Sarah W(rath 🌈🍉)

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Sarah W(rath 🌈🍉)

Any pronouns. Baseball Paladin, Belt Wars veteran, Sports Twitter graduate. Collector of tieflings. Known for my homosexuality. ⚢ ⬜️ ✡️ Free Palestine. Will make jewelry if left unsupervised. Yes, your files need bleed.
Yes, the Yiddish word for bedbug is וואַנץ / Vance Poor Bret Stephens has been replaced.
as someone born in 1985 it feels insane to be living in the 1970s
StickerNinja is sold out of stickers for the day just hours after the news broke in our co-op discord, to give y'all an idea of the mobilization that's been possible among cartoonists lately. And that's just for getting cheaper stickers! There's a lot more we can do with collective power!
THE CARTOONIST COOPERATIVE'S growing list of benefits has a brand new addition (AND MORE TO COME...)! Members can now receive an exclusive 10% off discount for custom sticker orders from STICKER NINJA, the artist owned sticker company: by artists, for artists.
The Cartoonist Making comics better for everyone!
I love the way that JUSTSEEDS supports movements by creating beautiful and impactful images that they allow organizers and activists to freely download and use: - If you are an artist and have a website, consider including a page of free art you've created that ppl can use.
Justseeds | Downloadable
Also, if trolls are trying to pit different marginalized groups against each other on this platform, let’s work together to root those fuckers out. I have to believe that at the end of the day we all chose to use this app because we want better for ourselves and each other.
also and I feel like I buried the lede here: it calls for the people who CREATE queer media to be imprisoned. That'd be people like me. Or any other queer creator you love. Any queen who's been on drag race. Chappel Roan. Janelle Monae. Anyone who's made a piece of queer media. Imprisoned.
Psst: Project 2025 is terrifying for a lot of reasons but also because on page 5 it calls for teachers and librarians who grant access to books that are maligned as pornography (which just means anything LGBTQ) to be registered as sex offenders. Pass it on.
Worth noting that his own health department suggests that the first line of defense for extreme heat is to "stay" cool and get an air conditioner. If you can't afford one they note the city has free programs to access one and to save on utilization costs to set it to 78F.
Mayor Eric Adams, asked by a reporter about the lack of air conditioning at migrant shelters during a heat wave, says, "Every day New Yorkers don't have air conditioners. We make do." He recommends paper fans and says his mom told him to put his head in the refrigerator. —Emma G. Fitzsimmons, NYT
Hot Weather and Your Health - NYC
Psst: Project 2025 is terrifying for a lot of reasons but also because on page 5 it calls for teachers and librarians who grant access to books that are maligned as pornography (which just means anything LGBTQ) to be registered as sex offenders. Pass it on.
do you ever think about how easy it is to buy a gun in the US but how many jars of peanut butter and Magnolia Bakery banana pudding are thrown out by the TSA
"Following the failed assassination attempt on Saturday, former President Donald Trump did not see a polling boost, in the first presidential survey taken since the event....In fact, Trump's lead has narrowed slightly since an earlier poll taken July 12-14" lol. lmao
Surprise: Trump did not get polling boost after Following the failed assassination attempt on Saturday, former President Donald Trump did not see a polling boost, in the first presidential survey taken since the event.In the national Morning Consul...
None of these were what I was actually looking for but LMAO at Sticker Ass fumbling the bag.
Cats are liquid, but kittens are plasma.
This seems like a grim natural experiment to show that access to mental health services isn't going to neutralize access to guns when it comes to controlling violence
Jesus, both of Thomas Matthew Crooks' parents are licensed professional counselors. "The AR-15 rifle Crooks used was one of more than a dozen registered to and legally purchased by his father, with whom he often went to the shooting range, officials said."
Imagine if a president held press conferences, went on TV, and pushed for gun legislation every day for months. It’s something any president could do but none ever will. Contrast that with the Bush administration spending 17 months lobbying the public daily for a war no one wanted in September 2001
Again, people really/depressingly, underestimate how accustomed Americans are to shootings now. Politicians have done their work very well. The fact that a presidential candidate was inches away from being assassinated & there has been absolutely no movement on gun control just says it all really.
“At least 60 people have been killed in Israeli airstrikes across the Gaza Strip, health officials have said, including in an attack on a school sheltering displaced people and another on an Israeli-designated “humanitarian zone.””
Dozens killed in Israeli airstrikes across Gaza Targets include ‘humanitarian zone’ and school harbouring displaced people, where IDF says there were Hamas fighters
what an incredible and offensive insult to the family of the man who died
New: Trump's escape from assassination has reinvigorated talk among supporters that God saved him for America's sake. Evangelist Franklin Graham: "Trump came very close to having his brains spread over that platform but God, I believe, protected him"
Trump’s close call in assassination attempt fuels talk he was ‘chosen by God’ The former president’s supporters have said his survival is a sign of divine intervention -- and his White House destiny.
👀 Abortion Justice Now is a new call from repro organizers for an "expansive, federal right to abortion" without gestational and viability limits. They're asking folks to sign on, too:
Abortion Justice
If you’re drawing professionally (by which I mean exchanging your art for compensation) have multiple desktop screens, please invest in a color calibration device. It’s a couple hundred dollars, which I know is not nothing, but it’s important.
You get to spend three decades calling leftists "snowflakes" for getting offended by hate crimes OR you get to demand a moratorium on dark jokes about what happened to Trump. Not both.
BlueSky can come up with all kinds of tools, and it should. But we can’t “technologize” our way out of white supremacy. If BlueSky wants to thrive, white liberals and progressives are going to have to interrogate and annihilate their relationship to white supremacy.
yet evidently these people experience bsky as a place where they are “swarmed by aggressive trolls” - and that sucks. we need user tools to shut that down - thanks for prioritizing this
one thing i hope people also take away from this is that being a black person in a public facing role means that often you are held to a harsher moral or ethical standard than other people, which again is hard to explain when you're experiencing it. but i've definitely experienced that.