Chokely CarmichaelšŸ„‹

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Chokely CarmichaelšŸ„‹

Assistant Prof at UIUC Department of Communication studying media, politics, & identity, not necessarily in that order. UMich Comm & Media / SDSU Journalism & Media Studies / Drexel Digital Media alumnus / USMC veteran.
Hi good people. UAlbany political science is hiring an Assistant Professor of Public Law. I'm on the search committee. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.ā€¦
Saw someoneā€™s take is ā€œBouie not being here wonā€™t make or breakā€ this site. I am happy to say some things about how platform migration works. Itā€™s true, one user never makes or breaks anything, but for U.S. users the presence of young Black folks has driven the popularity of new tech for decades 1/?
ā€œWe find that Trumpā€™s use of violent vocabulary has increased over timeā€¦He increasingly exemplifies a negative populism, concentrated on denigrating out-groups.ā€ Cc: all the journalists credulously agreeing with Rs that the ā€œtemperatureā€ is too hot. Call is coming from inside the house, ya rubes!
Donald Trump's words "Trumpā€™s use of violent vocabulary has increased over time and now surpasses that of all other democratic politicians we studied....He increasingly exemplifies a negative populism, concentrated on denigrating out-groups."
Donald Trump's Founded in 1920, the NBER is a private, non-profit, non-partisan organization dedicated to conducting economic research and to disseminating research findings among academics, public policy makers, an...
Yes, and my and others' research shows that it's white folks who have the communicative power* to change other white folks' racial attitudes, not Black folks. That power comes with a responsibility to use it for exactly that purpose. *Because of racism, of course.
Why is it whenever Black folks, including me, write a post about racism, white folks leap/run/fly into your mentions to say "I cut off my racist family! Congratulate me!" when their job was to stay and confront the bigotry so marginalized people don't have to? You shirked. Why are you proud?
Solidarity Effects in Social Movement Messaging: How Cueing Dominant Group Identity Can Increase Movement Abstract. Despite the historical importance of dominant group solidarity with movements for social justice, little empirical work has examined how the soci
Two months ago Greg Abbott pardoned a murderer who texted a friend "I might go to Dallas to shoot looters" then drove into a BLM protest in Austin and killed a protester. The universal response from conservatives to the pardon was "Yeah! Woo-hoo!" Now they say liberals should turn down the rhetoric
the "violence shook this previously peaceful white christian nationalist rally railing against the vermin tainting the blood of the country" stories are going to destroy me
Exactly this. What violence is called political and what/when violence is condemned is a function of oneā€™s views. Yā€™all arenā€™t pacifists.
COVID is rocking me so all I'll say is that what USers have historically called democracy has long coexisted with tons of explicitly political violence, and that what we call democracy today coexists with absurd amounts of violence that simply isn't called political
'We'll kill you if you try to stop us' is terrorism.
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court presidential immunity ruling: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be"
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court immunity decision: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution"
Aggressive police response to protests shapes perceptions that protests are violentā€¦which is then used to justify more aggressive police response to protests. Will have to fit this into my #CMN396 Media and Crime course for this fall.
New finding from a survey experiment: "when a photo of armed police accompanies a report of a protest, respondents are more likely to describe the protest as violent...these results are the strongest among white respondents" polisky sociology
New JSI pub: How does American Social Psychology construct the phenomena of ā€˜racismā€™? From a CRT perspective, we investigated this question by considering one of the more prominent representations of the field: textbooks recommended by šŸ§µ URL:
SPSSI A core tenet of Critical Race Theory (CRT) is an understanding of systemic racism as a defining and constitutive feature of the Eurocentric modern order. In contrast to this foundational insight, dis....
Interesting report. But how do survey respondents interpret questions about how much political content they see/share on social media when "political"/"politics" can mean many different things to different people? Need to consider when including those words may produce unacknowledged variation.
"Instagram said this year that it would not recommend 'political content' unless users opted into seeing it. Abortion advocacy groups haven't received clarity on whether the topic is deemed political, and Meta declined to specify." This is weaponization of political ontology.
Tech platforms like TikTok and Instagram have been more aggressive about removing or suppressing posts that share information about how to obtain safe and legal abortions since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, abortion rights groups say.
Abortion Groups Say Tech Companies Suppress Posts and The groups say they are increasingly confused and frustrated by how major technology platforms moderate posts about abortion services.
reskeet with a hobby that helps your mental health
reskeet with a hobby that helps your mental health
A thousand times this. The ā€œhush moneyā€ is only a felony because it was part of a fraudulent conspiracyā€” in this case, to influence the 2016 election. THIS should be the dominant frame, but itā€™s not been thus far, even after the verdict.
It's interesting to see which outlets still frame it as "hush money" and which, like the WaPo here, frame it as a conspiracy to influence/corrupt the 2016 election. It seems like the latter framing, which is what made them felonies, is the more important and correct one.
Will have to add this to the Talking Crime Online day of my Media and Crime course. I wonder how much of that engagement is users replying "Scary!" to situations that decidedly aren't, or users challenging potential instances of racial profilingā€”for which Nextdoor is infamous.
3ļøāƒ£ Using a sample of 116k posts & 164k comments, collected from 30 Nextdoor neighborhoods, we find that posts seeking and offering services are by far the most popular ā€” but posts reporting potentially suspicious people or activities received the highest engagement. 8/
Glad to know all those White Fragility book clubs in the summer of 2020 really made a difference.
RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) ā€” Governing board of North Carolinaā€™s 17-school public university system repeals diversity, equity and inclusion policy.
the removal of Confederate symbols decreased racial resentment, increased support for affirmative action and warm feelings toward Blacks, and decreased anti-Black hate crimes.
Monumental Changes: Confederate Symbol Removals and Racial Attitudes in the United States | The Journal of Politics: Vol 0, No
I have a new post up, on why I think an infamous Gallup poll, regularly cited as evidence that Americans are deeply ignorant about crime trends, is actually a great way to understand how the politics of crime are really the politics of broader anxiety.
Crime Decline, Prison Decline, September 11th, and the Peculiar Politics of A famous Gallup poll is often cited by crime-studying types as evidence that Americans are ignorant about crime trends. I think it actually sheds some important light on how the politics of crime are ...
Meanwhile, over on the hellsite: ads asking if people should be able to drive cars into crowds of protesters.
"White faculty members were 64% more likely to receive counteroffers than their faculty of color peers. Regarding other personal identity factors, men were nearly 80% more likely than women to receive counteroffers...and tenured faculty were more than 3 times as likely to receive counteroffers"
New open access article on which faculty members get counteroffers from Damani White-Lewis and colleagues
This is one of the first, and most fundamental, issues we cover in my Media and Crime course. Plus it's an election year, so "crime is out of control" narratives are going to be in overdrive.
Seriously though: where are the NYT pieces on angels? Why are the large percentage of people who believe in them treated with disrespect? And where are the articles relitigating the 2020 election in detail, since so many people sincerely (if falsely) believe it was fraudulent?
ā€œAs you go to class today, remember: there are no universities left in Gazaā€
On the lower right you can see part of the banner outside a local NY Public Library branch that's closed on Sundays to pay for all this