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West Seattle.
Film. Home Theater. Vinyl.
Guitarist for Vegas DeMilo.
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Fyi to journalists: Hillbilly Elegy is not about the brave nobility of rural poor/working class people. It’s deeply insulting to rural poor people - presenting them as lazy addicts who rely on welfare instead of working. The book is about how amazing Vance was to escape that backwards culture.
Eric hasn’t been in that will since the day he got a face. Let’s not forget what those two looked like before rhinoplasty.
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I find it strange that the GOP POTUS nominee had a near death experience 48 hours ago and there's almost no commentary about how that must be messing with his mind. There's no reason to think he would be processing this any differently than anyone else.
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They brought out the good poasters. JFC
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GOP is the new working class party!
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These are the other shootings that happen in America and all of them get one headline and then no one ever thinks about them again because it happens all the time and everyone has stopped caring
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It’s so cool that cities are like “pweeease only turn your AC on if you’re actively dying and don’t go below 79 🥺🤘🏻💗” while the AI nobody asked for is slurping up the power grid to make 1 image of a girl with 5 tits
If porn becomes illegal then Stormy Daniels becomes the real felon in that story. They want it outlawed because too many of them are addicted to it (see Ted Cruz).
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“Oh shit, Joe Biden made a gaffe, that’s definitely a sign his brain has recently turned to pudding —“ Joe Biden 16 years ago:
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I want Biden and all his surrogates out there talking about this. Telling voters "The GOP lied to you about an army of IRS jackboots coming for you because they knew rich people were cheating the government and they wanted to keep it that way."
The IRS reported Wednesday that it has collected $1 billion in taxes and penalties owed by hundreds of wealthy households who accumulated past-due tax debts for years while IRS enforcement dwindled.
IRS reports collecting $1 billion from rich households’ back For years, the tax agency simply didn’t try collecting sizable debts owed by 1,600 filers with annual incomes of at least $1 million.
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If this were a normal election, President Biden would be extolling excellent economic news: inflation looks like it has not only been tamed, but turned around. Median wage growth (which excises returns for the top 1%) is outpacing inflation significantly. Unemployment is near record lows.
Prices fell in June for the first time since the start of the pandemic | CNN Americans weighed down by fast-rising prices for three years just received more encouraging news on the inflation front.
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if you're wondering why the corporate-owned media is so horny to get Trump back in office this is a big reason why:
The IRS reported Wednesday that it has collected $1 billion in taxes and penalties owed by hundreds of wealthy households who accumulated past-due tax debts for years while IRS enforcement dwindled.
IRS reports collecting $1 billion from rich households’ back For years, the tax agency simply didn’t try collecting sizable debts owed by 1,600 filers with annual incomes of at least $1 million.
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Seven times between 1801 and 1869 Congress changed the size of the court, going from a low of five justices in 1801 to a high of ten in 1863. In most of those cases, as in 1801 and 1863, the size went up and down in order to fix an imbalance or overreach by the Supreme Court. My latest
The Case for Expanding the Supreme Court Has Never Been Biden has repeatedly refused to endorse “court-packing.” The right-wing justices’ ruling on presidential immunity ought to change his mind.
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demi lovato is short for demilitarized love potato
Impeachment is the legal process in place. I’m talking about Biden “weaponizing the Justice Department” for the safety of our Democracy. It would not get to impeachment before Thomas, Alito, etc would challenge it in court.
The point of this is not to remove justices. It’s to force scotus into reruling on presidential immunity as quickly as possible. If we dig up some additional dirt on them that’s all the better.
At least we’re together.
He’ll be dead and we will have no more information on Thomas’ corruption. An investigation could subpoena communications devices records recreational vehicles and more. Sure I’ll be happy when Thomas is dead but I’d rather see him suffer first.
We know that won’t happen, I’m looking for actual scenarios that wouldn’t put him in prison when scotus rolls back presidential immunity.
If we get Biden to sign onto this we could very quickly get a challenge on presidential immunity without droning anyone. Just sayin.
If Biden requests this investigation then we get to see how SCOTUS would challenge presidential immunity.
Project 2025 (The Official Trump Platform) seems pretty bad, huh?
Meanwhile, Sharts is working solo, handling both ends of the equation (generally not on purpose).
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the thing you really can't over-emphasize about reactionary centrists is how *dumb* they are
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Look how fun shutting down fascists is. I want this for us, too
I’m completely aware. That’s why the ad itself was wrong. The ad was cocky and arrogant and didn’t take into account what the debate may have revealed. Campaign managers at this level should understand this. (I’m in marketing and communications. I’m not a 3rd grader.)