Cadbury Creme Egg Enthusiast

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Cadbury Creme Egg Enthusiast

Bored, probably reading posts from the toilet.
still wild to me that it's all a mechanical process even as a kid with my box of Disney Read-a-long 45s i was mesmerized by the whole thing
"What separates the successful from the unsuccessful are t̶h̶e̶ ̶e̶x̶p̶e̶c̶t̶a̶t̶i̶o̶n̶s̶ ̶t̶h̶a̶t̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶y̶ ̶h̶a̶d̶ ̶f̶o̶r̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶i̶r̶ ̶o̶w̶n̶ ̶l̶i̶v̶e̶s̶ Peter Thiel’s money and how willing you are to lie for it."
Hillbilly Elegy Edited for J. D. Vance’s Vice Presidential “‘I am not a senator, a governor or a former cabinet secretary,’ J.D. Vance wrote on the first page of ‘Hillbilly Elegy,’ by way of establishing hi...
there's so many different pollinators! i have hover flies that pollinate my peppers and cucumbers. they look like adorable teeny tiny bees and i had never seen them before in my life until a few years ago
"Hamburglin' might be a possibility..."
they tried to put the accuweather guy in charge of NOAA once too
remember when they tried to put the accuweather guy in charge of NOAA and they uncovered rampant and pervasive sexual harassment under his leadership and he withdrew his nomination?
i have this! there's a minigame where you drop heavy garbage on Jar Jar in Watto's junkyard
we almost had a Cannon Spider-Man! the rough drafts were for a body horror where Peter turns into a Man-Spider due to a misunderstanding by the writers that his powers worked like a werewolf's curse
i found a free picross/nonogram app that I am several thousand puzzles deep into and that was only after i got tired of wordscapes after 5000 or so puzzles
(tired as in i needed variety since i've completed another 3800 of those since then)
for sale Giraffe Tv never used
I immediately thought about who they would run and settled on Vance and then was glad we at least have the ol' shitsack as a firewall still
funfact: they call them "movies" because the pictures move
I had to do this "advert" once for Snapple, improv and it was live instead prerecorded. I had to drink this type of flavoured tea that was an abomination and say what I felt about it. "That sure is tea" is all I could say. Snapple was pleased with that for some reason.
I still can't believe Ron Howard directed that
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have you played Nier Replicant? it left me an emotional wreck
they get especially confused when they do it to themselves, too
the other place finally loaded for me for once and there's discourse about "ugly women" in games again because the new model for Joanna Dark looks exactly like Lucy Lawless or something and i'm sorry i bothered
it's kinda funny how that works out i had a similar journey of discovery and i guess cheddar is naturally low/no lactase because of how it's made and i technically didn't need the pills to take it
saw this over the weekend! (Front Mission is the partial box you can see above it)
yes! i remember while he was going on and on thinking "surely, the game won't actually require me to remember any of this" and then he said "now run it back for me" and i was like "i thought this was a recording! 😱"
back before covid I was in a local indie used book shop and noted that much of what was on display was simply the owner's preference at the time i was also there when she told a customer that she didn't carry "The Art of the Deal" for the same reason she didn't carry "Mein Kampf" & practically died
i never did plant radishes this year... i think there's still time my turnips are crushing it this season tho
dude survived T-cell lymphoma (seriously! life is a tragic comedy), he deserves that title (also it's technically his actual name)
there's so much going on. every single one of my friends who played somehow never saw Gale's "away message" scene and i was so disappointed because it was my favorite part of the game! (none of them liked him and just left him in camp occasionally feeding him a magical item)