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Fighting Fascism is a full time job
If Manchurians weren't overthrown (Thankfully they were for political reasons), the national olympic team uniforms for China would have been these as well because of the close ties and ancestry connections Manchurians had with Mongolians
The ratio was embarrassing to see too
Well every policy starts with a ton of maybes and it‘s on voters to monitor politicians to realize all these. I’d think biden would get my benefit of the doubt if I'm a US voter because there were tons of things can't be passed in his 1st term which he actively found ways to push through
Shocked only fresh Republicans still hold pedophiles to moral standards (not)
On the other hand I'm relieved it's this dude rather than others saying it. The guy launched a presidential campaign against biden and represents a Dem +8 district. he's speaking as a known opportunitist not as being honestly concerned. Both are damaging but far less from his current position IMHO
Unfotunately, or rather fortunately for normies like us in most situations, twitter still has way more users even when you’ve discounted the bots and trolls which means political messaging still has way more use being done over there
I mean……It's Nick Fuetes bros what do you expect?
Nick Fuetes bros on twitter saying Nikki Haley organized this assassination
if they pumped wrong amount……I mean given the incompetence of people surrounding him
There was a extremely popular cartoon in China in 90s which featured a black cat as a police chief that was battling various animal criminals including a vicious mouse criminal called “One Ear”
Also when your enemies kept telling you “you're falling behind so you drop out” despite the statistics you know you still get a pretty good chance if you put your work into it
Some of you are speaking from a place of believing nothing can change our lousy political process so we have to act like everything is great. Yes Biden is the best choice right now. Yes this is an existential crisis. Yes he has accomplished a lot.
I think part of the failure of the media right now is that if anyone is going to suffer in the Trump regime it’s not going to be national columnists who are 65 year old straight white people making six figures. Like if they don’t seem particularly alarmed it’s because they aren’t, they’re just bored
Is this why some of those seemingly “prominent trump criticizers” suddenly don't take it seriously anymore?I'm not talking about George Clooney, I’m talking about Stephen Colbert and Jon Stewart and people alike
Isn't it like every time he opens his mouth, regardless of what comes out of it, some of those accounts would proclaim as such?
My Slate essay on why leftists should vote for the Democratic Presidential candidate this November, despite everything:
The Leftist Case for Voting—Yes, Even for We need to think about this election differently. Just look at France.
The funny thing is, and I don’t mean this whole mess itself is funny cause it’s frustrating, Welch and bernie are both Vermont senators
Not even a random one?I guess polling really aren't random as they claim
Never really understand what the frack “political junkie” is
Well there's the “GOP never trumper” for you. Seeing them being as they are displayed here by bill crystal,no wonder they consider GOP opinions to be relevant. They're first and foremost GOPers first,how never trumpers they're is really the irrelevant point in this whole mess
I wonder what's with all these types of organizations using free phone codes 800?
One of the greatest calligraphers in Chinese history was also one of the most incompetent emperors in our history. In fact he led his dynasty to crumble. And many of the great painters and poets in our history were also pieces of 💩
Does this count as blasphemy in Judaism?
They roasting on Threads! On THREADS!!
Roses are Red Violets are Blue RN can eat my arse
need more everett true comics imo
Reminds me of that time when Buzz Aldrin punched a conspiracy theorist in the face