And George Wendt

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And George Wendt

Writer of unmarketable scripts and unlikeable skeets. Cohost of the Movie Memory Machine podcast.
I think that just offhandedly mentioning that Project 2025 includes a plan to make it illegal to look at porn will quietly grab a lot of otherwise apolitical folks' attention
When you’re absolutely f̶̧̘͙̤̞̹͆̅̿̊̽̓͑̒ȅ̴͉̚è̶̙̦͈̞̙͜l̸̤̼̯̱̯͑̋̈́͐̑͝į̵̥̳̭̪̝̻͚̌̓̅͆n̶̫̭͕͙̉̿̑ͅ’̴̗̱̯̼͓͇͔̀̀̍̓̊̐̊͆͌ ̸̛͓̖͈̺̱͗͂̍͆̇̕͝͠g̴͚͖͍̱͆́̅͊̈͐̿͜ͅř̷̛̞̪̳̞̞̟e̸̙̪͓̋͌ä̶͔́̅̊̍̆̾͝͝t̵̘̦̱̹̺͍͙͚̺̋̃͘
they've won the popular vote once since 1988, and even that was close. they're so bad at getting the majority of the people in this country to vote for them that everyone takes for granted that they won't even try. their ideas are more unpopular than their messengers, and that's saying something!
trump picked him so people will quit googling "project 2025" and start googling "jd vance why is his face like that"
every article people are sharing about him has an enormous picture of his face as the header image and I must reiterate the question on america's lips JD VANCE WHY IS HIS FACE LIKE THAT
The Founders anticipated all of this, and that is why they buried throughout the constitution various secret hints and rules that would, centuries later, make it illegal to notice or get mad when a powerful and extremely dumb guy repeatedly commits obvious oafish political crimes.
On Saturday a wholesome afternoon of fantasizing about concentration camps and plotting to overturn the coming election was disrupted by violence
at the time of the shot trump was bragging about his plan to deport 20 million people
other key differences from 2020 are that Biden's campaign is campaigning in person this time and the RNC/state parties are flat broke (and have outsourced voter outreach to Charlie Kirk)
why did I watch all 21 minutes of this
there's a lot to like here but best of all is that this picture makes it look like Trump is doing the Carlton dance
okay before we get too excited bear in mind that this graph doesn't tell the full story (during this period a small number of rich people got even richer)
the most jarring artefact here is the idea that having detailed knowledge of Harry Potter lore would be a cool or desirable quality
let’s all remember who the truest enemy is: the passage of time. it used to be 1996. even 1998! but nooooooooo we just decided to the let the ball keep rolling and now it’s 2024 and no one is happy at all. time: not even once.
I was worried a lot during this thing but that ending line had me hootin' and hollerin'
our Pablito's Of Choice is the one in the Circus Liquor parking lot, truly the best thing to happen to that parking lot since Alicia Silverstone got robbed in in Clueless
I'm seeing stuff like this pop up beneath my old high school classmates' anti-Biden posts now. (this one is from a guy who wore a fedora to his wedding and mainly posts pictures of modded up sports cars.) Project 2025 is really breaking through to low information voters in the way Her Emails did
"When one man, for whatever reason, has the opportunity to lead an extraordinary life, he has no right to keep it to himself." - Jacques Cousteau
An unnamed House Democrat who wishes Biden would step aside texts Axios and NOTUS: "The dam is holding." To Axios: "As someone who wanted the reckoning and is disappointed that it's over, trust me: it's over." To NOTUS: “They’ve outflanked us with the CBC and others ... It feels closed for now."
Workers AND Resources? In THIS centrally planned economy?!?
It's a truly incredible piece of art. I can't stop looking at it!
is that Smithers with his back to us? I'm going off haircut and the fact that he appears to be using his body to shield Mr. Burns from an incoming katana strike
This is the perfect set of circumstances for Speed Racer (2008)
The Atlantic is a legacy publication with such a storied history and it's really sad to see that in the past decade or so they've made the editorial choice to just print the dumbest shit anybody has ever thought of
maybe I'll start playing communist sim city on the fourth of july, as a treat
false, I have yet to see a single skeleton in a party hat in Baldur's Gate
it is downloaded and waiting for me but I keep putting off playing it because I'm terrified of what I'm sure will be an absolutely brutal six week learning curve