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Parent, partner, reader, writer, knitter.
Something is wrong with the world when I go through a reading slump. Not the broader world but my internal one. So unsettling to be unable to find the right book. Read a few pages….no. Open something else….no. Try a new genre… Hope your slump resolves soon.
Reposted byAvatar Veronica
Some days I miss being in tech, but then there are days like today when I’m just so pleased that none of this is my problem, lol. That Crowdstrike employee is probably having a Very Bad Day™.
Right?! I shudder to think about the day they had.
Reposted byAvatar Veronica
Ahhhh, look at how cute my new desk friend is!!! I snagged it as a buy it now during and it arrived today! 😍
Reposted byAvatar Veronica
Just a gentle reminder that if you DM me with “Hi” (or some variation) and nothing else, and I don’t already know you, I’m going to block you. I’ve had too many of those interactions go poorly.
Reposted byAvatar Veronica
I guess Twitter changed the pistol emoji from a water pistol back to a handgun, and The Verge had this perfect line about it: "The company hasn’t explained the change, but it feels on brand for Elon Musk’s social network."
Reposted byAvatar Veronica
Lindsey Stirling live is absolutely INCREDIBLE!! If you get a chance to go see her, do it! Lady not only danced and played violin, which I expected, but she also did it while upside down on silks and rings. Just bonkers strength and skill.
Reposted byAvatar Veronica
Avatar This is all true. Also true that we have to fight alongside Harris and shut down the sh*t and foolishness that is headed her way. We know it’s coming so it should be easier to shut down.
12 Reasons Why 2024 is Not Read this when you're feeling nervous.
Reposted byAvatar Veronica
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Reposted byAvatar Veronica
True story: One prison warden decided to throw a covid party & move all the healthy inmates into a covid ward. My client got covid, suffered three heart attacks, and nearly died. I was pretty happy when the CA2 held that his constitutional right not to be forcibly infected was clearly established.
Here's the first review of's important and "enraging" book about Covid in prisons and the stories it tells of institutional abandonment of incarcerated people and of the acts of solidarity they build for themselves against prison rules:
Prisons and the Pandemic: Enraging New Book Looks at How Incarcerated Americans Experienced Five people imprisoned in different parts of the country narrate what it was like to be trapped behind prison walls with no place to seek refuge from a deadly virus.
Reposted byAvatar Veronica
Here is my personal perspective on third-party candidates: I don’t think any of them actually take themselves seriously, and so I’m going to return the favor.
Reposted byAvatar Veronica
“Many of the most powerful people and media institutions in the land remain terrible at taking on racism, let alone misogynoir, I am sorry to say. So I am hoping we name it, do something about it, and ask those folks and institutions to do better.”
Reposted byAvatar Veronica
There are so many reasons to love Mo Ryan’s work but damn this article hits square in the jaw. So many mic drops like this “what I really hope we do not do — again— is ask a Black woman to save us, and then sit back and do little to nothing to protect her from the hordes of jackals out to get her. “
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Reposted byAvatar Veronica
there’s a post going around how it’s okay not to read the classics and of course it’s okay to read/not read whatever you want, BUT: 1) the classics are not a scam to make you read dead white men, in fact many celebrated authors are women/POC 2) you will often be surprised what you like if you try it
Reposted byAvatar Veronica
I think that’s most of us? I’m not a democrat, I just listen to what John Lewis told me about why voting is a meaningful part of our full strategy of things we do to protect those in need.
Reposted byAvatar Veronica
“We are not going back” was damn good but I think her closing out with “when we fight we win” is where the ball connect to knock this out of the park.
Reposted byAvatar Veronica
Goddamn. Just watched Harris’ rally break out into a spontaneous “NOT GOING BACK!” chant followed by Beyoncé’s “Freedom”. Forgot how fun it used to feel to be excited and inspired back at the beginning of the Obama campaign in ‘08. Maybe had feared things were too cynical to get there again.
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Reposted byAvatar Veronica
Wow, that video is 👩‍🍳💋
Reposted byAvatar Veronica
That’s why I want Mark Kelly in it: JD says women should stay in marriages where they get hit sometimes so kids grow up with their biological parents. Well, my girls’ stepmom was shot by a head case who thought Republicans putting a target on her was a request. Make guns harder to get, not divorces.
Reposted byAvatar Veronica
it is genuinely so relieving that we seem to be actually coalescing around "what is wrong with these freaks 2024." i have been saying this for at least three years
Reposted byAvatar Veronica
Y'all wanna hear something wholesome? My husband's Dungeons and Dragons group is organizing to write letters for the Harris campaign.
Reposted byAvatar Veronica
I'll go further with that idea and say: Public transportation, like public streets, parks, and spaces should be free, period. That's what taxes are supposed to be for.
Reposted byAvatar Veronica
When she was in the U.S. Senate, Vice President Kamala Harris had a softball team called the Oxford Kamalas and that is a fantastic team name
Reposted byAvatar Veronica
hummingbird is tryna keep you from making political replies to jokes