Jay Wolman

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Jay Wolman


Threemost expert on antiquartering law
In Berge v Gloucester, we had a resounding win from the first circuit overturning a qualified immunity dismissal where school officials retaliated against the citizen for publishing video of them randazza.com/wp-content/u...
I'm sorry, what? How did any lawyer sign their name to this lawsuit? Missouri has filed against New York under SOCTUS's original jurisdiction to stay Trump's sentencing. ago.mo.gov/wp-content/u...
This is offensive to the constitution
ai generating cartoons of a soldier and his wife and his wife's boyfriend and their baby because i love america
It isn’t a real hamentasch unless it’s poppy seed. Keep Mun in ha’ Mun tasch
One more Jewish Tradition post-- Purim is a holiday that commemorates a time an antisemitic asshole tried to kill us all and we figured it out and HUNG HIM on the gallows he built for us. He (Haman) now has a pastry named after him that we eat during Purim to remember killing that fucker.
Average bathtub is 80 gallons. Average human body would displace 17.5 gallons Average blood volume of an adult is 1.35 gallons That means a typical total bloodbath requires the blood of 46.3 individuals.
That song’s only 2:17, though.
Idea: annual segment at the Oscars where they show pictures of everyone in Hollywood outed as super rapey in the last year while “Thank Heaven for Little Girls” plays
I don’t always win appellate matters, but I’m batting 1000 before historic all-black female panels in the First Department.
Help us, Dr. Manhattan!
The year is 2044. 98-year-old Donald Trump is the Republican nominee for the 8th straight election, each of which ends with enraged supporters murdering more people in the streets. Ah, but the only solution, liberal law professor warn, is to let him do it again. slate.com/news-and-pol...
When you keep getting ECF notifications, it’s really TERMINATE AND STAY RESIDENT
Every time I get one of these notices of docket activity, I'm like, do we really have to say "TERMINATE."
Sanitize your code!
i am so sorry to @pfrazee.com in advance for what i am about to try
What’s a Twitter?
Changing my will to make it very clear that if either of my children try to use a twitter meme at a supreme court oral argument they will inherit nothing
How willfully blind do you have to be to not understand that people martyring themselves in protest of Israel often take others with them? Or is Meghan really that clueless?
watched the aaron bushnell video and, among other things, like thinking this entire nation is deeply cursed and deserves not even an iota of peace, i can’t stop thinking about how they had a fucking hyperactive cop aiming a gun at a self-immolating man
Why do I engage with these Catfishing text messages? Is it the joy I get from sending them pictures of Dick Sargent, dick York, Dick Van Patton, and/or dick Van dyke?
Some people like to put loud, obnoxious songs on repeat in a bar. My new goal will be to hijack a jukebox with 4’33” by John Cage
Behold. The leaning tower of Pizza.
Sleve McDichael unavailable for comment
Oklahoma AG Gentner Drummond has commented on Nex Benedict's death.
Tag yourself. I’m no. 3.
All modern technological progress is divided into three parts: things that make us more efficient at killing, things we can surreptitiously attempt to fuck, and things that initially appear salutary but actually make the world a measurably worse place by degrees.
Caring about people also includes not stealing from them
I think the person trying to con me has quit
Just saw this. Had to share.
Reposted byAvatar Jay Wolman
Send this to your local elected official.
I made another Travis Kelce meme, this time about the perils of age authentication
Reposted byAvatar Jay Wolman
Seconded. Pitchers & catchers, report.
I hereby declare it baseball season ⚾️
Hubris as estoppel
Please don’t go on the television set and say you DO TOO HAVE A GOOD MEMORY after a special counsel declines to charge you on the basis of you having a bad memory. It disquiets me.
Reposted byAvatar Jay Wolman
Remember, if you’re going to make your own Mickey Mouse Club, consider substituting Russian dressing for mayonnaise.
Good morning, Bluesky. Let's talk about Mickey Mouse. And how much of the Mouse is now available for everyone's use. tl:dr - In the real world, you can usee as much as either Disney lets you, or as much as you're willing to spend 6- to 7-figures fighting Disney over. 🧵⚖️