Stephen Morrison

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Stephen Morrison

Dad to a daughter. Instructor of rhetoric and writing. Runner of middle distances. Researcher on hegemonic masculinity and fascism. Writer of advice for my new college kid.
The Iran nuclear deal was a genuine triumph that made the world a safer place. Trump deliberately blew it up.
Trump ushered the fastest accelration in the Iranian nuclear program over the last decade and a half by withdrawing from the JCPOA without putting anything else in place. (And Netanyahu allegedly helped put him up to it)
On this date in 2012….
Since July 2022, the U.S. has had more manufacturing jobs than during any prior month back to 2008.
Watching South Sudan(!) lead USA Basketball by 15 just before the half. USA looks discombobulated by the Sudanese defense. #olympicbasketball
Would love to see a reporter ask Trump to explain the asylum system or, per, how Medicaid works
I really don't think America should be run by people like Peter Thiel, who believes "the inevitability of the death of every individual" is an "ideology."
Any idea what he means by this? I doubt it's religious. Maybe one of those transfuse-the-blood-of-children longevity cults?
Hell yeah brother this whips
I suspect that if the party had simply been openly behind Biden and dismissive of any criticism (the Republican model), there would have been no damage from the debate at all. Now, though...
Hegemonic masculinity hits the produce aisle
this is the only way to get men to eat a vegetable
The employment rate among U.S. born Americans aged 25-54 years is higher now than anytime in 2007-2022, per
“And let’s be crystal clear on this: when they say ‘send them back,’ they mean Dreamers, long-settled fathers and mothers of U.S. citizens, hard-working farmworkers, and fellow churchgoers and neighbors.”
“While we expected to hear lies and disinformation about immigrants, nothing could have prepared us for hearing thousands of people gleefully chanting ‘Send them back,’” Executive Director responds:
If this were Biden there would be 30 stories in the NYTimes, WSJ, and WaPo by 8:30am Eastern
for PhD students starting this Fall, I remember what it's like. know that no one has it figured out. you don't have to participate in the name-dropping, the comments riddled w obscure references—the performances of worthiness. you are already more than enough.
It was a full year into my doctoral program before I felt like I might actually deserve to be there. After that, I was finally confident enough to ask questions that revealed my ignorance, and I promptly realized everyone else had the same questions.
My job as a newsroom producer was to sift through Trump speeches for the 10 seconds of relative coherence I could insert into the story. That’s all the viewers ever saw.
Whatever happens, we coalesce at the convention. We support the team; we accept the work, and we do the lifting. That’s it. Anything else is our destruction.
When you whittle conservatism down to its core essence, you find that its ideal of dividing the world into "deserving" rulers with power over "undeserving" subordinates always, ALWAYS, starts in the home, with men dominating women in accordance with a "natural" order that, naturally, benefits men.
I know we know about JD Vance, but he's also working to make divorces harder to obtain, and says that people in "violent" marriages should stay married and not get divorced. So.
It's weird how often I see leftists sneer at politicians who announce popular policies in order to gain more support. That's how it's supposed to work!
I mean, FWIW, Sarah's father (then serving as Lt. Gov) spoke at an event with white nationalist Jared Taylor in 1993 that was sponsored by the Council of Conservative Citizens, the direct descendant of the White Citizens Councils of the 1960s and 70s. Arkansas white supremacy isn't ancient history.
"Fascists want you to think things are hopeless precisely because things can get better. This is why they need us to feel hopeless. Because there is hope." From one of my recent pieces
and high res, for your stickering needs
And it turned out that while that tape seemed to make a difference in the polling, this was largely an illusion. In reality, the news made Democrats more likely to respond to polls, and Republicans less likely (hence the polling effects), but it had almost no effect on actual voting (depressingly).
Hegemonic masculinity is enough. Its belief in a natural hierarchy, its denigration of women and gays, its fear of a changing culture that allows equality for everyone--these together are enough for a fascist movement.
Someone should create a book consisting of deleted and/or retracted comments by JD Vance and call it “Conscience of a Conservative.” This is a tweet he deleted when he ran for Senate.