Steve Ely

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Steve Ely

Longtime librarian, currently unaffiliated.
Reposted byAvatar Steve Ely
The far right says they are doing all this to restore trust in the system. As a factual matter, they are doing the opposite. Claims of fraud, even if corrected by fact checkers, reduce trust in elections. Only 22% of Republicans are confident the 2024 election will count votes accurately.
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If states fail to certify their votes on time, and no candidate gets to 270, Mike Johnson and the Republican House pick the next President. The play is to create conflict, distrust, and delay. More than 100 lawsuits have already been filed before any vote has been taken.
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To put it more plainly: JD Vance very vocally wants to kill and torture my loved ones, destroy my home country, and help other global dictators and oligarchs consolidate power. Insinuating that Vance fucks couches is the absolute nicest thing I can say about him in public.
“Expressing sentiments via humor that might otherwise be expressed via other, less peaceful means” is, I’d suspect, a pretty key reason people started mocking each other in the first place, many millennia ago.
This morning on the dog walk, I saw in front of someone's house a hand-painted "Harris / Shapiro" sign, and I want to ask that stranger if they know something about the VP selection the rest of us don't yet. Or if they just reeeally want Shapiro and, if so, why so much?
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Republican leadership is trying to tamp down attacks on Harris’ race and gender, but we should all pay attention to how conservatives are acting in this unguarded moment because their behavior reflects both a clear ideological worldview and policy agenda
The Racist, Sexist Attacks on Kamala The offensive is an expression of the GOP’s values and its policy agenda, which, for this brief moment, is on display in all its ugliness.
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There's a slippery slope from this to a ruling that companies can't be held liable if their products include allergens they claim not to contain.
Consumers cannot expect boneless chicken wings to actually be free of bones, the Ohio Supreme Court ruled, rejecting claims by a restaurant patron who suffered serious medical complications from getting a bone stuck in his throat
Chicken wings advertised as 'boneless' can have bones, Ohio Supreme Court The Ohio Supreme Court says consumers can't expect boneless chicken wings to actually be free of bones.
Reposted byAvatar Steve Ely
Should we break it down? Deep state = Jews globalist = Jews Puppets = Jew controlled Slithering = Jewish lizard people Even Schumer = an actual Jew! Cabal = Jews Elites = Jews
"This broad legislation does not protect anyone and instead will be used to block any speech that state AGs disagree with." Alas, I can only imagine that my senators and representative—Ted Cruz, John Cornyn, and Ronny Jackson—would find this to be strong incentive to support the vile legislation.
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Retweet this to say THANK YOU to who apparently is the only Democratic member of the Senate willing to stand with #LGBTQ youth, reproductive rights advocates, and child protection cexperts who have been warning about the dangers of #KOSA for years.
When the Senate votes on final passage next week, I will vote no on KOSA. Here's why:
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This is what worries me. We win if people can vote. We lose if they can’t.
The very first thing Trump says in this clip is that they'll have poll watchers at every polling & counting place, and this is *hugely important.* Trump's campaign has reportedly redirected *all* funds from GOTV to an immense "election integrity" unit, & that's what he's referencing here.
Reposted byAvatar Steve Ely
Reposted byAvatar Steve Ely
The very first thing Trump says in this clip is that they'll have poll watchers at every polling & counting place, and this is *hugely important.* Trump's campaign has reportedly redirected *all* funds from GOTV to an immense "election integrity" unit, & that's what he's referencing here.
Trump on Fox & Friends claims that he's instructed his supporters not to vote: "My instruction -- we don't need the votes. I have so many votes."
Aaron Rupar (@aaron.rupar) on Trump on Fox & Friends claims that he's instructed his supporters not to vote: "My instruction -- we don't need the votes. I have so many votes."
Reposted byAvatar Steve Ely
"Across the 50 years preceding Biden’s tenure in office, the U.S. economy enjoyed only 25 *total* months with an unemployment rate below 4 percent. Biden did it for 27 consecutive months"
You Have No Idea What Joe Biden Did for The effects of inflation could have been much, much worse.
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like... imagine being such a nice person that your husband's ex-wife goes on the news to say you're great
Doug Emhoff, Kerstin Emhoff, and Kamala Harris really seem to have put in the work to make their blended family run smoothly. That can be a difficult thing, even in the best of circumstances, and it sucks that they're being attacked for it instead of commended for it.
Reposted byAvatar Steve Ely
"allow parents to cast ballots on behalf of their children for the country's future" sure is 14 words
"In 2021, Vance floated an idea to allow parents to cast ballots on behalf of their children, saying during a speech at the conservative nonprofit Intercollegiate Studies Institute in Virginia that people who don’t have children “don’t have as much of an investment in the future of the country.”"
Clip resurfaces of Vance criticizing Harris for being 'childless,' testing Trump's new running Comments Donald Trump’s running mate JD Vance made in 2021 questioning Vice President Kamala Harris’ leadership because she did not have biological children have resurfaced.
Reposted byAvatar Steve Ely
Just open and proud fascist talking points from Vance today. Just viciously anti democratic and anti human.
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Theyve been referring to immigrants as 'military aged males' more and more the past few years and no one should should be under any illusions about what their preferred policy is
They’re getting pretty explicit in making the connection between domestic and international state violence, and their vision of non-white people as barbaric hordes.
Greg Abbott Compares Hamas Attacks to Texas Border Crossings at Sheriffs’ The governor’s comments followed a screening of raw October 7 footage for Texas lawmen.
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Reposted byAvatar Steve Ely
schumer playing a role in welcoming netanyahu to congress to insult and sneer at democratic legislators who disagree with him is another reason schumer needs to be out of a fucking job after his term is done.
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Is there anywhere in the country where you could live independently on $7.25 an hour? I genuinely can’t think of one. Let alone support a family Happy minimum wage anniversary day 🙌
It has now been 15 years since the federal minimum rose to $ Fifteen years ago this Wednesday, the federal minimum wage went up from $6.55 per hour to $7.25. It hasn't budged since.
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Important to share this far and wide to head off any GOP bullshit claiming Harris can’t “declare herself president.”
If the Dems win, on Jan 6 2025, Kamala Harris, as sitting vice president, will officially declare herself president. Here is footage of the last time this happened: George HW Bush presiding over the reporting of the votes electing him president. (~ 38 minute mark.)
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Reposted byAvatar Steve Ely
Tech has its own subprime mortgage crisis happening with generative AI. OpenAI burned $4bn this year (so far!) on cloud costs alone, and may spend $3bn+ on model training, with annualized revenues of $3.4bn. This is really bad! This company can't survive!
Reposted byAvatar Steve Ely
Trump, in a private meeting with his nephew in 2020, said regarding disabled people, "Those people, the shape they’re in, all the expenses, maybe those kinds of people should just die." I am not surprised he thinks this and I'm not surprised he said it, and I'm glad his nephew revealed it.
Reposted byAvatar Steve Ely
The "don't dump Biden" people were also "party disunity and chaos will undermine our electoral chances" which also explains the rapid coalescing around Harris. She is the best electoral hope given the moment.
Most “don’t dump Biden” people were “Biden shouldn’t be forced out, but if he can’t run it’s Harris” so not sure what point Nate Lead is making.
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it's so funny to me when JD Vance tries to paint Harris as having some kind of sad sack life when she literally has the job he's going for
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If you supported the writers, actors, warehouse workers, or any labor union this last year; PLEASE support animation workers when our contract expires on August 12th. Nearly our entire industry has been out of work for a year+ bc of unchecked greed from the top. We can barely survive.
Reposted byAvatar Steve Ely
Also, the US is basically the only place that funds and administers schools the way we do (mostly all locally with some state money and oversight and a smidgen of federal oversight). Tax everyone in the country and distribute it equally on a per-student basis to every school in the country.
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The mass purging of immigrants is the GOP’s signature campaign promise, as we saw at the RNC last week, when attendees waved “MASS DEPORTATION NOW” signs. But remember who they are talking about: our neighbors, coworkers, and loved ones.
Mass Deportation is a Kitchen Table The Devastating Consequences of the GOP’s Signature Promise are Worth Talking About
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"Indeed, all of this cruelty starts to make morbid sense when you understand that the broader anti-abortion goal goes beyond forced c-sections or redefining medical standards. They are trying to make Americans numb to women suffering and dying during pregnancy."
This is How They Kill The rise of post-Roe c-sections