanding of the Universe forever with her discovery in 1967. 👑 JBB 🧪🔭
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Not often folks get to say this … but today I met one of my heroes and gave a talk on my PhD research at the pulsar timing conference, in front of her. This absolute legend is a wonderfully warm human, and changed our understanding of the Universe forever with her discovery in 1967. 👑 JBB 🧪🔭
My 2 yo has hand, foot and mouth disease. He won't even eat ice cream and it's so sad 😞
I like the idea of everyone having their own labels by default and subscribing to your moot's. You see somebody with like 8 red labels from your friendos and you just block em
I thought about doing this lol. Just make it clear that the entire label is simply me giving accounts a thumbs down for inscrutable personal reasons