wymancr.bsky.social follows

Phil Plait
Phil Plait
Bad Astronomer, SciCommer, Dork. Crash Course Astronomy guy. He/him. Newsletter: badastronomy.beehiiv.com

I'm self-employed so my opinions do represent my company's.
Mr. Chimpanzy
Mr. Chimpanzy
I like talking about things that start with “p” like politics (pragmatic progressive), psychedelics, psychoanalysis, philosophy, Portland, the Pacific Northwest & “m”—music, mushrooms. Parent of 2 teens. Daimista (IYKYK).
Jon of The North
Jon of The North
Refugee from the "other" platform.
Hippie leftist from Michigan.
Democratic Socialist, BLM, M4A, Eat the Rich.
FreeBSD/Linux/Open Source enthusiast.
Cat Dad.
Arrived here with an OG BlueSky Invite Code
Alex Wallace
Alex Wallace
Writer at Hugo Award-winning blog Nerds of a Feather
Jennifer Winch
Jennifer Winch
IT generalist, historian, medievalist, theater geek, dog parent, Bay Area lifer. Mask up & get your booster.
Editor, Writer, Curriculum Developer; Chicagoan from Texas; mom to high school kid; valet to and feeder of cats; admirer and petter of dogs; very reliable voter who thinks Biden has been a solid president, actually.
Doug Hayden
Doug Hayden
Cleveland sports fan, strategy gamer, TTRP gamer, classic car enthusiast, and MMO enthusiast: GW2 / FFXIV / CoH. Flyover state SocDem. Live long and prosper. He/Him. Slava Ukraini!
Matt Grossmann
Matt Grossmann
Michigan State political scientist & @ippsr Director; @hookedlansing Co-owner; Also: @niskanencenter @fivethirtyeight; New book: How Social Science Got Better
Jean Jaurès was a French socialist leader assassinated by a right winger on the eve of WWI because he opposed war.
Only a broad anti-fascist coalition will defeat Trump and Trumpism.
Leftist & St. Louis Cardinals fan.
Was TomP at Daily Kos and Twitter.
☀️ Starshine
☀️ Starshine
Ian Hackingpilled
queer eepy lil guy🚰🏳️‍⚧️↙️↙️↙️

New tolkien quote of the day everyday five(ish) days of the week
i RS a lot of mutual aid posts some nsfw🔞
Just thinking out loud.
Lawyers, Guns and Money
Lawyers, Guns and Money
The Last of the Old School Blogs
Asking the hard questions and bringing unique perspectives from across the globe. This is CNN.
Nobody knows politics and policy like we do.
Don Moynihan
Don Moynihan
Policy Professor @McCourtSchool @Georgetown. Irish immigrant. Administrative burdens guy. Free newsletter: https://donmoynihan.substack.com
John Brown stan account
John Brown stan account
Liberal democracy, like all systems of government, is propped up by an implicit threat of violence
Less estranged from Elon than most of his kids.
David Roberts
David Roberts
I run a newsletter/podcast called Volts about clean energy & politics. Subscribe & join the community at http://volts.wtf!
Coverage of January 6 and other legal investigations. An American-Irish in Ireland.

Legendary potty mouth!
Charles Johnson
Charles Johnson
Guitarist w/ George Duke, Stanley Clarke, Al Jarreau & more. Founder, programmer, and janitor of Little Green Footballs. Relentless nerd. Occasionally sweary. Occasionally optimistic.

Centrism Fan Acct 🔹
Centrism Fan Acct 🔹
I'm just here so I won't get fined.
Scott Evans
Scott Evans
Just an old guy with some opinions, trying to avoid clicking on the attachments and grappling with things seen that can no longer be unseen in a short attention-span world.
Amanda Hoey
Amanda Hoey
UConn Law student, former Democratic campaign pollster, crazy dog mom, hockey/college basketball/F1 fan. She/her/hers. 🏳️‍🌈 https://amandahoey.substack.com/
The Mall Krampus
The Mall Krampus
Excel Jockey and Aspiring Quirky Suburban Dad. GrillCath Supremacist. Mostly here for well-read snark. RT = Regrettable Tumescence, Likes = Stochastic RTs.
The New Republic
The New Republic
Founded in 1914, The New Republic is a magazine of interpretation and opinion for a rapidly changing world.
Kenneth Deuel
Kenneth Deuel
Sy Nakamura
Sy Nakamura
Knows things about climate policy and distributed energy resources

Has punched a Nazi, circa 1991

"Sy Nakamura" is a character who came to me in a dream

Defied that I need to tell you!

Husband to @myownpetard
Joel 🍦
Joel 🍦
Materials scientist:some range and depth, interested in making arcane topics a little more accessible.
Prior place photo was from the aughts; figured I should update.
Michael Paulauski
Michael Paulauski
I lose brain cells so you don't have to. Devops Galore. DemSoc liking anarchism. Antifascist. BLM/Abolish the Police. Views are mine, not employer’s. He/him
Radley Balko
Radley Balko
Journalist. Author of Rise of the Warrior Cop. Co-author of The Cadaver King and the Country Dentist.

Substack: radleybalko.substack.com
Dave Weigel
Dave Weigel
National politics reporter at semafor.com. Alum: WashPost, Bloomberg, Slate, Reason. Author of “The Show That Never Ends.”
Scott Gottlieb, MD
Scott Gottlieb, MD
Senior Fellow at the American Enterprise Institute. Partner, New Enterprise Associates. Contributor CNBC. 23rd Commissioner of the U.S. FDA. Boards: Pfizer, Illumina, Aetion, Tempus Labs, National Resilience, Mount Sinai.
Emil Steiner 🗳🟦 🇵🇸🇺🇦
Emil Steiner 🗳🟦 🇵🇸🇺🇦
🇰🇷, 24 (Born 1999.09.16), left of center but all over the place, almost only reposts/likes, pseudonym, same name on 2 other sites
Moira 🤖📚🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️♿️📖👽
Moira 🤖📚🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️♿️📖👽
lefty bookworm; makes quilts
Louise Cyphre
Louise Cyphre
Feminist, Middle Millennial, Therapist-to-Be.
Katie Mack
Katie Mack
Cosmologist, pilot, author, connoisseur of cosmic catastrophes. @TEDFellow, CIFAR Azrieli Global Scholar. She/her. Dr.
Internet Archive
Internet Archive
Internet Archive is a non-profit digital library offering millions of free books, movies, & audio files, plus billions of saved web pages in the Wayback Machine.
James Fallows
James Fallows
Reporter and writer: https://fallows.substack.com/ and https://www.ourtownsfoundation.org/ One-time speechwriter, long-time pilot, longer-time husband of linguist/writer Deborah Fallows. Note same wristwatch in the two photos, more than 50 years apart.
Kevin M. Kruse
Kevin M. Kruse
Historian: White Flight; New Suburban History; Fog of War; One Nation Under God; Fault Lines; Voter Suppression; Myth America. CAMPAIGN TRAILS: KevinMKruse.Substack.com
Neil Gaiman
Neil Gaiman
Makes things up. Writes them down. Dreams about growing up but not yet.
Dr. Jeff Masters
Dr. Jeff Masters
Extreme weather and climate change expert writing for Yale Climate Connections. Co-founder, Weather Underground; former hurricane hunter.
Joi Ito's Jibo sez bluesky migration is for the birds
Joi Ito's Jibo sez bluesky migration is for the birds
Replyguy to the rich and famous. Engineer. Robots and urbanism on MA's north shore.

A diminishing number of our problems can be solved with technology.
Joshua J. Friedman
Joshua J. Friedman
Freelance writer and editor. Formerly of The Atlantic, Boston Review. Copy chief at Columbia Magazine.
N. K. Jemisin
N. K. Jemisin
Writer. She/her.
George Takei
George Takei
I’ve boldly gone into the clear blue yonder. Follow for more recipes and tips.
Matthew Gertz
Matthew Gertz
Senior Fellow at @mmfa. Views expressed here my own. Husband of @alyssarosenberg. Dad. Not the GOP congressman. Find me here: http://bio.site/mattgertz
Tom Nichols
Tom Nichols
Staff writer at The Atlantic. Curmudgeon. Cat guy. Democracy enthusiast, defender of experts. Actor for a day on Succession, Jeopardy champ.