Tom Slatter

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Tom Slatter

Constantly bewildered. Singer-songwriter under my own name and 'Ashfeathers'.
Reposted byAvatar Tom Slatter
General reminder that when the wrestlers in the WWF/E tried to unionize, they made the mistake of including Hogan in the discussion. He ran straight to Vince McMahon's office and ratted them out.
If the selfie is black and white maybe you won't notice the look of terror I'm in the studio to record a Tom Slatter song. One with alternate bars of 5 and 7, parts in 3 different keys and multiple tempos. What cruel bastard writes this stuff?
Reposted byAvatar Tom Slatter
Mourning a longtime online mutual who you didn't know very well personally is still such a strange feeling even after we've all been through it a number of times. Instead of personal memories like an IRL friend would think of you go remember the time he BOFA'd Richard Dawkins?
Reposted byAvatar Tom Slatter
I have decided to become an NPC. If anyone needs me, I'll be standing around downtown selling the same 10 potions and occasionally glitching onto the roof of a nearby building.
Reposted byAvatar Tom Slatter
Reposted byAvatar Tom Slatter
Sad to hear about all the problems that have led to cancelled concerts at the new Co-op arena. Very sad for Olivia Rodrigo fans. Peter Kay and possibly Keane cancelled too. So it's not all bad.
New Song! What You're Aiming For is the 1st track from my new EP, World Ending. It's about the end of a relationship, but it has verses in 15/8 to keep all the weirdos* happy. Please listen to it and inflict it on others. * I am one of those weirdos.
What You're Aiming For, by track by Ashfeathers
One of my favourite songwriting tools is a weird reference book. My latest is the Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows. It's a sort of earnest Meaning of Liff, full of made up words for the stranger, most melancholy feelings.
Reposted byAvatar Tom Slatter
I mentioned earlier about an Assyrian business letter to rival the ones sent to Ea-nasir? I’ve got some time now, so—thread! The time is between 1950-1850 BCE. Two Assyrians living in Kanesh, in modern Turkey, are having trouble with a textile merchant, Imdi-ilum. 1/
Reposted byAvatar Tom Slatter
If you ask someone today to name the builder of Hadrian's Wall, they would give you a funny look. But historical memory is odd, and right up to the 1800s we forgot who built it. Until in 1840 John Hodgson, an obscure Northumbrian clergyman, published the LONGEST footnote in history... 1/22
Reposted byAvatar Tom Slatter
be the change you wish to see in the world. pay it forward.
Reposted byAvatar Tom Slatter
The Entombment of Christ, by Caravaggio, 1602-03, 📸 by @FireWaffle
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Reposted byAvatar Tom Slatter
THE PROBLEM: Most forms of energy are harming the environment THE SOLUTION: Switch to alternative forms of renewab... THE PROBLEM: Hold on, I have an idea, what if we made invisible valueless money that eats electricity THE SOLUTION: ...what? THE PROBLEM: Also I have this plagiarism machine
It's great living near a big national park and being able to enjoy all the wonders of nature. Here for example is a crop of car seats that has nearly reached maturity. The farmer will need to harvest them before they spawn in the next couple of weeks.
Reposted byAvatar Tom Slatter
need to start keeping a list of all the times some big supposed display of bleeding edge technology turns out to just be A Guy
Reposted byAvatar Tom Slatter
Reposted byAvatar Tom Slatter
Post a meme made by you. (I never imagined anyone would even save this let alone be posting it five years on)
post a meme made by you
Reposted byAvatar Tom Slatter
Rich dudes imagining they're leaving a ravaged earth behind to go live on Mars, and everybody else watching those distant ion engine pinpricks of light fade into the void above, and breathing long sigh of relief.
Reposted byAvatar Tom Slatter
🎄 BOOSTER THREAD FOR MAKERS 🎄 Every year on X I did a thread to boost people making cool things that might make good Xmas pressies. If you create things, reply with: - description - picture - link to buy And I will boost you. Non-creators, boost this thread and buy the cool things! MERRY XMAS
Reposted byAvatar Tom Slatter
posting this Classic over here in honor of the big man himself. adios bitch
Reposted byAvatar Tom Slatter
To be fair she DOES look like a chicken
Reposted byAvatar Tom Slatter
A short guide for all of the new Twitter refugees. A tweet is called a 'skible', and there are four skibles to a florp, which is sort of like a thread. Moderation is performed by a magic circle led by Neil Gaiman. Incantations are in Celtic, but Latin is also acceptable. Donuts are forbidden.