Golgo 1312

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Golgo 1312


The crime... is life! The sentence... is death!
Very surreal to be in day 3 of the kind of heat wave where all my lights are off and all blinds are closed all day. Looking at the temperature predictions, I can look forward to living like this for at least another week. I don't think the ruling class grasps how insane we're all gonna be soon.
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And then changed the laws to ensure it didn’t happen again.
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i regret to report that loving someone is a genuinely bewildering experience like theyll send you an old uni paper they wrote approximately three billion years ago and youll read it one morning and just smile in warmth and glee because this is something that someone you love made
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Reposted byAvatar Golgo 1312
Thinking about all the libs who lectured antifa for years.
Well shit, that's putting it as concisely as I've ever seen it put
bringing this here because i've had it
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Transphobes on Twitter are arguing about the unfair advantage I have over cis women in… *checks notes*… professional wrestling. Again.
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there is nothing I could possibly care about less than a powerful dissent. oh good job you wrote an essay, I'm sure that will help
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it's crazy they made 2 animated bug movies in the same year and both of them were made by and starring sex criminals
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Fortunately because Notepad is about as cheap and simple as the plastic fork that comes with your takeout dinner, it's also simple to replace. Notepad++ will do you just fine.
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Jesus wept. Do you know what Notepad is for? TAKING NOTES. Or being a copy/paste bin for a few seconds. Certainly not for any kind of serious writing. It's meant to be small, lightweight, and functional. Fucking *idiots.*
Microsoft is even adding AI to the Notepad app on Windows 11www.windowscentral.com A new AI cowriting feature has been spotted in recent preview builds.
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holy SHIT John Oliver
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We should all kill ourselves and see how it affects the economy
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Fuck you, Joe Biden, stop giving weapons to Israel and undo your immigration EO and then we can talk.
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Major content warning* Imagine how bad it is that even the genocidal propagandists at the nyt published this
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My theory is that Long Furby is a manifestation of the Gnostic god of material reality the Demiurge (Yaldabaoth) appearing in the collective unconscious as proposed by Carl Jung. In this essay I will-
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this is the funniest thing happening on the internet today: people claiming the newly elected president of Mexico isn’t really Jewish because she thanked Jesus (she thanked Jesús, her husband)
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Tell me again why the police need more money to do less crime solving?
A carpenter deployed GPS devices to track his tools after thieves stole from him twice, helping lead Maryland investigators to millions of dollars worth of pilfered equipment.
How a fed up carpenter found his stolen power tools — and 15,000 otherswww.washingtonpost.com A carpenter with GPS devices hidden in his stolen tools helped lead Howard County investigators to millions of dollars worth of pilfered equipment.
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patriots in control, I repeat patriots in control
Gritty has issued the formal proclamation: It’s LGBTQ Pride Month. Here’s to finding yourself, your community, and all of the love and support you need to enjoy and express both — and to be able to do so safely and free from government and other interference.
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They made websites unusable so they could cram in more ads. Then they laid off the writers who made the content you would endure the ads to read. So now websites are just a dead mall serving ads to nobody, if I am understanding this correctly.
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Reminder: when people like Bill Pencil scream down your throat about “how the bottom 10% have seen the most economic growth under Biden,” this is what they’re actually talking about. A $1.50 raise over 5 years to people trying to survive under the fucking poverty line.
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this is, in some ways, the most data-driven policy we see from conservatives: they know it works, so they become ever more determined to stop it and keep people trapped in the vicious cycle of poverty the cruelty is, as always, the point
Wow, Modern controls Akuma sure is some fuckin bullshit, huh?
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I love knowing so many writers who either don't have jobs right now or are severely underpaid and then seeing this
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I’d like to dispute the basis of this kind of meme: it isn’t that there are no longer 30 year olds who look like this, they just aren’t permitted to be on tv or in movies anymore
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So true chillary 🤙 Google Hillary Clinton Libya to learn more world history Google Clinton foundation Haiti to learn more world history Google Hillary Clinton killer drones Yemen to learn more world history Google Hillary Clinton Honduras coup to
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I love these guys. The most amazing brains