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Awkward 18th-century frog. She/her.

Things I like to talk about: plants, knitting, social movements, Star Trek, grants/philanthropy, animals, neurodivergence & monotropism.

Free Palestine 🇵🇸
Reposted byAvatar Sooz
Come and protest against the disgusting and vicious anti-homeless fences put up by Waterways Ireland Thursday 7 pm:
Waterways Ireland responded to my complaint about their anti-homeless fences by claiming they’re to protect the homeless. My reply to them is below.
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Reposted byAvatar Sooz
this has not been met unfortunately & i'm facing eviction right now, so i'm uncertain about where i'll go my landlord is still harassing me for the money, so i'm assuming i can still remedy the breach if i pay the full $1620 asap. if you can spare anything, i'd be so grateful 🙏🏽
thank you- i received enough to get the medication & food 🙏🏽 still urgent: • utilities: $379 (received a disconnection notice that said i'd be disconnected on 6/24, but i called & got them to give me till monday) •rent!!! my landlord said they will serve me a notice on monday if i don't pay
A4: I write down EVERYTHING, which is often the only way I can remember verbal instructions. On a work call, I take copious notes. If someone asks me to do something, I write down a reminder in my calendar or to-do list app immediately. #AutChat
Q4: Are there strategies you’ve tried for remembering things that DO work well? (Or techniques, or apps, etc.) #AutChat
A1: I have an excellent memory for sound, but not for words or numbers. I can recall the specifics of a melody decades later, but not the song lyrics. And if I receive verbal instructions, I'll remember exactly *how* they said it (the sound of it), but not necessarily *what* they said. #AutChat
Q1: Are there aspects of memory that are easy for you? Hard for you? #AutChat
What is up with Irish brands unabashedly using this racial slur?
I cannot emphasise enough how unsurprised I was to hear that a U.S. presidential candidate got shot. I used to live in Texas, so my automatic reaction is always just, "no children died this time? Cool"
Rewatching DS9 s7. I'd forgotten that one of the final episodes of the series is devoted almost entirely to Miles and Julian bromance hijinks. I love this ridiculous show.
Reposted byAvatar Sooz
Beech tree in Harold's Cross park the other day. Because we all need more pretty trees in our lives. (I do, at least.)
Reposted byAvatar Sooz
Microsoft killed my online life after I called Gaza Palestinians calling home to Gaza on Skype have had their digital lives destroyed, after Microsoft closed their email accounts without warning.
Microsoft destroyed my online life after I called home to Palestinians calling home to Gaza on Skype are being blocked and banned from using Microsoft products.
Few things are more Texan than a burger chain being more reliable than suppliers of electricity. For instance: during the 2021 snowpocalypse, businesses rallied to give people free food, while the state government did literally nothing.
WTF. The electric company in Texas doesn't have a map of outages so people have been using the Whataburger App to figure out who lost power. This is like when Homer was using the Krusty Burger map when they got lost at sea.
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Reposted byAvatar Sooz
If you think "working class" is white male auto workers who live in the suburbs, and not multiracial Starbucks baristas, Amazon warehouse workers, and Wal-Mart greeters of all genders, you are perpetuating a revanchist racist myth, the reality of which died with Reagan.
Here's a good reason to hold your nose and vote for Biden. Under the Biden admin, OSHA is finalizing a new heat safety rule that could save countless workers' lives. Under Trump, well... this:
Trump's Project 2025, page 594: make it harder for employees to unionize and allow employers to commit workplace safety violations without fear of repercussions simply by claiming that they didn't intend to put workers in harm's way
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Reposted byAvatar Sooz
People cannot seem to understand--or refuse to understand--that not all disability is static. With many conditions, some days are better than others. That doesn't negate the disability. It doesn't make the shitty days not count anymore.
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Reminder that this woman has no medical expertise, no expertise on trans people and as far as I know, no qualifications in counselling
without downloading new pics, what is it like dating you
without downloading new pics, what is it like dating you
Reposted byAvatar Sooz
Happy #primeweek! I just want to let y’all know that the Amazon shipping warehouse where my husband works is denying workers fans during a nationally recognized heat emergency and everything you order during time week places workers’ lives at risk.
Ireland, I love you. But. We need to talk about taco sauce. This is an abomination. (For those of you who aren't Irish, taco sauce is a horrifying mix of mustard, mayo, and I think some spices or something. And no, I have no idea what any of that has to do with tacos.)
If you, too, hate Dublin's canal fences, you can contact Waterways Ireland about it here: Hopefully if enough of us complain, they'll do something about it.
Here is the email I sent to Waterways Ireland today about the gross canal fencing.
Here is the email I sent to Waterways Ireland today about the gross canal fencing.
I will be contacting Waterways Ireland today about this horrific inhumane eyesore, and recommend that other Dublin residents do the same.
Reposted byAvatar Sooz
Autistic Woman Sure This is Her Fault Somehow:
I will be contacting Waterways Ireland today about this horrific inhumane eyesore, and recommend that other Dublin residents do the same.
I need to go hiking more often. 📍Lough Tay, County Wicklow
Reposted byAvatar Sooz
War is a mass disabling event and any approach to disability justice should demand an end to war and a free Palestine, full stop.
“Some children think that their legs might grow again. This is one of the saddest things that we hear on a regular basis, when talking to children. They tell us, we’re waiting for our legs to grow again. Sometimes, it’s difficult to explain that that’s not going to happen.”
How the war in Gaza makes life nearly impossible for disabled “Some children think that their legs might grow again. This is one of the saddest things that we hear on a regular basis.”
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Reposted byAvatar Sooz
For Disability Pride Month I’m once again begging for more artists to start considering accessibility and add alt text to your images. It helps low/no vision folks, neurodivergent folks, and more. Plus alt text shows up in searches! There’s a toggle in settings so you won’t forget. 👇