
I'm just a simple country political scientist but I'm pretty sure if any other major presidential candidate said this it'd be covered none stop for weeks and everyone would agree that their campaign was over
Is there any scholarly work delving into how permission structures remove shame conceptually? I've seen commentatora comment about Trump and the permissions for a range of actions of his rhetoric, but not a lot about the subtraction of shame. The subtraction of shame (?) points to societal problems?
"Anthropologist James Acheson, who wrote several books on lobster harvesters, noted that 'Gossip, slander, and ostracism are usually quite successful in forcing people into line with the expectations of the community.'"
But instead of being ostracized for his destructive behavior, he's lionized.
Gossip, slander, and ostracism are being used against Republicans who aren't Trumpian.
His followers are part of a cult, not part of a community: different rules apply.
Any such study should begin with Rush Limbaugh, who paved the way. No one in my lifetime did more to make hate acceptable.
Sadly, I think those days are gone. It's not just Trump - nobody seems to care about the outrageous things Mark Robinson and Royce White have said. Herschel Walker came within a few percentage points of winning. You can say pretty much anything you want if you're a Republican now.
Perhaps the truest thing Trump ever said: “When you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.”
Beat me to it… Somewhere in the far off distance, Howard Dean screams YEEAARRRGH sadly into the void
Absolutely lolsobbing at this
If Biden said this, Fox News would immediately become hashtag we-are-all-immigrants 24/7 for the next year and act like it's the most gravely offensive thing ever muttered by anyone.
I agree, but I can't unsee the "Diaper Dekor" ad underneath a picture of Trump.
Don't expect the disorientation to stop
Trump's campaign demonstrates that billionaires don't need to run a president who can speak coherently, knows who is in office now, or is even loyal to the US. They just need someone who can catalyze anger generated by previous things billionaires have inflicted on society, & direct it to the left.
Invcredible ad placement though
But Dana White says he’s just joking so no prob. Also, this was a speech to conservative Christians and surely those morally righteous folks wouldn’t abide any such cruel Hunger Games nonsense.
Is he trying to turn us into ancient Rome, Elizabethan England, or the Hunger Games? Or all of the above? Terrifying.
Right? I'm a mom in my 50s, I love gardening and volunteering, I do not want to fight anyone (I have a green card so I'm probably not what he has in mind but he's not real clear on where the lines are)
Remember when people acted like it was the most controversial thing ever when Obama wore a tan suit one time?
He saluted a marine while holding a coffee cup in his hand? Oh! Oh! Jail for Obama! Jail for Obama for One Thousand years!
The ad placement is sending me to another dimension. Please don't try to rescue me. Any other reality will be an improvement over this one. Farewell, friends and strangers!
I caught that too, It's perfection
Some people see God in toast. I see Him in this screenshot.
Same speech? Also no consequences?
not very subtle
The media is complicit in propping up this fascist monster.
this to infinity. i hold the media hugely responsible for this shit show
Their job is to call out this shit. They have abrogated their responsibility to tell the truth.
they had that sphincter mouth spewing his shit on the daily in 2016, elevating him. they seem so surprised at the rise of this monster they built for views. fuck then all esp matt lauer
This evil man has simply no bottom and his cult followers swallow all of it.
I couldn’t help but notice the ad banner at the bottom of the photo…
Every day it feels like we're getting closer and closer to someone unironically suggesting we should do things like the movie, "The Running Man", because they completely missed the point of the book, "Don't build the Torture Nexus".
Trump said shit like this constantly in 2016 and the news media decided that the issue that *really* mattered was that his opponent had a private email server.
Especially ironic considering multiple family members he chose to give government positions to DID THE EXACT SAME THING AFTERWARDS! Yet if you asked the average American, they'd know about Hilary doing this and not his daughter and her husband. This is more the media's fault than anyone else's.
I am "one macaca killed a man's political aspirations" years-old
I am nostalgic for the days when that would happen. Instead, dehumanizing people is going to be ignored or treated like a joke by the media. Look how crazy/stupid he is! Meanwhile the audience nods along with him.
This M.K. Brown cartoon from the 70s becomes ever more relevant.
But he might be a little better on Gaza. (he won't)
This is so true and it confounds me.
If Trump's campaign ended then the 24-hour News Conglomerates wouldn't be able to horse-race the election, and their 3rd and 4th quarter profits would tank.
Cynical - and 100% correct.
One asks again for the umpteenth time since 2015 when this racist lunatic who began his political career with his birther lie: how are they still so bad at covering him?
Because our perverse media rewards system values money over anything else. And we keep clicking on this shit.
He has done something "career ending" every week since 2015. It's his brand.
Cool, so now in addition to Handmaid’s Tale and Starship Troopers, they’ve decided the Hunger Games series is a good blueprint for the future.
I'm in El Paso. During Trump's term we had an anti-Latino mass shooting here that was absolutely connected to the kind of rhetoric Trump and his supporters were spewing about the border. This isn't about the reality of him making this happen. It's what people like that shooter takes away from it.