Steve (Acupunk)

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Steve (Acupunk)

Acupunk, anti-capitalist, physician at the crossroads of medicine, community, the deeper world, and epistemology. Father of 2 humans and 2 dogs.
{at}graymagiker on other hellsites
Please help this is the last day I’m going to ask because I soon need help with groceries
Also if anyone still wants to help out any with my sons birthday that’s soon 😅 I’m disabled and trying to give him a good birthday but this year has been financially really hard just keeping afloat. It would mean everything to me. Cashapp:$coffinmistr... PayPal:
Ruin a movie by making it plural: Grosse Line Blank
Ruin a movie by making it plural: Midnight Runs
I am not kidding when I say that Romancing the Vote has out-organized and done more to materially improve conditions in the southeastern US than any explicitly leftist org. Romancelandia ain't here to fuck around.
Bree says: we also have some very high value items where another will be offered to the runner-ups if they match the highest bid. Last year we pulled in $20k on that alone. This year we're MUCH more organized about it. 💗
It has been declared. Please cease all non nap activity immediately.
I declare it nap for everyone day! We are all to get cozy in our beds or couches and sleep the amount of time that we need. So it is declared, so it is affected.
good morning my community, A word of advice. You may be struggling with your feelings of shock with the Neil Gaiman allegations. Now is the time to process that conflict silently, in your own heart—not on the timeline where other survivors have to watch you struggle to believe. Okay.
Thigh Thursday>>>July 4th I said what I said.
it’s thigh thursday! 🖤🧡 wanna see and i between each others’ thighs? we had SO much fun making vids for this custom order; now available for direct sales! ✨✨ dm for price inquiries if you wanna see. 👀 CW: penis-biting in second pic.
When in the course of human events and all that jazz
Are you a registered Democrat? Are you represented by any Dems in the U.S. House of Representatives or the Senate? How about your governor? Today is an excellent day to reach out and leave a voicemail about any pressing concerns you may have....
Inside of you are two circles
when I was a child, I thought smart people were in charge. when I got older, I realized you didn't have to be smart to be in charge. but the piece that was hardest to learn is that no one is really in charge at all. no one's going to fix it beyond us.
Using Judy Garland's voice to read The Wizard of Oz is a calculated choice. It's pulling on heartstrings. Who doesn't want to hear the person who starred in probably one of their favorite childhood movies read the book it was based on. It's sweet. It's wholesome. It's a lie.
The bartender says "sorry, we don't serve faster than light particles here." Two tachyons walk into a bar. The punchline comes before the joke You know what the worst thing about time travel jokes is?
“Kyriarchy” was coined by feminist theologian Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza in 1992 to describe her theory of interconnected, interacting, and self-extending systems of domination and submission—from “kyros”, master.
I made this Pride flag using only NASA images and our team thought it would be cool to share on social (I work on the NASA heliophysics communications team), but it's getting all sorts of hate on the bird app and Fbook. Thought y'all might be more appreciative of it here. ☺️🏳️‍🌈💖
the most consistent phenomenon on this site is that the user named ‘SEMEN_HITLER_JOI’ volunteers at Food Not Bombs and the user named ‘Ashley Says Trans Joy Is Magic✨’ once kicked a dog so hard its eyes popped out
To everyone who helped keep me from death's door & housing instability, Thank you! everyone who reads & replies to my posts, to everyone who reposts & contributes $¥¢! 1/2
NEVER follow a poster to a second location
it's fucked up that in the united states there are so many jobs that require tips to make a living wage. like baristas and supreme court justices
In general, I think it’s important to remove the argument for leftist positions from the idea there’s an overlooked silent majority just waiting to support them if only for the machinations of the dastardly elite.
Avatar sorry to hear about your brother and father. May their memories be blessings.
one cool thing ab supreme court justices is they spend a lot of time in the same spot together
Werner Herzog directing a Maybelline ad: Perhaps she is born with it. What a frightful notion, to be imbued with the fetters of capitalist commodification from birth. It suggests God Himself is a part of our dreadful pattern instead of a refuge from it.
Heartening news but extremely important to note, before getting too excited, this has only been tested in mice with a mouse-specific virus so we need to hold our horses, even though if this is proven effective in humans with human viruses that will be fucking awesome.
"Scientists at UC Riverside have demonstrated a new, RNA-based vaccine strategy that is effective against any strain of a virus and can be used safely even by babies or the immunocompromised."
Vaccine breakthrough means no more chasing Scientists at UC Riverside have devised a vaccine that targets a part of the viral genome that is common to all strains of a given virus.
"YOU HAVE TO TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY. THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT ELECTION OF OUR LIVES!" *looks at the president, who should theoretically also be taking this seriously*