Bipolar Boy Detective

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Bipolar Boy Detective

Meaningful insights from an absurd, petty human being. The Internet's preeminent anti-horse activist.
At the unveiling ceremony, Eric Adams is flipping switches on the back of ED-209, trying to turn on bluetooth so he can make it play Empire State of Mind and the thing is just blasting the crowd to bits
COMING UP on Channel 7 News at 11: They’re calling it “the Husband Tax.” We’ll tell you why Albany lawmakers COULD use it to replace Congestion Pricing, and what that might mean for YOUR french fries.
Isn't this a great photo? Please donate and share to help Sarah and her family. ❤️
Please help Sarah and her family. They had dreams they were following and now they're just trying to survive. They're not living, they're desperately trying to escape death. There is a difference between living and survival. Donate if you can, reskeet and quote skeet. Share wherever you can.
Help Sarah Escape the Horrors of Gaza, organized by Yosuf Imad *Please note that the conversion rate is 1 USD =10 SK 10$ = 100 SK 50$= 50… Yosuf Imad Takunah needs your support for Help Sarah Escape the Horrors of Gaza
I know who needs to hear this, so I’ll tell them myself. Mind your own fuckin business.
I don't know who needs to hear this, so never mind.
the Inside Out characters in my head
the Inside Out characters in my head
tell the haters i said we’re having fun and laughs here on bluesky dot app
People are saying Bluesky doesn't have a sense of humor? Time for me to crank this bad boy up!
Me, a genius: they both suck shit and should fuck off into the sun
NYT: Joe should quit, he stutters Philly Inquirer: Trump is a fucking criminal what the fuck are we doing here
when you start exercising in your late 30s
In memory of Donald Sutherland, star of the only good version of Buffy The Vampire Slayer and Kate Bush’s second best music video
Happy Father’s Day to the dad who was always there for me: Spalding Gray
Me, getting ready to talk to Wallace Shawn last night
If you see this, post whatever you want
New Nancy needs to update this with the cops parking 8 patrol cars on the sidewalk with the engines still running while they all stand around playing Candy Crush
The Best Of Nancy By Ernie Bushmiller September 20,1955
Trying to maintain an active social life at my age sucks shit. I’m only in one fuckin group chat and it’s just a bunch of dorks complaining about our local Community Board meetings.
For a cat this good you’d expect to pay upwards of one million dollars, right? Well, actually, someone chucked her over our back fence for free.
Y’all ready for some next level Passive Voice Headline action?
I swear to god, every 5 or 6 months for the last decade I have bumped into this fucking clown on the street, completely by happenstance. And every time it is like seeing a cartoon dinosaur trying to parallel park, just ridiculous and unreal.
I swear to god, every 5 or 6 months for the last decade I have bumped into this fucking clown on the street, completely by happenstance. And every time it is like seeing a cartoon dinosaur trying to parallel park, just ridiculous and unreal.
You say we are “friends,” and yet you have never invited me on your podcast 🤔
I needed to see this in the theater, but I was 15. So my dad had to accompany me. Before the movie, he said, "Let's not make this any weirder than it is. We're going to be mature about it. I'm going to sit apart from you, and afterward we're not going to talk about it." Which only made it weirder?
What's the most awkward movie you've watched with your parent(s)? #FilmSky🎥
I needed to see this in the theater, but I was 15. So my dad had to accompany me. Before the movie, he said, "Let's not make this any weirder than it is. We're going to be mature about it. I'm going to sit apart from you, and afterward we're not going to talk about it." Which only made it weirder?
What's the most awkward movie you've watched with your parent(s)? #FilmSky🎥
A guy on 7th ave pointed at me as I walked past and said, “Maaan, you look like Peter Parker!” and I think my body dysmorphia is cured now?
a very popular and universally accepted opinion i have is that anyone who has ever had a pet with special needs should be allowed to line up and choke this fucking pig until his motherfucking eyes pop out
y’know what? i have some pretty fuckin great ideas actually. AND i’m super funny. i should get drunk more often haha
People love to make up cute ways that their state’s drivers are somehow uniquely bad. “Ha ha sometimes we don’t use the blinker until right as we turn into the off-ramp, we call that a Virginia Signal.” All drivers do that. Your state didn’t invent bullshit moves. Every state sucks at driving.
Tonight, America’s most merciless pastime rekindles one of the nation’s oldest rivalries: old timey prospectors versus their xenophobic fears of indigenous people
bitch ass horse can die mad about it
books are back and angry (back cover in replies)